Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 17 Something happened to the Su family

A few days passed quickly, and Mo Xun, who had no idea what to do, returned to practice again. However, without the help of the Heart-Protecting Pill, his practice speed was as slow as a snail.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality!

With this thought, he always found it difficult to calm down, and his efficiency was greatly reduced. Even his spell practice came to a standstill.

That night, when he was sitting cross-legged to refine his Qi, a sudden noise came from outside the house, and then it became more and more noisy, and people kept coming out of the room.

Mo Xun rarely sleeps now, and refining Qi and meditating have become his way of resting.

He hurriedly opened the door and left the small courtyard. At this time, thirty or forty people had gathered in the courtyard of Baicaotang, whispering and mumbling.

Most of them were servants hired by the Su family like Mo Xun, and there were only two or three responsible managers.

Mo Xun stood at the outermost edge, and people came over from behind him with bare arms, all of them looked sleepy and listless.

After a moment, Shopkeeper Le came out, followed by a strange servant. Mo Xun thought about it, but didn't have any impression of him.

Shopkeeper Le looked solemn, pressed his hands down, signaling everyone to be quiet, and said straight to the point without any nonsense: "I woke you up in the middle of the night because there is something important to tell you."

Everyone looked at each other, and they were naturally dissatisfied with being woken up in the middle of the night. They grumbled and complained. It was obvious that this was the first time they had encountered such a situation since they came to Baicaotang.

Shopkeeper Le continued, "We just got the news that a group of bad guys broke into the boss's house and are burning, killing and looting. We are all employed by the Su family. As the saying goes, if the skin is gone, the hair will not be attached. Now it's time for us to do our part. You guys quickly put on your clothes, take your sticks, and follow me to the Su family."

As soon as these words came out, it was like a spark falling into dry wood, and the pot exploded instantly.

Mo Xun was also shocked. At this time, someone broke into the Su family, and he immediately thought of the Baoxin Pill.

After Shopkeeper Le finished speaking, he paced back and forth, with a bit of anxiety on his face.

However, few people present were planning to leave. It was obvious that although everyone was paid by the Su family, they were not yet at the point of working for the Su family.

There are no fools here. The Su family is rich in Xunyang County. There must be many guards in the mansion. Those who dare to break into the Su mansion under such circumstances are either desperate criminals or have deep hatred. Who would like to be the first to do so?

As the adopted son of the late old master Su, Manager Le is in charge of such a large part of the Su family's industry. It is understandable that he is anxious. Why are these small shrimps joining in the fun?

Among these people, only one person has a different mind, that is Mo Xun.

At the moment when Manager Le announced the news, four words immediately popped up in Mo Xun's mind: "Fishing in troubled waters!"

Seeing that everyone was indifferent, Manager Le's face immediately turned cold and said angrily: "What are you waiting for? The Su family has raised you for so long, are you all useless?"

Facing Manager Le's sharp eyes, everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at him. You look at me, I look at you, whispering, but no one moved.

"Hmph... If the Su family goes bankrupt, you will have to go back to the hard life you had before. Don't you understand this?"

Shopkeeper Le glared at the stewards next to him, and his meaning was obvious, asking them to persuade the people under his command.

However, at this time, the stewards probably had their own thoughts. Most of them had worked in the Su family for more than ten years, and now they all had families. It was okay to ask them to treat patients on weekdays, but it would be a bit difficult to ask them to fight with others.

Seeing that the stewards were still silent, Shopkeeper Le was even more angry for a while. If it weren't for his status, he would probably want to slap them.

As superiors, they always fail to recognize their position in the minds of their subordinates. They unreasonably ask their subordinates to fight for them, and finally say "it's reasonable".

In the final analysis, it is the result of different thoughts of the two parties.

In Shopkeeper Le's view, he pays his subordinates wages and gives them food, so these people should be grateful and work hard for him.

But in the eyes of the servants, they were paid for their work, and the relationship with the Su family was nothing more than an employment relationship, but there was no one who owed anyone anything.

Shopkeeper Le saw that none of the people who usually obeyed him stood up to speak at this moment, and he sighed in his heart. He wanted to say something righteous or threatening, but he was afraid that it would delay time and something unexpected would happen to the Su family, so he had no choice but to say: "Anyone who follows me to help the boss tonight can receive three months' wages after this!"

This statement naturally surpassed his thousands of words just now, and instantly ignited everyone's enthusiasm, and most of their sleepiness disappeared. They went back to their rooms to dress, find tools, and looked like they would live and die with the Su family.

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, thinking that Shopkeeper Le had lived in vain at such an old age, but he didn't know that there must be brave men under a heavy reward. Everyone can still live without the Su family, it's just a little bit harder, but it's better than giving up their lives in vain.

However, none of this had anything to do with him. Whether he could take advantage of the chaos in the Su family to get what he wanted was what he was most concerned about.

Led by Manager Le, forty or fifty people, armed with a variety of weapons, including wooden sticks, hoes, bricks, and even medicine hammers, headed towards the Su Mansion with great momentum.

Fortunately, the distance was not far, and it would take only a cup of tea to get there.

Mo Xun naturally fell behind. Halfway through the journey, he suddenly thought that he was going to sneak into the Su family to look for medicinal materials. Should he wear a mask?

However, after changing his mind, he felt that it was completely unnecessary. The situation was unclear. If both parties thought that he did not belong to either party, he might become a public enemy. That would be a big joke.

Moreover, he had a legitimate reason to enter the Su family this time. Even if he was bumped into, he could still fool them.

While he was thinking, he had already arrived at the gate of the Su Mansion.

The Su family was not like a wealthy family with a high-class family. The two old and mottled doors and the two stone lions next to them exuded a sense of simplicity.

It was said that the scale of the Su residence was not large in the past. After hundreds of years of development, the neighbors were all bought out. Now most of the street has been transformed into a mansion. The original gate has been preserved, but there is another world inside.

At this moment, the door was wide open, the door panels were stained with blood, and the air was filled with the smell of blood. Not far into the room, you can see four or five bodies lying on the ground, both men and women, all wearing the uniform of the Su family's servants.

These people were either killed by slit throats, or had their hands and feet cut off by swords, or were directly stabbed in the chest, with blood and flesh all over their bodies.

The people in the entourage, who had a weaker psychological endurance, were so scared that their legs and feet became weak when they saw this tragic scene. Several young people even covered their stomachs and vomited wildly.

Although Mo Xun was quite courageous, he frowned at this moment. After all, it was the first time he had seen such a scene since he was a child.

Although Shopkeeper Le could still force himself to be calm, he became more anxious at this moment. As the Su family was his foundation, he naturally did not want anything to happen to his master.

There were faint sounds of fighting in the inner house. Manager Le waved his hand and was about to lead everyone to the inner house, but he did not notice that more than half of the team behind him had been reduced. Many people turned their heads and disappeared after seeing the corpses.

Of course, this also included Mo Xun, but the direction he was heading was deep in the Su Mansion.

Under the use of the wind control technique, Mo Xun's figure was like a ghost in the dark night, rising and falling.

However, he was not familiar with the terrain of the Su Mansion, and the place was really large, so he could only search slowly like a headless fly.

Occasionally, some corpses could be seen wherever he passed, but they were no longer just people from the Su Mansion, there were also some masked men in black.

The places that Mo Xun prioritized searching were all far away from the direction of the fight. In some places, flames shot up into the sky, and screams were heard from time to time.

After a stick of incense, Mo Xun searched almost all around the Su Mansion, but he could not find even a trace of medicinal materials.

He originally thought that since the Su family started out with medicine, they would definitely have a separate medicine garden in the mansion, so he tried his best to find those open and secluded places. Who knew that all he found were flowers and trees. There was not a single herb in the entire Su family.

This was a completely ordinary wealthy family.

In fact, Mo Xun also knew that the chance of finding it was really small if he searched like this now. As the main medicine of the Heart-Protecting Pill, the Su family must have hidden it in an unknown place, and how could it be so easily shown to others!

Mo Xun raised his head and looked at the light deep in the inner house. At this moment, the fighting sounds in the entire mansion were all concentrated in that place.

He knew that it was probably where the master and the young lady of the Su family were. In the Su mansion, it was the only place he had not been to.

In his opinion, the inner house belonged to the residence of the owner's family, which was full of houses and pavilions. It was impossible for the Su family to plant herbs in the room!

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration. As a child from a small mountain village, many times, his short-sightedness would limit his thinking.

He suddenly remembered that some wealthy families seemed to have a hobby of planting potted plants. It was possible that the Su family would really plant such precious herbs as potted plants.

Thinking of this, he immediately performed the Wind Control Technique and flew away like a gust of wind.

In fact, he also thought of another possibility.

In his initial cognition, he had always fallen into a misunderstanding that all plants needed sunlight, so he tried his best to find an open space suitable for planting.

But he suddenly remembered that he saw the strange white flower in the underground cave last time, which overturned his cognition. It turned out that not all flowers and plants need sunlight to grow.

Of course, this possibility is not great, but if the three medicinal materials are really like white flowers, then the Su family can build a secret room to cultivate them.

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