There are two guesses in his mind about this situation.

One possibility is that he is too eager for success.

It took him more than a year to break through the first level of Qi Refining. When he reached the second level of Qi Refining, it only took him three months with the help of Baoxin Dan. This is obviously a way of forcing things to grow.

In his initial plan, he estimated that it would take two years for the second level of Qi Refining. In this way, the speed became eight or nine times the normal time, which would inevitably cause the foundation to be unstable. The originally smooth transition between realms became a forced improvement through external forces.

Another explanation is that with the improvement of realms, the difficulty of subsequent breakthroughs will also increase. The obstacles encountered in this breakthrough are normal.

But obviously, he is more inclined to the former in his heart. After all, the obstacles encountered in the two breakthroughs are really different. He does not believe that the gap will be so big with only one level of realm.

But for this situation, he currently has no way to deal with it.

If he practices normally, he may not be able to break through the Qi Refining Stage even if he spends his whole life. However, using elixirs to improve his skills will cause his foundation to be unstable, and he may even have to take the risk of going crazy when he breaks through.

In his opinion, this is simply an unsolvable situation.

Thinking of the dangerous moment just now, cold sweat broke out on his forehead again. He didn't know how other cultivators overcame this dilemma, but for him, it seemed that he could only grit his teeth and persevere.

Of course, with this experience, he would not be caught off guard the next time he breaks through.

After consolidating his realm for half a day, he couldn't wait to start practicing the most powerful spell in the Fiery Art, the Fire Control Spell.

He looked forward to the day when he could master the Flame Slash...

In the next few days, Mo Xun still spent his time in hard practice, but his focus became practicing this fire spell.

After several days of practice and hundreds of failures, he was finally able to condense a small flame in the palm of his hand. In addition to his joy, he sighed at the unpredictability of gods and ghosts.

This spell is different from the Wind Controlling Spell. It actually requires spells and Taoist hand gestures when casting, which makes Mo Xun very confused.

If it is about the coordination of hand gestures, it can be barely explained. After all, there are meridians in the hands. Different hand gestures will guide the correct direction of the meridians. The Fire Controlling Spell is mainly a spell performed by both hands.

But he was quite puzzled when he had to recite some obscure spells when casting.

"䁷乣知匌㿯䵘㿳…" It is quite difficult to read.

Could it be that these spells can also promote the circulation of meridians, or cooperate with the operation of spiritual power in the body?

At first, he thought that the so-called spells were just a means of pretending to be mysterious!

But when he abandoned the spells and only used hand gestures to cast the spell, he did not succeed once, which made him have a strong interest in these spells.

Not to mention, after a period of research, he really came up with a far-fetched explanation.

Perhaps the key to the so-called spell is the shape of the mouth. When chanting the spell, the change of the shape of the mouth will guide the appropriate breathing, which also explains why the spell is so difficult to pronounce.

With this in mind, he performed the fire control technique again, but this time he only moved his mouth without making any sound. After trying it once, he found that it really worked, which made him jump up excitedly again.

It's a pity that I don't know whether it's because his cultivation is too shallow, his magic power is insufficient, or because he is a beginner and too unfamiliar, the flame he produces is always limited to the size of a flame in the palm of his hand.

To be honest, this spell is indeed difficult to practice. When casting the spell, you can't be distracted at all. As the Fiery Fire Art in your body runs, you have to chant the spell at the right time, and cooperate with the hand gestures. A little early or late will cause the spell to fail.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but admire the predecessor who created the Fiery Fire Art from the bottom of his heart.

He is now just learning by rote, and it is still so difficult. Think about how talented others are to create a whole set of exercises from scratch.

In fact, what Mo Xun doesn't know is that the development of anything is not achieved overnight, and the cultivation of immortals is the same. I don't know how many generations of immortals have gone through improvements to become so mature.

This is like a primitive man suddenly breaking into modern society and seeing a horse-drawn carriage passing by. In his eyes, it is full of mystery and wonder.

But he doesn't know that the improvement of the carriage is not a one-day job.

This requires someone to invent the wheel first and find that rolling is more labor-saving than sliding. The second person made a wheelbarrow and found that it can transport things. The third person turned the wheel into four wheels to make it more balanced. The fourth person was too lazy and didn't want to push it, so he found a cow to pull it. The fifth person felt that the cow was too slow, so he changed it to a horse. By the sixth person, he felt that it was too cold in winter and too hot in summer, so the car had an outer cover. In this step-by-step manner, there was a product like a carriage.

The same is true for the creation of immortal cultivation techniques. If something that seems to be extremely magical is spread across countless generations, it can be explained.

While practicing the fire control technique, Mo Xun realized that another problem had arisen.

That is the allocation of time and energy!

I don’t know if it was limited by his qualifications, but he really didn’t expect that practicing magic was so difficult. He thought that as his realm improved, he would naturally master the accompanying magic, but he didn’t expect that he would need to practice separately.

Moreover, practicing magic also requires a lot of energy.

So far, he has only learned three or four magics, and they are mainly wind control and fire control. If he learns more complex ones in the future, won’t it affect his normal practice?

But he couldn't just focus on improving his realm without practicing magic. What would be the use of having only a body of cultivation?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel lucky that he had black soil, which could provide him with elixirs continuously. Although there were certain risks in practicing with elixirs, it was the only way to solve this contradiction.

With a sigh in his heart, Mo Xun closed his eyes again. His current practice could be described as forgetting to eat and sleep.

It was another dark and windy night. Under the moonlight, a figure rose and fell, and then jumped into the wall in the distance.

This was a medicinal field of the Su family in the suburbs. The area was three or four acres in size, surrounded by a half-foot high blue wall. Just by this hand, we can see the foundation of the Su family.

In the wall, the medicinal field was divided into several areas of different sizes. About every ten feet, a small room was built. I don't know if it was for the guards or the management personnel to live in.

The figure who sneaked in tonight was naturally Mo Xun.

However, his luck seemed to be bad. As soon as he landed, he noticed a dark vicious dog squatting next to a small room in the distance, staring at him with a fierce look.

Mo Xun said "bad" in his heart. Just before the black dog was about to roar, he quickly performed the wind control technique under his feet. In the blink of an eye, he came to the black dog and slapped it with his palm. The black dog groaned and fell down.

His palm contained some spiritual power in it. Not to mention a dog, even a strong man might not be able to withstand it.

With this experience, he had to be more vigilant. Before coming here, he did inquire about it. Most of the guards here are ordinary people. After all, few people would think of taking herbs.

But he didn't expect that there were hawks and dogs here to guard the house.

This is a bit troublesome!

It's not that he is afraid of dogs, but although he is agile now, he can't be elusive. As long as a dog barks, he must leave.

In fact, according to his idea, such a large medicinal garden could not be searched in one night. He had originally thought of making several more trips, but now it seemed that he had to take a heavy hand.

After thinking about it, he moved and disappeared into the night.

After an incense stick, Mo Xun dealt with the last vicious dog. He did not delay for a moment and carefully searched one by one along the corner of the medicinal field.

What he was looking for were the main ingredients in the Baoxin Pill.

For tonight's action, he began to prepare when he discovered the effect of black soil.

In a few months, he read almost all the medicine books. Although he did not find the main ingredients, he was familiar with the growth habits of most medicinal materials. Now, if he was given a common herb, he could easily tell its name and age.

In three months, he had harvested a batch of auxiliary ingredients in the Baoxin Pill from the black soil. Now he only needed Wulinghua, Qiluocao and Ganxun.

Because time was tight, he could only search quickly. He collected many of the herbs that he could not identify at the moment. The storage bag in his hand finally played a role.

He ran through the two medicinal fields of the Su family overnight. When he returned to Baicaotang, it was still some time before dawn.

The harvest this night was also really considerable. As long as he could not identify them, he put them all in his pocket. After counting, he found that there were more than 200 herbs.

Almost without rest, he entered the gourd space again and transplanted all the herbs into it.

This busyness took another two days. When he threw away the last herb, he sighed in his heart.

It seems that he thought the problem was simple.

How could the Su family easily put the holy medicine that is extremely important to martial artists in the medicinal field?

Either the Su family has other secret places for herbal cultivation, or the three main herbs are hidden in the Su family.

This is obviously a bit difficult!

After collecting these ordinary herbs together, Mo Xun put away the green gourd, and at the same time, some murmurs arose in his heart.

Although he was not exposed in the action the night before, so many dogs died, and hundreds of herbs were lost, it is impossible that the Su family did not notice.

But what puzzled him was that he did not hear any relevant information in Baicaotang in the past two days.

After thinking for a while, he could only come to a conclusion: "At this juncture, the Su family chose to remain silent..."

Of course, the attitude of the Su family was irrelevant to Mo Xun. What he was most concerned about at the moment was where the Su family would hide those herbs.

For a moment, he even wanted to break into the Su Mansion at night.

But he soon calmed down. The Su Mansion was not a medicinal field. Although he had practiced martial arts for several years and practiced the Fiery Fire Art, he had never fought with anyone. Facing those guards of the Su Mansion, he would definitely alarm others.

Thinking of this, it was really a headache!

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