Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 14 Black Soil Benefits

Time flies, and it is already half a month later.

Mo Xun absorbed the last bit of the medicine in his body and slowly opened his eyes.

In the past ten days, he guarded the warehouse during the day, doing the daily cashier cleaning work, and refined pills at night, and his cultivation was also rapidly improving.

He felt that perhaps as long as he absorbed the remaining two heart-protecting pills, he could try to impact the third level of Qi Refining.

Outside the house, the night sky was bright and the moonlight was bright. It seemed that tomorrow would be another good day.

Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. He did not continue to practice, but took out the green gourd. He didn't know what the effect of the experiment he did last time was.

He was seen holding the gourd with one hand, injecting the spiritual power in his body into it, a blue cloud flashed, and he entered the gourd again.

After the short feeling of dizziness disappeared, when he looked at the black and white soil in the distance, he was stunned for a moment.

He walked over quickly and circled back and forth around the two pieces of soil for several times. While he was amazed, he was also delighted.

Under this joy, some doubts also emerged in his mind.

The reason is that this soil can really be used to grow flowers and plants. Now, many green sprouts have emerged in the black soil, some of which are even two or three inches high, and they look full of vitality in this green world.

But what puzzled him was that the white soil next to it was still snow-white and bare, without any trace of green on it. The two pieces of soil looked quite strange in comparison.

He clearly remembered that he planted the same amount of seeds in both pieces of soil at that time, so why did only the black soil sprout?

Could it be that this white soil is not used for planting?

With doubts, he stepped into the white soil to look for the seeds he had buried at the beginning, but after digging for a long time, he didn't find a single one.

Could it be that they were decomposed by the soil?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the possibility, and he couldn't help but become more curious about the role of this white soil.

When his sight turned to the black soil again, he saw the lush green flowers and plants, and he exclaimed in his heart that it was magical. You know, in this green space, there is no sunlight, but plants can grow. Only immortals can do this!

After sighing, he kept circling around the black soil, thinking in his heart that with this green gourd, he was equivalent to having an extra movable field.

Mo Xun smiled and jumped into the black soil, carefully observing these seedlings, some of which were herbs, some were grains, and some were flowers.

With the spring water on the stone platform irrigating it, this was a piece of farmland that did not need to be taken care of.

Just as he was secretly happy about the magic of this gourd, he suddenly felt that something was not right.

At that time, in order to test the effect of the black and white soil, he only collected about 20 seeds in a hurry, and planted about ten seeds in each piece of soil, but now there is a green patch under his feet, and it is estimated that nearly a hundred tender sprouts and seedlings can grow.

Mo Xun scratched his head, puzzled.

Could it be that this black soil also has the function of assisting reproduction?

If so, doesn't it mean that he only needs one seed to have a large harvest!

When he thought of this, he was excited again. It was really this black soil that gave him too many surprises.

But after thinking for a while, he felt that it was a bit unreasonable. According to common sense, reproduction is a process of one giving birth to two, two giving birth to four. How could so many plants be born in ten days?

Mo Xun stroked his chin and kept thinking around the black soil. After guessing several possibilities, he came up with the most reasonable explanation.

That is, this black soil may have some kind of replication ability. Once a seed is buried, it can replicate several or even dozens of seeds, which leads to the current result.

But this explanation also has a lot of loopholes. Even if it is replicated, theoretically it can only be replicated in one place, and it will not be distributed so evenly.

At this time, in the soil of ten feet, hundreds of plants are planted scattered, as if someone specially opened up and cultivated them, which makes people have to be puzzled.

Mo Xun dug up a violet plant at random. There was only a rhizome underneath, and a half-inch sprout emerged from the soil. It looked nothing special.

However, when he saw a green grass that was nearly half a foot tall next to it, he was suddenly shocked. If he was not mistaken, the scientific name of this green grass should be "black clothes grass", and as far as he knew, such a tall black clothes grass was already a mature herb.

But the maturity period of black clothes grass is at least one year, but he has only planted it for ten days!

Thinking of this, he suddenly had an absurd guess in his mind.

He quickly pulled up the black clothes grass, left the green gourd, and after returning to the room, he impatiently turned out a thick medicine book in the box.

This book is called "Records of Herbal Medicines", which is the most common medical book. As long as people who study medicine, it is considered an enlightenment medicine book.

It records hundreds of herbal medicines, the habits and growth conditions of various medicinal materials, and is also equipped with simple sketches to assist in identification.

In half an incense stick of time, he found the record of the black-clothed grass.

At that time, he just hurriedly found some herb seeds from the Herb Hall for the purpose of experimentation. As for what kind of herb it was, he didn't even look closely.

After a cup of tea, Mo Xun finally raised his head, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and muttered to himself: "It is true!"

This green grass is indeed black-clothed grass, and its medicinal age at this time must be more than a year.

While Mo Xun was shocked, he also understood why there were so many plants in the black soil.

This black soil did not have the miraculous effect of replicating seeds as he had initially guessed.

It has the ability to grow rapidly!

The reason why so many plants appeared out of thin air is that in ten days, some flowers and plants have gone through one or even two growth cycles, thus producing new seeds.

When he entered the gourd just now, he happened to encounter the time when most plants sprouted, which gave him the illusion of normal growth.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun's heart was pounding and almost jumped out of his chest. He hurried to enter the gourd again to verify what he thought.

But he suddenly remembered something, and took out a brand new candle from the box and lit it, extinguishing the remaining half of the candle on the table.

Then a green light flashed, and he entered the gourd again, clearing most of the flowers and plants in the black soil in a few seconds, leaving only a green herb sprout.

And in order to explore the effect of white soil again, he transplanted a same herb into the white soil.

Next, he sat in meditation next to the two-color soil, staring at the two seedlings intently.

At present, he has two guesses in his mind, and he needs to verify them one by one.

Since this black soil has the effect of making plants grow quickly, then one possibility is that the time flow rate in this space is different from that in the outside world.

If so, this gourd can be said to be extremely against the sky, and it is of great help to his cultivation.

Imagine that if the time flow rate is ten times that of the outside world, then one year of cultivation here is equivalent to ten years of cultivation for others?

When he thought of this, even his breathing became rapid.

Of course, there may be another reason, that is, this black soil only has the effect of ripening plants, which has nothing to do with the time flow rate.

Although in this case, the effect seems to be a little smaller, it is still very exciting to get such a magical artifact.

Time passed by bit by bit. With full concentration, Mo Xun quietly looked at the two young buds in front of him, and counted in his mind. After estimating half an incense stick of time, he jumped up and came to the exit of the gourd. He pressed the dark area and injected spiritual power into it. After the green light flashed, he left the gourd.

After returning to the room, he immediately looked at the white candle on the table, which had burned to one-third.

Mo Xun thought in his heart that this kind of candle, burning without wind, could probably illuminate for about half an hour.

He meditated in the gourd for a quarter of an hour, plus the time of cleaning the black soil before, which was about one-third of the candle's time.

In this way, the speed of time in this gourd seems to be the same as that in the outside world.

Then there can only be the second possibility!

Mo Xun was a little disappointed in his heart. After all, in this way, the effect of the gourd seemed a little single.

But in a moment of thought, he laughed at himself.

At the same time, he sighed, it is true that people are greedy!

In the blink of an eye, Mo Xun entered the gourd again and stared at the two seedlings in the black and white soil.

Half an hour later, his eyebrows suddenly moved. He saw that in the black soil, because the herbs grew and the roots became thicker, they slowly pushed the small piece of soil next to it and moved a small distance to the side.

This movement was very weak, but he saw it clearly.

In fact, this kind of experiment is best done with seeds. After all, observing the green sprouts breaking through the soil is much more intuitive than staring at the growth of herbs.

You know, when the human eye keeps staring at the changes of a certain thing, due to visual fatigue, it often produces illusions, especially this slow change.

Just like parents accompany their children to grow up, the children grow taller every day, but because it is too slow, they can't notice it.

But if you haven't seen it for several years, you will clearly feel the difference from your impression.

But because he was anxious just now and it was late at night, he naturally couldn't find new seeds, so he could only do this.

He turned his head hurriedly and stared at the seedlings in the white soil. There seemed to be no trace of change.

After three hours, he could clearly feel that the growth of the herbs in the black soil seemed to have increased by one point on the original basis.

After observing this, he was completely sure that the black soil did have the effect of ripening plants. As for the difference with the growth outside, he was not sure yet, it might be ten times, or it might be dozens of times.

Although he had studied a lot of herbs in the past few years, most of his energy was still focused on the medicinal properties of herbs, and he had not paid much attention to their growth habits.

The magical effect of the black soil made him happy, but the white soil next to him made him a little disappointed.

Because two hours ago, the seedlings in the white soil had completely withered, and he dug out the rhizomes to check, and found that the roots were like being corroded and began to decompose and disappear.

Until now, the whole seedling has completely dissolved in the soil, and the white soil has returned to its original bare appearance, without any trace of herbs.

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