While thinking, Mo Xun had already arrived at the inner house of the Su family. In the night, swords and sabers could be seen everywhere, and screams could be heard from time to time. A family that was originally good was now being destroyed.

In a wide courtyard, there were houses with carved beams and painted rafters on all sides, but at this moment, the ground was covered with blood, and dozens of people from both sides were fighting in a mess.

Mo Xun quietly hid on the roof and happened to see three people being protected by several guards in the corner.

Among these three people, Mo Xun knew two of them, namely the two daughters of the Su family. However, the two young ladies who were always bright and beautiful were now pale and looked quite embarrassed.

The other person was dressed in gorgeous clothes, about forty years old, and most likely the master of the Su family who rarely showed up.

The black-clothed woman who had met Mo Xun several times was also in the crowd at this time. She was holding a soft sword and fighting with a masked man holding a big knife. There were several bloody cuts on her sleeves. She looked a little powerless. Occasionally, when the Su sisters were in danger, she had to retreat to support them.

These two people were the most skilled in the crowd. While fighting each other, they would also get rid of other people around them.

Mo Xun secretly watched the two people fighting. If it was more than a year ago, he would probably be amazed at their skills. However, since he practiced the Fiery Fire Art, the martial arts of the mortal world are a little difficult to catch his eye.

Especially after learning the Wind Control Technique, his elusive body movements alone gave him a great advantage in fighting against secular masters.

You know, the way of martial arts is only fast, no matter how powerful the moves are, they will fall behind in front of speed.

Although he has been practicing martial arts and has not fought with anyone, after watching the two people fighting in front of him, he secretly speculated that with his current means, he might not be inferior to the two of them.

This confidence is not aimless, but an insurmountable gap between cultivators and secular people.

Thinking about the situation when he first met the woman in black, he was still a little daunted at that time, but after more than a year, he no longer has any fear.

Of course, the two people in front of him are superb in martial arts, and some of their moves have given him a lot of reference. After all, while practicing immortal methods, he has not completely given up secular martial arts.

Among these people, a small half are wearing Su family costumes, and most of them are wearing black clothes and masks. The current situation of the Su family is quite precarious.

After searching in the crowd, he did not find Manager Le and the people in Baicaotang. It seems that there are only two possibilities, either this person has died with everyone, or he has run away long ago.

Of course, Mo Xun was more inclined to the latter. Although Manager Le said he was righteous when he came, no one is not selfish in the face of life and death.

After peeking on the roof for a while, Mo Xun hesitated in his heart and didn't decide whether to help.

He was not a good person, and the relationship with the Su family was not enough for him to risk his life.

He weighed the pros and cons of this matter in his heart.

If he saved the Su family at this time, he could take the opportunity to ask for some heart-protecting pills, but the Su family could only give him a limited amount, and they might even give him some things at will because of his low status.

If that was the case, would he have to rob them at that time?

He was not a good person, but he was not a bad person either. He could choose not to save the Su family, but he couldn't do anything to his boss.

In other words, he had no mercy, but he would not do evil either.

But if the masked men on the opposite side won and the heart-protecting pills fell into their hands, he would not have so many scruples.

As soon as he thought of this, he had the intention of sitting on the mountain and watching the fight.

At this moment, the masked man who was fighting with the woman in black suddenly jumped up, endured the cost of being stabbed in the arm, and slapped her shoulder with a palm. The woman in black groaned, blood oozed from the corner of her mouth, and she retreated five or six steps.

The masked man did not pursue the victory, but changed direction and rushed towards the Su sisters.

The black-clothed woman's face was pale, and her heart was suddenly startled. When she realized the other party's intention, it was obviously too late. At this moment, the Su sisters were even more pale. Under the protection of the guards, they hurriedly retreated to the other side.

The masked man was going towards the Su sisters. How could he let go easily at this time? In an instant, he forcibly passed through the two guards and grabbed Su Yunyi at the same time.

However, at this time, a sudden change occurred. Mo Xun didn't know why. He had planned to stand aside and watch, but suddenly grabbed a tile and threw it at the masked man.

Just when the masked man's palm was about to touch Miss Su Yunyi, a tile flew over and hit his arm.

The masked man groaned in pain, but did not stop there. Instead, he stretched out his other hand and grabbed Su Yunshang beside him.

Mo Xun's sudden move naturally exposed his position.

After the masked man succeeded, he immediately pinched Su Yunshang's neck with one hand and shouted, "Stop it!"

The melee of dozens of people suddenly stopped, and they all looked at Su Yunshang in the hands of the masked man. The masked man's eyes were wide open at this time, staring at the roof.

Su Yunshang's throat was choked, and she wanted to shout for help, but she was strangled so hard that she had difficulty breathing. Her face was suffocated and she struggled with both hands to pry open the masked man's palm.

Su Yunyi and Master Su shouted Yunshang's name anxiously, and they all lost their minds for a while.

The faces of the people off the field were different at this moment, showing different polarizations. After the fight stopped, without being called together, they consciously divided into two teams and each moved closer to the person in charge.

"Which friend, can you show yourself? Hiding in the dark, what kind of hero are you!" The masked man suppressed his anger and shouted at the roof. It was obvious that Mo Xun's move just now made him a little afraid.

The woman in black also looked at the roof. This sudden change also surprised her.

A black shadow flashed on the roof, and Mo Xun fell to the ground. Standing far away from both sides, he first looked at Su Yunyi, and then looked at the masked man and the woman in black.

I don't know what I was thinking just now, when I saw Su Yunyi in danger, he actually felt a little sympathy in his heart.

Perhaps this young lady left a good impression in his heart, which reminded him that when they first met, Su Yunyi had made him lose his mind for a short time.

It can be said that, up to now, Su Yunyi is the most outstanding person he has ever seen, and she has an indescribable temperament, which makes Mo Xun, who has always been firm in mind, inevitably waver.

When the masked man saw Mo Xun's appearance, his eyes showed a bit of coldness.

On the one hand, he was a little surprised at Mo Xun's age. On the other hand, Mo Xun's leap, which others did not see, he saw clearly, and the skills he showed were really weird.

"You are..." Su Yunyi exclaimed softly when he saw Mo Xun for the first time. He felt that the person in front of him was a little familiar, but he didn't remember it for a while. However, when he saw Mo Xun's clothes clearly, he naturally recognized the logo of Baicaotang, and he was immediately happy.

The woman in black frowned slightly, covered her wounds and retreated to Su Yunyi's side. After seeing Mo Xun, she also had the same idea... This person looks familiar!

The masked man loosened his grip on Yunshang's hand, and Yunshang immediately shouted to Mo Xun: "Mozhi, come and save me!"

As Yunshang finished speaking, Su Yunyi suddenly realized and instantly remembered Mo Xun's identity.

The woman in black was even more surprised. She clearly remembered that when she first met Mo Xun, he left a little impression on her, but he did not attract much attention from her. It was just that she couldn't understand why she couldn't see Mo Xun's depth in just one year.

You know, there is no such thing as hiding your cultivation in martial arts.

Mo Xun glanced at Su Yunshang and sneered in his heart. He didn't have a good impression of the second lady of the Su family.

The masked man ignored Su Yunshang's shouting and raised his eyebrows and asked: "Are you from the Su family?"

After seeing Mo Xun's clothes clearly, the masked man's heart sank.

Before Mo Xun came, he was almost in control of the situation. It would only take him a moment to take down the Su family, but the appearance of Mo Xun obviously changed the situation between the two parties.

However, he was somewhat puzzled. Since the other party was from the Su family, why did he hide in the dark until now? He didn't believe such a coincidence. He was about to attack Su Yunyi when the other party arrived.

Mo Xun smiled: "I guess so!"

The masked man narrowed his eyes and stared at Mo Xun. As his mind turned, he weighed the current situation.

Although he couldn't see through Mo Xun's skills, at such a young age, how high could his martial arts be?

But the key is that he is injured now, so he has to make some compromises. Fortunately, with Miss Su Er in his hands, he is not afraid of anything!

"Your Excellency is a martial arts master, I admire you, but you are a little late. As long as the Su family gives me what I need, I will release the second lady. How about that?"

Mo Xun sneered in his heart. What he needed was just a heart-protecting pill!

Glancing at Su Yunyi, Mo Xun said, "I think you got two questions wrong!"

"What do you mean?"

Mo Xun pointed at Su Yunshang: "Her life or death has nothing to do with me!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present had a look of doubt on their faces, especially Su Yunyi, who thought she had come to save her life, but she didn't expect the other party to say such words.

Su Yunshang even endured the pain, glared at Mo Xun, and shouted at him, "Stinky ink, do you want to kill me?"

Mo Xun ignored Su Yunshang's roar. Thinking of the last conflict between the two, he naturally wanted to make the second lady suffer a little more.

"Second, I am also interested in the things you mentioned!

The masked man was stunned at first, then laughed and said, "This is easy, as long as the Su family hands it over, I will give you some!"

Although he said so, the masked man sneered in his heart. Under the current circumstances, he could only agree to it first. As for whether he would fulfill his promise after getting the things, that was another matter!

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