Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 15: Qi Refining Level 3

Mo Xun returned to the room. It was already bright. After a night of tossing and turning, he was not sleepy at all.

After figuring out the role of black soil, the next thing he had to do was to find out how different this ripening effect was from the outside world.

As for white soil, he could only continue to study it in other ways.

He had a feeling that the magic of white soil might be even better than that of black soil.

However, he was new to cultivating immortals and had too few methods. The result was that he had a treasure mountain but did not know how to use it.

In the following days, life began to return to normal. Mo Xun took the Heart-Protecting Pill to practice while studying black soil and constantly testing the growth effects of different plants.

He found that the ripening effect of black soil was different for different plants. Some had a growth rate dozens of times faster than the outside world, and some were crazy to the point of nearly a hundred times. This meant that crops that often took half a year to grow could mature in just one or two days, which was really shocking.

While he was surprised, he also began to think about how this thing could help him now. He couldn't be a farmer with such a heaven-defying treasure just to ripen some fruits and vegetables.

The first thing he thought of was the Heart-Protecting Pill that he urgently needed. He thought that this pill recipe was just a chicken rib, but he didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

As long as he could gather all the medicinal materials in the pill recipe, he could ripen them in a short period of time through black soil. It would only take time to get as many Heart-Protecting Pills as he wanted!

However, in a moment of thought, he realized another problem that was easy to overlook.

That is the number of times the black soil was used!

Although he had practiced for a short time, he also clearly understood that any immortal art or treasure required a certain amount of energy to maintain, just like when he performed the Wind Control Technique, it consumed the mana in his body. The source of this mana was the spiritual energy he absorbed on a daily basis.

The black soil could ripen plants, mostly because of the mysterious energy inside it, but theoretically speaking, this mysterious energy must be limited and will eventually be exhausted.

As soon as he thought of this, he was a little entangled. Should he use it to refine the Heart-Protecting Pill now, or keep it for other great uses in the future?

This matter troubled him for a whole day. In the end, he couldn't help laughing at his stupidity.

Although he knew that this black soil must have a greater use, for him, if he couldn't even improve his current realm, how could he talk about the future?

This is like a treasure map in the hands of a beggar. If this thing is in the hands of a big man, it can create amazing wealth, but for a beggar, he can only use it to exchange for some steamed buns to fill his stomach.

In the final analysis, it's still greed!

How much ability should match how much desire, Mo Xun was alert in his heart, and it was also because he had easily obtained several rare treasures recently, which made him a little greedy.

After thinking about it, he turned out the bamboo slips and began to study the pill recipe carefully.

There are more than 20 kinds of medicinal materials recorded in it. Most of them are easy to collect with some effort. The only requirement is the age of the medicine. However, these are not a problem for him who has black soil.

It's just that there are three main medicines in it, but he has never heard of them.

He spent another half a month, and he bought almost all the medical books and classics in Xunyang City, but he got nothing. Whenever he had a chance, he would find ways to find the old gentlemen in Baicaotang to chat and ask them about these medicinal materials.

But there is still no clue!

However, during this period, Mo Xun did find out some other news. It seems that the preparation of the Su family's Baoxin Pill is about to have a result.

In fact, as early as one or two years ago, the Su family had been secretly collecting related medicinal materials. Although this matter was done carefully, some rumors still leaked because several doctors were recruited during the preparation of the medicine.

Hearing this, Mo Xun was a little puzzled. Since the Su family can make this medicine, it means that they must have the pill formula in their hands.

But in Mo Xun's opinion, as long as the medicinal materials are complete, even he can easily prepare the Heart-Protecting Pill, so why bother to find a doctor to participate in it, and even drag it out for so long.

However, these are not what he cares about. What he wants to get is the main ingredients in the Heart-Protecting Pill.

After having this idea, he began to inquire about the information of the Su family's medicinal fields.

The Su family started out as a medicine family, and most of the shops under their name are also medicinal material shops. Xunyang County is their place of origin, and most of the medicinal fields are naturally concentrated here.

Almost without any effort, Mo Xun found out the location of the two medicinal fields, but how to get a few medicinal materials still needs to be considered.

Let's talk about his cultivation again. With the experience of taking the Heart-Protecting Pill before, as soon as the pill entered his mouth, he hurriedly controlled his spiritual power to wrap it tightly, so as to release the medicinal properties bit by bit.

He didn't know whether this method was correct, but from the current situation, it was quite effective.

He still guarded the warehouse during the day and practiced at night, without slacking off every day!

While refining the Heart-Protecting Pill, he also learned the immortal arts that he could perform now.

According to his plan, he would first spend some time to practice the Qi-Observing Art in the Water-Breaking Art.

But he didn't know whether this spell was too simple or he was extremely talented in it. He mastered it easily in just half a day.

The so-called Qi-Observing Art mainly judges the cultivation level of others through the breath emitted from them.

This kind of breath is very complicated. With Mo Xun's knowledge, he couldn't figure out what it was. He could only recognize that spiritual energy was also a component of this breath.

And the breath is something that the naked eye cannot see.

Immortal cultivators usually absorb spiritual energy. Although they are extremely sensitive to spiritual energy, they can only judge whether the other person is a cultivator by the spiritual energy overflowing from others, but it is difficult to distinguish the specific cultivation level.

Moreover, as the personal cultivation level improves, the breath can be restrained very well. In addition, if some people practice the art of restraining breath, it is even more difficult to judge.

The Qi-observing Art circulates through the meridians in the body, and the spiritual energy is opened up to the acupoints of the eyes in a clever way, so that the caster has a short "spiritual pupil" magical power, so as to capture the breath of the other person and judge the cultivation level.

Of course, this "spiritual pupil" has no attack effect at all, and its only use is to distinguish the breath.

Because the practice of the Qi-observing Art went smoothly, Mo Xun was really unexpected, so he could only practice another spell, the Qi-restraining art, together.

When he first saw the introduction of the Qi-Gathering Technique, he was quite disdainful and thought that the person who created this spell was a bit of a pig pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger. However, as he practiced it slowly, he was greatly surprised.

What surprised him was not the effect of this spell, but its operation process.

The Qi-Observing Art and the Qi-Gathering Technique are two completely opposite spells, one is used to detect the breath, and the other is used to help hide the breath.

Once the Qi-Gathering Technique is successfully practiced, on the one hand, it can help to gather the breath in the body and disperse it, while simulating the breath and hiding the cultivation. However, this kind of concealment can naturally be easily seen through in the eyes of high-level immortal cultivators.

What surprised Mo Xun was that after practicing this spell, he did not need to cast a spell specifically, but could operate automatically in the body, which was really a one-time solution.

It was a bit like putting on a transparent coat for him, as long as he did not take it off, he could always cover his breath.

Such a way of operation obviously subverted his cognition, and also opened up a lot of ideas for him when learning other spells.

The study of the Qi-Gathering Technique lasted for about ten days before he slowly mastered it.

During this period, he also did not give up the research on white soil.

Although white soil can decompose plants, he still firmly believes that this white soil must be used for planting, but he is not sure how to do it.

Therefore, he exchanged a lot of seeds and seedlings everywhere, intending to continue the experiment, and this time the varieties reached hundreds.

After another round of failure, he thought of other ways.

For example, pour a lot of spring water into the black soil, stir it into mud for planting, or take out a part of the black soil and mix it with the white soil, and even bring in some external soil, but finally found that these things will slowly dissolve in the white soil after a period of time, turning into a snow-white piece.

At this point in the experiment, he was not discouraged, but became more curious about the role of white soil.


Time passed, and another two months passed.

The moon was hanging on the branches, and in the dark room, a muffled sound suddenly came out, and Mo Xun spit out a mouthful of blood. In the dark night, a faint light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, his breath was quite disordered, but his face showed an excitement that was difficult to conceal. Just now, he finally broke through the barrier and reached the third level of Qi Refining.

Thinking of the breakthrough process just now, he was excited but also frightened.

Just a few days ago, he faintly touched the barrier between the second and third levels. The feeling was very mysterious, but it was hard to describe. It seemed that there was an invisible wall blocking him. He had a hunch in his heart that as long as he broke through the wall, he could reach a new realm.

He did not hesitate immediately. With the help of the remaining medicinal power of the Heart-Protecting Pill in his body, he released it in an instant. Suddenly, a powerful spiritual power hit his Dantian, and the invisible wall did not break through under the tremor.

This was like a flood. The gates should have been opened to release the flood, but they were not opened. All the impact force hit his Dantian and meridians. In an instant, he almost fainted from the pain.

If he hadn't bitten his tongue at the last moment to keep a clear mind, and at the same time hurriedly practiced the Fiery Art to guide the spiritual power in his body to disperse, he would have been possessed and died in a coma.

However, I don't know whether it was good or bad, or he handled the emergency properly, but before he knew it, the invisible wall collapsed and he broke through unexpectedly.

After the excitement, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He remembered that the last time he broke through, it was not so fierce at all. From the first level of Qi Refining to the second level, it was a completely natural feeling.

But what happened this time...

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