Although the two did not say it clearly, they knew what the other party was talking about. Even though the Heart-Protecting Pill is only released once every forty years and few people know about it, it is not a secret in the circle of martial artists.

However, what Mo Xun said made the Su family feel bitter. They thought that reinforcements had come, but they were all birds of a feather.

Of course, Mo Xun also meant to say this to the Su family.

This was also his decision after thinking about it. If he did not make his intention clear, he would not be able to speak up if the young lady pretended to be crazy after saving the Su family.

Anyway, he had already made plans to leave the Su family, so it was reasonable for him to ask for some compensation.

His idea was very simple. As long as the Su family could give him a few main medicines, he would not mind helping the Su family through this disaster.

"Mr. Mo, please save the Su family for the sake of our past friendship. I will reward you handsomely later!"

Su Yunyi knew how to judge the situation and directly discussed the conditions with Mo Xun. Although she didn't know what misunderstandings there were between Mo Xun and Yunshang, Mo Xun was able to help her when she was in danger just now, which was enough to show that this person had no ill will towards the Su family.

Compared with the masked men who compromised and slaughtered the Su family, Mo Xun was obviously more trustworthy.

However, these words annoyed the masked man.

"Miss, aren't you afraid that I will break the second lady's neck now?" The masked man snorted coldly, with a bit of cruelty in his eyes. While speaking, he used some strength in his hands. Su Yunshang groaned and her face immediately became painful.

While the masked man was distracted, Mo Xun performed the wind control technique under his feet, and in the blink of an eye, he came behind the masked man.

The masked man was startled and instinctively dodged, but Mo Xun's speed was too fast.

Moreover, since he intended to attack by surprise, Mo Xun would not let him escape. He grabbed Su Yunshang with one hand and slapped him with the other.

The masked man dodged sideways, but was still hit on the shoulder by the palm wind. Then his hand loosened and Su Yunshang fell towards Mo Xun.

The masked man retreated several steps in pain and hurriedly distanced himself from Mo Xun. Although he dealt with it hastily in the previous fight, he also tested the opponent's strength.

Mo Xun's palm power moves were second, but the weird body movement surprised him greatly.

Seeing that Su Yunshang was about to fall towards Mo Xun, Mo Xun not only did not help her, but smiled and stepped aside. After a scream of "Ah", Su Yunshang fell to the ground.

"Dog slave, it must have been you last time... I'm going to kill you!"

Facing Su Yunshang's roar, Mo Xun turned a deaf ear.

Since he chose to take action, he would not stand by and watch the victim die. However, he was still very happy to see the arrogant second lady embarrassed.

And through this action, he probably had some preliminary understanding of his own strength.

Just relying on the wind control technique, he had a great advantage when dealing with ordinary warriors.

The palm just now did not exert any spiritual power. He unconsciously thought that if he had practiced the flame slash, the masked man would probably be more than just injured.

Su Yunyi saw her sister being rescued, and hurried over to help Su Yunshang up.

Mo Xun raised his head and just met the masked man's resentful eyes.

"Boy, it seems that you have made up your mind to go against me?"

Su Yunshang, supported by her sister, limped back to the guards, but she muttered something in her mouth, and it was unknown what she was cursing. Looking at Mo Xun's back, her eyes were even more unfriendly.

"Since your target is something, why hurt people?"

The masked man snorted coldly, and had already had some intention of retreating in his heart. He thought that with Su Yunshang in hand, the other party would still be afraid. Now that he has no hostage, if he continues to waste time like this, he may not achieve his goal and will have to die here.

The reason is that Mo Xun's two attacks have dampened his spirit.

"So, there is no room for negotiation?"

The masked man looked at Mo Xun, and a black bullet quietly appeared in his hand behind his back, about the size of half a fist.

"Hehe, I wonder what you think?"

With Mo Xun's current skills, he is quite confident that he can kill this group of masked men, but he has never thought about killing people. In his opinion, the best result is to scare the other party away.

After all, he is only sixteen or seventeen years old...

Just when Mo Xun was a little confused, the masked man suddenly threw the pill in his hand to the ground. In an instant, a thick black smoke rose around and spread rapidly.

Mo Xun thought to himself, "Not good." The moment he saw the black smoke, he held his breath and quickly retreated.

Since the last time, he suffered a loss from the bronze toad, he has reacted quickly in this regard.

With a leap, Mo Xun jumped onto the roof. Looking at the entire yard, it was already covered with black smoke, and some panicked voices came from time to time.

Turning his head, Mo Xun saw the black-clothed woman and the Su sisters standing on the roof not far away, supporting each other and looking down.

The black-clothed woman was loyal and did not forget to protect her master in a critical moment.

After a dozen breaths, when the black smoke dissipated, the masked men below had long disappeared, and on the Su family side, except for some injured people before, the rest had already hidden in the house.

It seems that this black smoke is not toxic, and it is probably just a way for the other party to escape.

In the main hall of the Su Mansion, Mo Xun sat quietly aside, his eyes watching his nose, his nose watching his heart, like an old monk in meditation.

Su Yunshang sat across from him, staring at Mo Xun for half the incense stick, his eyes filled with resentment.

The Su family suffered such a disaster. Su Yunyi needed to arrange for the dead and injured servants first, while the Su family master went to move reinforcements overnight.

This night is destined to be uneventful...

The Su family, which was originally a large one, had most of its guards killed and injured, and now it seemed a little deserted.

A faint smell of blood can still be smelled in the air.

"Mo, I didn't expect you to be a villain!"

Mo Xun ignored her.

"It was clear that you hit me last time, but you refused to admit it. Today, you almost killed me. Do you think that with some martial arts, I can't do anything to you?"

Mo Xun got up and walked out of the hall. This girl is mentally ill!

"Hey, I'm talking to you, why are you pretending to be deaf?"

Mo Xun turned around again, avoiding Su Yunshang who was chasing him, and came to the pavilion to sit down.

He was not surprised by the sudden retreat of the masked man. On the contrary, this incident strengthened his determination to learn immortal magic. The gap between immortal cultivators and warriors was really too big.

He could easily deal with the masked man just by relying on his wind control skills.

"Dog slave..."

Hearing these three words, Mo Xun turned around suddenly and looked at Su Yunshang with cold eyes, waiting for the other party's next words.

If his bottom line is challenged again, he doesn't mind taking action and teaching this uneducated girl a lesson.

He has never had the bad habit of hitting women. In his eyes, there are only good and bad, not male and female.

When Su Yunshang saw the coldness in Mo Xun's eyes, she immediately shut up and took two steps back.

Mo Xun was puzzled as to why a pair of sisters with the same origins had such a big gap in character.

At this moment, Su Yunyi, who had changed her clothes, came over with the woman in black.

"Mr. Mo!"

Seeing Su Yunyi saluting him, Mo Xun quickly turned aside. He still had a good impression of this eldest lady of the Su family.

The main reason why he was able to take action was because of Su Yunyi.


"The Su family can avoid disaster today because they rely on you, sir. I would like to thank you in advance!"

Su Yunyi, apart from showing a bit of panic just now between life and death, has now returned to her former dignity. After all, she is a young lady from a wealthy family. She is beautiful and her words and deeds make people feel comfortable. .

"You're welcome, as you should!"

"As a servant, of course he should!" Su Yunshang on the side curled his lips.

Su Yunyi glared at her sister and said with some embarrassment: "Yun Shang is used to being arrogant. Sir, please don't blame me. Please follow me in and talk!"

Mo Xun nodded and followed Su Yunyi. When passing the woman in black, the two of them glanced at each other in unison.

Everyone has their own thoughts!

The woman in black was relatively simple. She was just surprised by Mo Xun's skill and secretly figured out that she was blind and misjudged it.

On Mo Xun's side, his thoughts were wandering.

He clearly heard the conversation in Wuwei Mountain that day.

The purpose of this woman in black sneaking into the Su family was also for Baoxinwan.

After arriving in the hall, Su Yunyi said to the two people behind him: "You guys wait here while Mr. Mo and I go into the inner hall to talk about something."

The woman in black nodded, then stood quietly to the side, looking out the door.

Su Yunshang wanted to say something, but was stopped by her sister's eyes, so she could only snort and go out.

Mo Xun understood that it was time to collect the reward, and he was slightly looking forward to it. At the same time, he was thinking about how to ask the eldest lady for the three main ingredients.

Su Yunyi held a lantern and led Mo Xun through a corridor, opened the door, and the two of them entered a slightly smaller room.

There are two bookcases and a table and chairs in the room.

Su Yunyi lit the candle, closed the door, thanked Mo Xun again, and said straight to the point: "Mr. Mo must have guessed why this gang of criminals broke into Su's house tonight?"

Mo Xun nodded: "I know something!"

Su Yunyi smiled slightly, invited Mo Xun to sit down, and then said: "Actually, the Su family's possession of the Baoxin Pill is not a secret. I just don't know how much Mr. Mo knows about the Baoxin Pill?"

Mo Xun frowned slightly. He had obtained the recipe for the Baoxin Pill before and guessed that the Baoxin Pill was probably the Baoxin Pill. However, he would naturally not mention this to Su Yunyi.

So what he knew about Baoxinwan was the conversation he heard between the man in black and the woman in black that day in Wuwei Mountain.

"I don't know much about it, so please let me know."


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