Seeing that Gu Qingyue was out of danger, Mo Xun immediately thought of his current situation.

Now, it seems that waiting for Gu Qingyue to complete her cultivation goal before leaving is obviously not feasible.

This woman's internal injuries will probably not heal for a year or two.

With this thought, he did not care about Gu Qingyue's instructions, and directly took out the Tongbao gun, injected magic power into it, and shouted in a low voice.


The Tongbao gun shot out towards the distant stone wall like an arrow.

With a loud bang, the broken stones flew, and the stone that was originally full of carvings of the exercises completely fell off, revealing the curtain wall with a metallic luster behind.

The curtain wall was golden in color, and it was extremely smooth, like the surface of water.

This was indeed the case. Under Mo Xun's magic attack, faint ripples appeared on the curtain wall.

Trapped array!

As a master of array, Mo Xun recognized the essence of this thing at first sight.

He slowly walked to the curtain wall, stretched out his hand and gently touched it. The formation barrier formed around it seemed like a solid entity, and what was even more shocking was that he could not feel any obvious fluctuations in the formation.

It seems that the formation attainments of the person who arranged this large formation are much better than his!

Then, he thought of the Tongtian Demon Tower mentioned by Gu Qingyue!

Perhaps it is true as the woman said that the place where they are now is in the Demon Tower.

In other words, it is divided into countless different barrier areas by powerful formation prohibitions. Anyone who is teleported in has to accept the test and honestly complete each level.

In the next half an hour, Mo Xun tried several methods in succession, but at most he could only make the golden curtain wall ripple, and he could not find a way to open it.

In other words, even if he could leave this secret room, he would most likely be teleported to other barriers.

Could it be that he really had to practice magic to get out?

As time went by, Mo Xun seemed to have no choice but to accept this reality. He basically tried all the methods he could think of.

In this way, after wasting four or five days on the curtain wall, he finally calmed down and began to study this "Tongtian Magic Art".

As for Gu Qingyue, she was still in a coma.

Fortunately, there was the elixir refined by Mo Xun. With one pill taken every day, Gu Qingyue's breath became more and more stable.

On the ninth day, the girl finally woke up.

"Did you save me?"

Mo Xun remained in the meditation posture without moving, just slightly raised his eyelids, and closed them again.

At this moment, he wanted to refute the other party's question.

Apart from them, who else could come here?

But he didn't have the leisure time now. After several days of exploration, he had a clear outline of the entire art.

Having lived for so long, he was no longer as unsystematic as he was at the beginning when practicing.

Gu Qingyue climbed up with difficulty, but he was bored, so he didn't say anything more. Just as he sat down against the wall, a few porcelain bottles appeared beside him.

Picked up a bottle and uncorked it, and a faint medicinal fragrance emanated from it!

Gu Qingyue looked at Mo Xun with a complicated look, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but finally stopped talking.

On the other hand, Mo Xun entered the Zhou Tian movement again.

As he expected, without the assistance of elixirs, let alone practicing to the second level, even the first level would probably take one or two years.

Even with Gu Qingyue's cultivation, he would need to practice to the perfection of the second level before he could get out.

What about him?

In fact, Mo Xun still had an idea in his mind, that is, since this place is set up for the assessment of recruiting disciples, it means that there should be a time limit, and people will definitely not be trapped inside all the time.

If people who have not met the requirements within this time limit will most likely be automatically teleported out.

But thinking about it this way, there are a few more questions.

One is that when the Heavenly Demon Sect opened the Tongtian Demon Tower, there must be someone outside controlling it.

When the time comes, the assessment elders will send the people inside out.

But what about now?

This Demon Tower has been abandoned for tens of thousands of years. Without anyone to operate it, it might really stay trapped forever!

Another problem is the way he was teleported here.

According to his spiritual root qualifications, he cannot enter here. If he had not held Gu Qingyue before the test of the spirit stone, he would still be in the previous secret room!

In other words, those who can enter this place are not too bad in talent, and their cultivation is not high.

In this way, the conditions for passing the test can be met in a short time.

He knew that if he was teleported out as a failed assessment, he would definitely miss this opportunity.

But he didn't care!

After all, the whereabouts of Lan Xin and the incarnation were still unknown, and there was a lot of things waiting for him in Qiu Tian City.

How could he spend a long time here!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun didn't care whether Gu Qingyue was present or not. He waved his robe sleeves directly, and dozens of bottles of elixirs appeared in front of him.

These were originally what he was going to use to improve his Nascent Soul cultivation!

He had obtained the recipe from Wuliang Mountain and had gathered several furnaces of pills in the past two years.

If he wanted more, he could only wait for the spiritual medicine in the green gourd to mature.

However, since he was practicing magic skills, he didn't necessarily have to use high-level pills. The spiritual medicines for the Jindan stage that he had refined before should also work.

For a while, Gu Qingyue, who was not far away, saw an extremely shocking scene.

Mo Xun was practicing, and he had to swallow a pill almost every two or three hours.

As the sky moves around, the demonic energy surrounding him becomes more and more intense.

Fortunately, this "Tongtian Demonic Skill" can not only be practiced by relying on demonic energy. After incorporating spiritual energy into the body, the demonic energy is forcibly simulated, which can also promote the operation of the skill.

Gu Qingyue gained some experience this time.

Even within a large demon sect like Tuoluomen, she had never seen anyone eating elixirs as food.

A large amount of spiritual elixir assistance can indeed quickly improve one's cultivation level.

But there will be two problems.

One is erysipelas!

Even the most skilled alchemist cannot completely eliminate impurities in the elixir. This is one of the reasons why the elixir has high quality.

If the taking of the elixir is controlled within a reasonable period, and through self-purification during the operation of the exercises, the impact will not be significant.

However, taking it so frequently will inevitably accumulate a large amount of erysipelas while rapidly improving your cultivation.

However, Mo Xun does have a lot of experience in this regard.

On the one hand, he is relatively confident in his alchemy skills, and on the other hand, in order to deal with erysipelas, he has found many methods over the years.

Some of the rare spiritual things he possesses can well counteract erysipelas.

Another point is his horizontal training!

The side effects of erysipelas are mainly damage to the meridians and physical body.

And from the inside out, he has almost become a copper skin and an iron bone, so he can resist poison better than ordinary people.

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