Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1104: Cave Heaven Illusion

As soon as he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, and then he quickly put away the exquisite pagoda in his hand.

Then, he felt the magic power around him stagnate, as if he was bound by a powerful force.

In just two or three breaths, the vast Nascent Soul cultivation was reduced to only the first level of Qi Refining.

Gu Qingyue also had a sudden change of face.

Although her cultivation was sealed, she could still feel the magic power in the golden elixir, which was completely imprisoned.

The sudden change caught the two of them off guard, but they were not too panicked.

Soon they thought of the reason, which must be the rules of the trial place here.

Mo Xun hurriedly released his spiritual consciousness, and as they expected, it was also greatly suppressed. !

This strange scene made Mo Xun temporarily forget to ask Gu Qingyue.

He frowned and said in a low voice: "Let's go down and have a look first!"

Without the protection of cultivation, Gu Qingyue felt the extremely biting cold on this towering cliff, as if she would be frozen if she stayed for a moment longer.

Without magic power, even for a Jindan strongman like her, it is not easy to go down from the top of the peak.

But Mo Xun was not affected much.

Even if he didn't have any cultivation, his horizontal training realm was almost able to walk sideways in the entire demon path.

Mo Xun stretched out his hand and grabbed Gu Qingyue, and the two were wrapped in a faint golden light at the same time, and jumped directly from the cliff.

Gu Qingyue was shocked. Now she was only a little stronger than ordinary women in terms of martial arts.

By the time she reacted, the two had fallen straight down seven or eight feet.

Mo Xun held her shoulder with one hand, his figure was like a nimble monkey. Every time he fell a dozen feet, he would touch the rock wall with his other hand to slow down. Therefore, although the two of them kept falling, they did not lose control of their bodies.

Feeling that things did not develop in the direction she imagined, Gu Qingyue noticed the golden light around her body, and her heart was trembling.

"He is actually a body cultivator, and his realm is definitely not low!"

To be honest, Gu Qingyue was a little shocked, or it could be said that there were quite a few ripples in her heart.

A Yuanying Dharma cultivator actually cultivated to a high-level horizontal training.

Such people are not absent in the world of immortal cultivation, but they are rare.

Because of the difference in life span, Dharma cultivators often look down on body cultivators.

People with spiritual roots rarely practice body cultivation at the same time.

There are two reasons!

One is that under the same cultivation level, the resources consumed by horizontal training cultivators are not less than those of Dharma cultivators, and even more.

For example, Mo Xun swallowed countless Qianyuan fruits, and later obtained a large number of blood beast cores and blood unicorn inner pills in the Tiankui Realm, which led to his current achievements.

You must know that a mature Qianyuan fruit can be sold for 10,000 spirit stones in Xihezhou!

If it weren't for the fear of leaking secrets, the sale of Qianyuan fruits alone would be an inestimable profit.

Another issue is energy.

Spiritual root cultivators don't have enough time to practice. Some people can't cross the threshold of foundation building even if they practice hard for a lifetime. When it comes to the Jindan Yuanying, it is a realm of one level. The difficulty during this period is really hard to describe. Who can spare extra energy to practice the body?

If it weren't for many adventures, Mo Xun wouldn't have chosen this path.

His goal is just to live forever. As for how strong he is, it is not his main pursuit.

Of course, if he can become stronger, he will not refuse!

This cliff is thousands of feet high. Even if Mo Xun falls quickly from it, it took dozens of breaths.

In fact, with his ability, he could have been faster, but he just took Gu Qingyue into consideration.

After a sound of landing, the two finally stopped. Because of the fast speed, the rocks on the ground were crushed, leaving two deep footprints.

Perhaps out of instinct for danger, Gu Qingyue hugged Mo Xun's neck tightly in mid-air.

But after landing, it seemed a bit awkward.

If the disciples of Tuoluomen saw that the daughter of the great elder, the elder in the Jindan stage who was always cold as frost, was hanging on a man like an octopus at this moment, it would surely become a big topic.

The biggest difference between sect disciples and casual cultivators is actually the state of mind.

Faced with the loss of mana, even if Mo Xun did not have the body training, he could quickly adapt to the environment and think about solutions.

But the disciples trained by the sect lacked the test of life and death. Once they fell into danger, they lacked the ability to deal with the crisis.

So most people have a consensus, that is, once casual cultivators grow up, they can often dominate a place.

As soon as he landed on the ground, Mo Xun's face became strange again.

From above, the place they were in was a dead place with no life, only stones piled up.

But after coming down, it was completely different.

Looking up, it was green, with grass, trees and streams everywhere.

The sky above his head also changed from the original white mist to a green color.

As for the spiritual energy, there was some, but it was pitifully thin.

"Another cave illusion!"

Mo Xun then noticed Gu Qingyue hanging on his body. The two of them looked at each other, and their faces were almost stuck together.

The air froze for a moment, and Gu Qingyue hurriedly jumped off Mo Xun awkwardly.

A bright red climbed up the girl's ears, and she looked away a little helplessly. Fortunately, she soon noticed the difference around her.

"This is..."

Although Gu Qingyue was devoted to cultivation, she was not completely unfamiliar with things like formations and illusions. She and Mo Xun came to similar conclusions.

This was a cave illusion that had been opened up!

The so-called illusion was actually true and false.

What they saw now was both true and false!

However, these were not the most important. In the eyes of the two, since this place was a trial secret realm, there must be a purpose for the trial.

It was just that what this purpose was was unknown at the moment because the Heavenly Demon Sect had long been annihilated.

But we can roughly infer one or two according to general logic!

The first level was to test the spiritual roots, and the second level was to test the Tongtian Demon Art, which should be based on aptitude.

The so-called aptitude for cultivating immortals, on the one hand, was the attribute of the spiritual roots, and on the other hand, it was the enlightenment of cultivation!

Thinking of Tongtian Demon Art, Mo Xun immediately thought of Gu Qingyue's previous words.

He was surprised by a simple recollection in his mind.

The contents of the techniques in the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to have been erased by some force, leaving only a name.

The world is so big that anything strange can happen.

As for the third level, it is probably a test of perseverance or a test of skill.

After all, for a cultivator, all that is required is just these few things: aptitude, understanding, perseverance, and survival ability.

Even if you are gifted, it is useless if you can't even protect yourself in a fight!


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