Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1105 There are others

This must be the reason why everyone's cultivation here is suppressed to the level of Qi refining!

Under the same starting point, let’s see who can fight!

But even the person who created this place of trial did not expect that a person with both legal and physical cultivation would come in.

Based on this guess, this place is probably dangerous to some extent.

But this danger should only be for the first level of Qi Refining!

The two exchanged glances, and then Mo Xun said: "Let's go and check out other places first!"

Generally speaking, for this kind of trial venue without a clear purpose, you either need to find an exit yourself, or there are assessment deacon guidelines that issue tasks and specify the specific assessment content in advance.

If it's the former, that's better!

But if it's the latter, it's a bit troublesome. After all, the inheritance of Tianmomen has been broken for tens of thousands of years, and only a ghost knows how to complete the assessment.

Before the two of them had walked a few steps, a purple patterned snake as thick as a baby's arm suddenly sprang out from beside them and headed straight for Gu Qingyue's neck.

The purple snake carries a trace of demonic aura, but it is not strong, but its speed is extremely fast.

Although Gu Qingyue still had some spiritual consciousness left, she did not escape immediately due to the confinement of her magic power.

Just when the purple snake opened its mouth and was only a few feet away from Gu Qingyue, Mo Xun struck down with a palm knife, and blood mist suddenly flew everywhere. The big snake, which was more than half a foot long, was cut into two pieces. , falling from mid-air.

The splashed blood was blocked by a golden light.

Gu Qingyue took two steps back slightly frightened. Although she did not think that a snake that was not even a monster could kill her, she was still frightened.

If he was bitten by that thing on the neck, it would be unbearable even if he didn't die.

Mo Xun's heart moved.

Could it be that just walking like this, as long as you make sure not to be killed by low-level monsters, you can go out when the time is up?

Mo Xun shook his head. It shouldn't be that simple for the Demon Sect to dominate for a while.

He turned around and said to Gu Qingyue: "Follow me closely!"

Gu Qingyue subconsciously leaned over, and immediately formed a circle of golden light around the two people.

Mo Xun's six-foot golden light was inspired by blood energy. Even if there was no spiritual energy at all, it could still leave the body. However, he was not very good at practicing it now and could only maintain it within a few feet.

It's a pity that Henglian cannot derive spiritual consciousness. Even if blood energy is similar to spiritual energy, it cannot control objects after all.

"What level has your body refining level reached?"

Gu Qingyue hesitated for a while before asking this question.

After getting along with Mo Xun, she probably understood his personality. Although she didn't want to talk to him more, she still couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart.

"Eight Realm...Okay, now you can tell me how much you know about the Tongtian Demon Tower!"

Eight realms!

Gu Qingyue took a deep breath. This answer was beyond her expectation.

The Eight Realms of Nascent Soul Cultivation and Body Refining!

This is going against heaven!

In the hundreds of years she has been in Tuoluomen, she has seen countless talented and beautiful people. Even in the entire nine demon sects, she must not be able to find another such a perverted guy.

"If I'm not mistaken, you must be the Heavenly Sword Sect Master who recently emerged in Southern Xinjiang!"

This result was a conclusion that Gu Qingyue came to after analyzing many things.

After giving the Yin Demon Pearl to Sun Ku, Mo Xun had exposed the details of his cultivation when he took action.

Gu Qingyue had seen this man performing magic skills before, and thought he was some unborn cultivator.

Looking at it now, this guy is basically an internal agent placed in the demonic path by Southern Xinjiang!

With direction, many things are not difficult to guess.

Although the Thirteen Sects of Southern Xinjiang are far away, the two places, Heaven and Demon, are not completely isolated.

She knew most of the famous monks there.

Mo Xun did not answer or deny.

But Gu Qingyue was already 80% sure.

"I don't know much about the Tongtian Demon Tower. I think what you're asking about is the pagoda that you condensed with the demon spirit's true energy. As far as I know, this is a method of using energy to transform treasures. Only certain special skills can condense physical magic weapons. This kind of magic weapon is born depending on the cultivator. As long as the cultivator does not die, it will always exist, and as the practice progresses, it will become more and more solid until it becomes A true magic weapon of destiny, but if the monk dies, the magic weapon will also dissipate. Compared with magic weapons refined in other ways, this kind of treasure is condensed by the monk's true energy, so it will be easier to use, but it requires When it comes to power, it depends on different techniques or different people, but..."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"But what?"

Gu Qingyue originally wanted to hide something, but after hesitating for a moment, she gave up the idea.

It was probably Mo Xun's two life-saving graces that made her somewhat grateful!

"But in my opinion, the tower you condensed may be more than that simple. If you can get the real Tongtian Demon Tower and fuse the two..."

Gu Qingyue did not continue, but Mo Xunzi heard the implication.

He touched his chin secretly, and after muttering "Tongtian Demon Tower" in his heart, he said nothing more.

Gu Qingyue suddenly said "Hey" and said with a puzzled expression: "There seems to be a word on your back!"


Mo Xun paused, and hurriedly used his spiritual sense to check, and then he noticed that there was indeed a fist-sized shadow on his back, which was not conspicuous, just on the left shoulder. If you don't look closely, you really can't find it.

The word seemed to be projected on the clothes by some kind of beam, not printed.

"It's a zero!"

Gu Qingyue said hurriedly, and then she was surprised to find that there was also a faint "zero" on her left shoulder.

The two looked at each other, and they didn't quite understand what this meant.

But they were sure that this word was definitely there after coming here, and it didn't exist in the previous two levels.

In the weirdness, Gu Qingyue hurriedly took off his coat, revealing a snow-white and smooth shoulder.

I saw that on that white skin, the word "zero" was there!

This time, let alone Gu Qingyue, even Mo Xun was a little confused about what was going on. At least for a while, he couldn't figure out what the word was.

The two then used their spiritual sense to look inside themselves, but no matter how they explored, they did not find any abnormalities.

The "zero" was like a beam of light shining on their bodies, following them wherever they went.

Without a clue, the two could only think silently while moving forward.

After a while, they encountered more than a dozen low-level monsters in succession, but under Mo Xun's six-foot golden light, they were chopped into a blood mist as soon as they approached.

They originally thought that this number represented the number of monsters killed, but after killing so many, the number remained unchanged.

The surroundings were covered with green grass, and the inside was surprisingly large.

Because they could not fly, and they also took Gu Qingyue into consideration, the two did not walk fast.

Just as they were looking for an exit, Mo Xun stopped suddenly.

"There are others!"

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