Gu Qingyue was stunned at first, but soon, a black dot also appeared in her vision.

Because of the limited spiritual consciousness, when they found the person coming, the other party was already very close.

And it was obvious that the person also found them and was rushing towards this side.

The two noticed that the person was very fast, and seemed to be riding a black flying magic weapon under his feet.

But he was not flying high, only about ten feet above the ground.

"There are actually people here who can fly!"

Compared with discovering the existence of other people, the fact that the person could actually fly with objects really surprised them.

Although there was a little spiritual consciousness available, the mana of the first level of Qi Refining could not support the flying of objects for long.

How did he do it?

For a moment, the two thought that only their cultivation and spiritual consciousness were suppressed.

But when the person came closer, they noticed that what the other party stepped on was not a magic weapon at all, but a black cloud gathered by countless black insects, so dense that people's scalps numbed.

Insect cultivator!

Both of them were startled at the same time. Mo Xun was still okay, but Gu Qingyue's face turned pale.

Because she knew this person!

This person was wearing a gray and black worn-out Taoist robe. He looked quite old and looked very sloppy. His hair was casually tied into a bun with a rope, fluffy, like a beggar.

The most eye-catching thing was his ears!

This Taoist had a pair of huge ears that looked two or three times bigger than those of ordinary people.

"He is the Gu Taoist!"

Gu Qingyue's voice came to Mo Xun's ears. He raised his eyebrows slightly. He seemed to have heard this name somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Gu Qingyue continued: "This person is a notorious insect cultivator, in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, with unfathomable cultivation. The most dangerous thing is the spirit insects and poisonous insects on his body. No one knows how many insects this guy has raised!"

Insect cultivators are undoubtedly one of the most annoying cultivators.

Although Mo Xun also raised spirit insects, it was only a special trick. Under normal circumstances, he would not waste much time on this.

What Mo Xun noticed was this person's trick of flying with insects.

If it were placed in the outside world, perhaps an ordinary foundation-building cultivator could do it, but it was not easy here.

The consumption of spiritual consciousness required by so many spirit insects alone was enough to make people astonished.

When the Gu Taoist flew in front of the two people, the spirit insects automatically dissipated and then slowly fell to the ground.

The pair of eyes that looked a little gloomy first fell on Gu Qingyue.

"Girl, do you seem to know me?"

Gu Qingyue subconsciously moved a step closer to Mo Xun. Regardless of the fierce reputation of the Gu Taoist outside, no woman liked the creepy snakes, insects, rats and ants.

When this person approached, Mo Xun wrinkled his nose unconsciously.

Because the smell on the other person was too bad!

"Hey, your consciousness is not weak!"

Perhaps because he felt Mo Xun using his consciousness to explore him, Gu Dao Ren cast a strange look at him.

Because the consciousness and cultivation were suppressed at the same time, it was obviously unrealistic to check other people's realms as casually as in the outside world.

But after touching Mo Xun's consciousness, Gu Dao Ren was secretly shocked!

Under the same suppressed situation, the other party's consciousness strength seemed to be no less than his.

In other words, this person is also a Yuanying cultivator!

Without getting Gu Qingyue's answer, Gu Dao Ren did not continue to ask, but turned to Mo Xun.

"Daoyou, please, what's your name?"

This Gu Dao Ren became famous very early. When he was forming a pill, he killed many people of the same level with the power of a Gu insect.

Under his fierce reputation, he made a name for himself in the realm of the demons.

On the road to condensing the Yuanying, I don't know how many people died at his hands.

This person kills completely out of his heart, often without any reason, and according to rumors from the outside world, this person likes to raise Gu with the souls of living people and the flesh and blood of cultivators. Wherever he appears, large-scale deaths often occur.

The population of a village or even a town will disappear overnight.

In this person's eyes, all life in the world is a vessel for him to raise Gu worms.

Such a person, let alone in Southern Xinjiang, even in the Demonic Path, is an existence that everyone can kill.

Although the Demonic Cultivators are bloodthirsty, they can establish the power of the sect and must follow a set of universal laws recognized by most people.

If anyone can kill innocent people indiscriminately, the entire Demonic Path would not have been passed down for thousands of years and would have died long ago.

It's just that this Gu Taoist has a high level of cultivation, acts cruelly, and is extremely cautious, so he has been free until now.

Mo Xun nodded slightly, and just when he was about to speak, he found something wrong.

This guy also has a number on his shoulder.

But it's not zero, it's seventeen!


What does this mean?

"No need to address me, I'm just a nobody. Brother Dao, have you met anyone else along the way?"

The Gu Taoist also caught a glimpse of the number on Mo Xun's back, and then said, "Of course, it seems that fellow Daoist has just been teleported here!"

At the same time, he smiled slightly.

Mo Xun didn't quite understand what this meant, but didn't think about it.

"I wonder if you know how to leave this place?"

As for whether this person is treacherous or evil, Mo Xun doesn't mind.

Hate evil as an enemy, punish evil and promote good, in many cases it's just a matter of convenience!

The Gu Taoist grinned, revealing a mouthful of black teeth, looking extremely uncomfortable.

"I guess so! If you want to know, it's easy. Just hand over the female cultivator next to you to me."

Although Gu Daoren said this frivolously, his expression did not give people such a feeling.

Although he knew that Mo Xun would not agree to the other party, Gu Qingyue's heart still jumped after hearing this, and even half of his body was pressed against Mo Xun.

Compared to his father, perhaps the fierce reputation of this Gu Daoren can make the demon cultivators more afraid.

Because this is a madman!

A madman who takes killing as fun!

Falling into the hands of this person, the result is chilling to think about.

Mo Xun did not understand the other party's intentions very well, but just said lightly: "Don't worry, answer me a question, what does the seventeen on your back mean?"

Gu Daoren suddenly raised his head and smiled.

"This, of course, represents the people I killed. But when I meet you, I think it will soon become nineteen."

After the words fell, the hand hidden in the sleeve of Gu Dao Ren flicked his fingers, and two almost transparent gray dots flew towards the two of them.

Gu Qingyue's consciousness did not catch this sudden change, but Mo Xun had already condensed a golden curtain of light in front of him the moment he made his move. When the gray dot touched the golden curtain, it made a hissing sound before it struggled much, and then turned into two wisps of barely detectable black smoke.

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