Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1107 Eight-winged Blood Bee

Gu Daoren's face changed. Although he didn't see what the golden light was for a while, his keen sense of crisis still made him think of a thought.


But before he could retreat half an inch, a big hand with golden light had already pinched his neck.

If it were in the outside world, Mo Xun might have to go through some trouble to deal with this person.

But here, it seemed to be a paradise for body-refining cultivators like him.

After the cultivation was suppressed, Gu Daoren, let alone one, even thousands of them would not pose much threat to him.

Mo Xun wanted to finish asking some questions before talking, after all, with his current cultivation, he couldn't search the soul.

Moreover, searching the soul of the Nascent Soul is not an easy task.

Gu Daoren was shocked. At this moment, he finally knew what the golden light was.

That was the body-protecting Qi that only the master of horizontal training could cultivate!

The master of horizontal training, even if his realm was low, the physical strength was at least comparable to that of a Jindan cultivator.

In a panic, Gu Daoren quickly moved his mind, and countless dense flying insects flew out of a storage bag on his waist.

These flying insects were of different colors and shapes, like flies that had just hatched from a fly nest. In an instant, they gathered in the tens of thousands around the two people.

The number was increasing rapidly. In just a few breaths, the two people were surrounded by countless insects within a few feet.

Some flapped their wings and pounced on Mo Xun, while others had more than a dozen legs and crawled all over the ground.

And in the insect wrapping, a dazzling golden shield completely isolated the two people.

Any spiritual insect that touched the golden light was either annihilated directly or turned into a pool of blood.

But the blood seemed to corrode the golden light, but Mo Xun didn't take this corrosion seriously.

"His Qi is so condensed!"

In fear, Gu Daoren quickly struggled to open his mouth, and at the same time, a string of insects stained with green liquid quickly crawled out of his eyes, ears, and nose.

The whole body of Gu Dao Ren seemed to be a spiritual insect vessel.

Some of those insects had many legs like centipedes, while others were wriggling like maggots, which was extremely disgusting.

Mo Xun resisted the discomfort, raised his hand and slapped it, slapping Gu Dao Ren directly out, and a mouthful of thick blood spurted out in the air.

There were still countless insects in the blood.

This guy's internal organs were probably filled with insects.

Although Gu Qingyue, who was not far away, could not see it, under his spiritual sense, it was no different from what he saw with his own eyes.

Especially after seeing countless maggots crawling out of Gu Dao Ren's body, his stomach was churning and he almost vomited.

Mo Xun saw that it was almost done, and he didn't want to entangle with him any more.

But at the moment when he was about to take action, a sudden flash of inspiration came to his mind, and then he slapped his waist, and hundreds of purple flying insects flew out of the spiritual beast bag.

It was the purple snake Qingfu that he had raised for hundreds of years!

Under the control of his spiritual consciousness, the purple snake rushed directly into the insect net.

The name of this ancient fierce soldier is not for nothing!

After flying into the group of insects, the purple snake opened its fangs and bit randomly. The army formed by countless insects and poisonous insects seemed to have lost order all of a sudden. Under the attack of hundreds of purple flying insects, it was immediately defeated.

Under that palm, half of the face of the Taoist Gu was deformed.

In just a dozen breaths, he had already been frightened several times.

The first time, it was Mo Xun who blocked his sneak attack with his protective qi.

The second time, he was pinched by the neck before he made another move.

As for the third time, he did not expect that the other party was also an insect cultivator.

And the other person's spiritual insect level was obviously much higher than his.

Of course, the main reason was that he did not take out the life-saving things!

Not to mention the Taoist Gu, even Gu Qingyue was somewhat surprised.

She thought she had seen a lot of Mo Xun's methods.

She didn't expect that this person also raised spiritual insects, and the strange purple insects were so powerful that they were simply invincible.

On the face of the Gu Taoist, the insects that had originally crawled out of the seven orifices were beaten into blood. The disgusting green liquid mixed with the blood stains made the old Taoist look ferocious and embarrassed.

When he found that he was not dead, the Gu Taoist was terrified and secretly glad.

In fact, the decision to take action before was also a decision he had thought about.

First of all, it is certain that the qualifications of the person in front of him are definitely not as good as his, otherwise he would not have come to the third level so late.

You know, he has been here for more than half a month since he came out of the previous level.

Although he suspected that Mo Xun's real cultivation was not bad, he had all kinds of methods.

Here, although his magic power was suppressed, he could be invincible just by relying on the various Gu insects on his body.

This is what he did in the past half month.

Besides, he was a mid-Nascent Soul who had been in the sect for many years. What was there to be afraid of?

It was just that he ran into a master of horizontal training!

Seeing that the swarm of insects temporarily blocked Mo Xun, Gu Dao Ren made up his mind and took out another spirit insect bag.

It contained a lot of good things.

As soon as Mo Xun started, he knew he was no match for the other party.

As soon as he escaped, he immediately thought of running!

In this situation, not leaving was simply seeking death.

As for the treasures in the spirit insect bag, he had to abandon them to exchange for a glimmer of life.

But there are a few powerful guys here. Although he has raised them for decades, he still can't fully control them. Every time he uses them, he must use his own flesh and blood as a guide to summon them.

Gu Daoren is also a ruthless person. He does what he thinks.

As soon as his spiritual consciousness moved, thousands of insects of various colors flew out of the spirit insect bag.

Then, he directly chopped off his left hand with a palm knife.

Those insects smelled blood and immediately rushed to the broken arm on the ground. Among them, nearly a hundred spirit insects with extremely strange appearances were the fastest, almost arriving in the blink of an eye.

Before other insects approached, the dozen flying insects swept away a bloody arm and ate it clean, leaving only white bones full of pits.

These spirit insects are dark red all over, and look a bit like bees. Upon closer inspection, there is a long spike on the head.

"Eight-winged blood bee!"

When Gu Qingyue whispered the name, Mo Xun also recognized it.

To be honest, this is not a spiritual insect, but a demon insect!

This insect is not only extremely fast, but also has an extremely hard armor. The most deadly thing is its poison.

This insect likes to suck the blood and soul of the cultivators. Once injured by the poisonous sting, not only will the body suffer irreversible damage, but even the soul will be corroded.

The reason why it is called "eight wings" is because this demon insect has eight slender wings.

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