Without sparing any pills, Mo Xun's cultivation speed was not inferior to that of his natural spiritual roots.

Coupled with his many years of cultivation experience, he could make rapid progress!

Although he was mediocre in aptitude, he could concentrate on the great Dao better than anyone else!

In order to speed up his cultivation, he even used the precious chaotic turbidity!

He discovered this by accident.

The secret technique given to him by Lu Wushen detailed how to transform spiritual energy into vital energy.

At first, he just wanted to try it out and feel the difference between vital energy and spiritual energy. Who knew that he strangely discovered that when cultivating, the effect of absorbing vital energy was many times better than that of spiritual energy.

In other words, cultivation can also be done through vital energy below the level of transformation.

After this discovery, he was overjoyed!

If he had the chance, he really wanted to walk through the Tiankui Realm again!

After all, the chaotic turbidity was too precious. If it was just for the purpose of improving the realm, it would be a waste of natural resources!

Therefore, he was extremely cautious in the process of using it.

Only when he encountered a bottleneck would he consume some of it!

Mo Xun originally planned to hide in the Infinite Sea and retreat for hundreds of years after this demonic calamity, if there was no news from Duobao Tower, and try to reach the late stage of the Nascent Soul through several pill recipes in his hands and the chaotic turbidity in his body.

Then he searched for the opportunity to ascend in several continents.

Who knew that now, he had to use the chaotic aura.

He was a person who didn't like trouble, and his only ambition in life was to pursue the illusory avenue.

But since he returned to Nanjiang to establish a sect, things have come one after another.

If you ask him if he regrets returning to Nanjiang and establishing the Tianjian Sect?

After all, without the ties of the sect, he would not fall into the conflict with the Tianyun Sect, nor would he rush to the front line of the Heavenly Demon, and it would be impossible for him to sneak into the Demon Land and work for the Tiandao League.

In his opinion, even if the entire mortal world fell under the feet of the demon cultivators, what did it have to do with him?

Savior, that's what gods and Buddhas do!

Before he reaches that point, it's in line with his heart to cultivate peacefully.

To say regret, there is definitely some, but if he were to do it again, I'm afraid he would still make the same choice.

The reason is very simple. Without this trip to Southern Xinjiang, the worldly thoughts that were tied to his heart, although more than two hundred years have passed, still make him think of it every time, and it will cause indescribable ripples in his heart.

What is the hometown, what is the old friend?

Even if it goes up to the sky, soars thousands of miles, even if the sea changes and the years pass, it can't be erased from the depths of memory.

Human nature is like this, and so are immortals!

Besides, there is nothing to complain about when it comes to establishing a sect.

In those years, if it weren't for Gu Yutian's repeated help, I'm afraid he would have turned into a pile of bones somewhere.

This account is what he should pay back!

As Mo Xun practiced, the demonic energy surrounding him became more and more dense.

At first, it was still a lingering black mist, looming and dispersing. Slowly, the black mist gathered into black gas, until the black gas almost enveloped Mo Xun's body. Almost a year has passed!

Gu Qingyue in the distance, her injuries have almost healed.

In this process, she finally understood why a pseudo-spiritual root like Mo Xun could still form a Yuanying.

With so many pills, even if he changed a pig, he might be able to ascend.

For a while, Gu Qingyue became more and more curious about Mo Xun's background.

First of all, Mo Xun must be a cultivator of the Tiandao League.

Then the question is, why does she have no impression of such a powerful Yuanying in the early stage?

Although she grew up in the Demonic Path since she was a child, she is not unfamiliar with the affairs of Southern Xinjiang.

Not to mention the Yuanying ancestors under the Tiandao League, even many powerful Jindan cultivators cannot escape the investigation of the Demon Venerable Hall.

Fortunately, she soon thought of someone.

Tianjian Sect Master!

This mysterious leader has only gradually appeared on the desks of the upper echelons of the Demon Venerable Hall in the past one or two years.

Although not many people know about him, as the daughter of Gu Jianshan, she has heard of him.

But it is only limited to hearsay!

As for what this person looks like, his background, and his skills and magical powers, nothing is known.

The only detailed information is that not long ago, a cultivator at the peak of the Jindan stage was specially sent to sneak into the southern border, and then some clues were obtained.

However, this person's strength should not be underestimated.

First, he forced the Tianyun Sect to cede land and pay compensation, and then he single-handedly destroyed a Yuanying sect.

Even if that sect is only the lowest-ranking existence, it is not something that everyone can do.

Even the Demon Venerable Hall analyzed that the two Yuanying cultivators who died and injured on the side of the Demon Dao in the early stage of the Heavenly Demon War were probably from this person.

But later many people still wondered why such a powerful opponent never appeared again after that battle?

What no one expected was that this person actually came to the devil's way!

Gu Qingyue looked at the rolling devil energy in the distance, while stroking the empty porcelain bottle in her hand, thinking a lot in her mind.

It is undoubtedly a good time to attack someone while he is practicing.

Even if it fails, it can still cause serious injuries to him.

But her current cultivation is sealed, and she is afraid that she will be blocked by the protective magic power before she can get close to him.

"It's not that I don't want to kill him, but I can't kill him!"

Gu Qingyue consoled herself like this, and then slowly turned her eyes away.

A few days later, the demonic energy around Mo Xun suddenly dissipated, and the whole person jumped up directly from the original place.

When he appeared again, he seemed to have a different aura all over his body.

Gu Qingyue looked at the face that had made her feel extremely disgusted and resentful for a long time, and snorted in her heart.

This guy seems to have improved his cultivation!

This is indeed the case. Mo Xun did not expect that the magic skills he practiced under compulsion could actually improve his cultivation.

In this way, he will have another killer in the future battle.

However, the practice of this Tongtian magic skill is really resource-consuming.

The pills on his body were almost used up, which is why he had to stop.

If he was just a little bit closer, he could reach the third level of perfection.

If he relied on meditation to absorb spiritual energy, I am afraid that without seven or eight years of hard work, he would not even think about it.

This is the horror of the elixir!

For all cultivators, the most important resource is the spiritual medicine.

For thousands of years, people have risked their lives for a spiritual herb every day.

Of course, the contribution of the chaotic turbid air is also not small. It is because of this thing that he has hardly encountered any obstacles during his cultivation.

It seems that if there is a chance, I really have to go to the Tiankui Realm!

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