Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1103 The Third Level

This sentence was naturally said by Gu Qingyue.

After the shock, Gu Qingyue felt both ecstasy and loss.

The joy was that she could see this legendary magic skill that had been lost for thousands of years, and the loss was that she could not take it away.

As she said, Tongtian Magic Skill was once dominant, but it was not passed down.

One of the main reasons is that it cannot be copied.

Once you leave this magic tower, all the engraved jade slips will disappear, and even the memory will be erased.

Thinking of this, she thought of the environment they are in now.

Presumably, Tongtian Magic Tower is real.

And the magic weapon condensed by Tongtian Magic Skill is just a projection of the magic tower in the real world...

In other words, this skill can only be practiced in this tower?

These questions only flashed in her mind, and Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and cast a look, but after a pause, he did not ask, but waved.

"Come to my side!"

Gu Qingyue hesitated for a moment, and then walked aside carefully.

Before she could stand firm, the magic tower floating in the air burst into brilliant black light, and then a circle of light quickly condensed around the two of them.

Mo Xun quickly grabbed Gu Qingyue.

Perhaps it was too sudden, Gu Qingyue screamed, but before the scream came out, the two disappeared directly.

The originally quiet stone room returned to deathly silence again.

About one or two breaths later, Mo Xun only felt his feet solid, and after a short dizziness, he finally landed on the ground again.

Because of Gu Qingyue's low realm and the sealed cultivation, she looked a little embarrassed when she landed.

Originally, under Mo Xun's protection, she should have been fine.

But from the moment the two teleported away, Mo Xun directly let go, causing Gu Qingyue to stagger and fall to the ground with weak legs and feet.

Although dizzy, Gu Qingyue's sea of ​​consciousness was still clear.

After falling, she once again cursed in her heart "bastard"!

As the daughter of Gu Jianshan, her status in the Tuoluo Sect is no different from that of the eldest princess.

In the past, there were countless men in the sect who were attracted to her, and even the elders with prominent status had privately expressed their admiration for her.

In terms of talent, she believed that she was extremely intelligent.

In terms of beauty, she was no less!

But the man next to her was an outlier.

Let alone being gentle and kind to women, at least she should show due respect to women, but in this man's eyes, she was completely an object.

"What kind of experience could make this bastard develop such a heart of stone?"

Gu Qingyue cursed inwardly while rubbing her sore legs and feet.

On the other hand, Mo Xun immediately began to look around.

As far as the eye could see, it was an extremely desolate and steep mountain.

There were layers of mountains, high and low, and there were towering cliffs of strange rocks everywhere, but there was no green on the mountains.

It was as if this world was made entirely of gray stones.

They were standing at the top of a dangerous cliff. Looking down, they were covered in clouds and mist, and could not see the bottom at a glance.

There was also a hazy sea of ​​clouds around them.

Perhaps because they were too high, the strong wind blew their clothes and hair, and there was a whistling sound in their ears.

"This is..."

Almost immediately, Mo Xun thought of the word "illusion".

They must be in a very advanced illusion array!

Mo Xun raised his hand and waved his magic power. He took advantage of the situation to create a layer of isolation around the two of them, isolating the whistling wind.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this place did not restrict magic power and spiritual consciousness too much.

And the Tongtian Demon Tower that brought them here was also put away by him in time.

Without the violent wind, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, and Mo Xun also set his eyes on Gu Qingyue's face.

"Do you know where this is?"

Gu Qingyue knelt on the ground, and the discomfort caused by the teleportation was slightly relieved, but her face was still not very good.

Especially when she met Mo Xun's cold eyes, she was even more angry, and she retorted without showing any weakness.

"I don't know!"

After getting along with her, Mo Xun slowly realized that this woman was different from others. She was the type who would not give in to softness.

Whenever he asked something, she would always be tough at first, but after suffering, she could make her situation clear.

It must be that he was too lenient before!

He actually didn't have any hatred for Gu Qingyue.

If they were getting along well, he would not make it difficult for her. Otherwise, when he saw that she was possessed by the devil, he would not have rescued her in time, and finally he would have refined the elixir for her to restore the meridians and dantian at all costs.

If he just regarded her as a bargaining chip, he would have just saved her life at that time.

Gu Qingyue wanted to say a few more words, but when she saw Mo Xun's gradually cold expression, she swallowed it back immediately.

Perhaps she had figured it out and realized that being tough in front of this person would not get her any benefit at all.

This damn bastard, he was not soft at all when he beat a woman!

"I really don't know, but I can roughly guess that this should be the third level of the sect selection. If it's just like this, there shouldn't be any danger to you, but..."

At this point, Gu Qingyue paused for a moment.

Perhaps it was the last bit of stubbornness in her bones. Although she was talking about her own analysis, her tone was extremely cold.

"But from the last time, the difficulty of this level is likely to be related to the cultivation level!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, and he immediately understood what the other party meant.

A simple sect selection, even if the requirements are high, is only for low-level cultivators.

What is there to be afraid of for a Yuanying ancestor?

But Gu Qingyue's turn is not without reason.

This strange test difficulty may really be linked to the realm.

In other words, the higher the realm, the higher the difficulty level.

This possibility is not non-existent, but very large!

From the current point of view, Gu Qingyue's previous speculation is largely true. The space they are in now is most likely inside the Tongtian Demon Tower.

Only this kind of ancient holy treasure can open up such a test space for thousands of people at the same time.

The level of this treasure may be higher than that of a spiritual weapon.

Mo Xun released his consciousness, and within hundreds of miles, there were all seas of clouds, strange mountains, and strange rocks.

With his attainments in formation, he didn't see too many clues for a while.

Then, Mo Xun asked a question that was irrelevant to the topic.

"Now you can tell me, how much do you know about this tower?"

Then he opened his mouth and the translucent pagoda condensed by the technique reappeared in front of the two of them.

The tower body emitted a few faint lights, but the light soon faded, like a crystal mixed with ink.

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