Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1108: Resurrection Pill

Although this thing has no ranking, it can definitely be placed in the top 15 of the spiritual insect rankings in terms of ferocity!

Seeing the fierce insect flashing its blood-red wings and making a piercing low-frequency sound, Mo Xun did not want to be arrogant.

Although he was confident that his six-zhang golden light was not afraid of this thing, he did not want to take risks.

He took out a formation flag and raised his hand to hit it into the void.

Even if his current formation attainment is not at the top of this world, it is not far away.

If he puts in some effort, the eighth-level formation may be arranged.

In this world, the formation can be roughly divided into nine levels. Above the ninth level, it may be called a spiritual formation.

As the formation flag disappeared in the air, the red eight-winged blood bees were immediately trapped in a circle of faint green light.

Mo Xun did not stop there, but quickly retreated, and at the same time grabbed Gu Qingyue and fell ten feet away.

Then, his figure was seen moving rapidly along the area of ​​dozens of feet in radius.

If you look down from above, you can find that his afterimage just formed a big circle.

One by one, the formation flags flew out from his sleeves and were constantly hit into the void.

Those formation flags echoed each other and soon formed a huge barrier, which not only trapped the Gu Taoist and the eight-winged blood bee in the middle, but also trapped all the Gu insects inside.

"He is actually a formation master!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Qingyue's heart was once again rippled.

It seemed that the more contact with Mo Xun, the more mysterious this man felt.

"Get up!"

With Mo Xun's low shout, the large formation formed by hundreds of formation flags was finally completed.

Amidst the rumbling, a completely closed barrier emitted a light blue light within a radius of dozens of feet.

Mo Xun was seen standing outside the formation, constantly making hand gestures with his hands.

At the same time, a small spirit gathering formation was also distributed around him.

At the center of the spirit gathering array, there were nine high-level spirit stones.

Streams of pure spiritual energy continued to overflow from the array, but only a small part was absorbed by Mo Xun.

If it were under normal circumstances, why would he need to use so many spirit stones to cast a trap array?

Due to the suppression of his realm, at this moment, he was like holding a cup in his hand. Every time he could only get a cup of water from the ocean, and then go to extinguish the fire in the house.

Although he knew that this would cause great waste, there was no way!

A layer of sweat had already seeped out of his forehead!

In addition to requiring sufficient mana to control such an array, the consumption of spiritual consciousness is also a big problem.

Every few breaths, he had to swallow a pill of rejuvenating spirit!

This pill of rejuvenating spirit was the recipe for the spiritual consciousness pill he obtained from Wuliang Mountain.

In fact, strictly speaking, the main function of this pill is to replenish spiritual consciousness, and it can be barely used in cultivation.

During this time in the Demonic Path, in addition to ordinary cultivation, tempering his consciousness is also his daily compulsory course.

The so-called tempering is to continuously use the Jingyuan Gong as the meridian flow, release the consciousness for a long time, and simulate the transformation at the same time. On the one hand, it is repeatedly condensed, and on the other hand, it is to try different means of attack.

At present, for him, the role that the consciousness can play is mainly to attack the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness.

That is, the consciousness thorn that he accidentally comprehended that year!

However, in recent times, he has found a new way out.

After the transformation, the consciousness can actually do a lot of things.

Such as combining with the formation to arrange the consciousness restriction.

His usual means of setting restrictions are mainly based on mana. The mana is injected into the void according to a certain position of Qiankun Gang, like a formation flag, which can play the role of restriction in a short time. This is also the mainstream method of high-level cultivators.

But if you can simulate the formation flag through the consciousness and arrange the forbidden formation, that is another realm.

Compared with mana, the consciousness has a very big advantage, that is, it will not cause space fluctuations and is more concealed.

If Mo Xun can use his spiritual consciousness in the formation and prohibition, although he dare not say that he is the best in the world of immortal cultivation, it will definitely have unexpected effects in the battle, and may even become the key to success or failure.

He is an alchemist with great attainments. In addition, he is also a skilled alchemist. Compared with ordinary cultivation, these categories require extremely high spiritual consciousness strength, so his spiritual consciousness is much more condensed than that of cultivators of the same level.

He has been practicing Jingyuan Gong continuously for many years. Although the level of this spiritual consciousness technique is not high, it is rare in the entire world of immortal cultivation. Now with the blessing of Fushen Pill, it can be said that it will not take long for his spiritual consciousness strength and range to be comparable to that of the late Nascent Soul.

Spiritual consciousness is really important to immortal cultivators!

A strong spiritual consciousness can play an unparalleled role in cultivation advancement, refining instruments and pills, taming beasts and insects, and fighting against enemies.

Outside the formation, as Mo Xun cast out hand gestures, the Gu Taoist and the eight-winged blood bee in the barrier were all restrained in place.

Then, from all around the barrier, sharp light blades condensed and flew out.

The primary target of those light blades was the Gu Taoist.

As the saying goes, to kill the enemy, you must first capture the master. As long as the Gu Taoist was restrained, no matter what kind of insect Gu it was, it would become water without a source.

If it weren't for the disgusting power of the Gu Taoist just now, Mo Xun would have cut off his Taoist body long ago.

As for this person's Nascent Soul, he was still prepared to keep it.

On the one hand, he wanted to get some information about this place from Gu Daoren, and on the other hand, the Nascent Soul of a Nascent Soul cultivator was extremely valuable!

This thing can't be seen on the market at all!

Those light blades flew towards Gu Daoren from all directions with the momentum of breaking through the air.

While Gu Daoren was panicking, he did not sit and wait for death, but opened his mouth again and spit out a cloud of black mist.

The black mist quickly cruised in the air, forming a circle of black shield around Gu Daoren.

If you look closely, you can find that the black mist is condensed by ant-sized flying insects.

There are so many of them!

The light blades slashed on the black mist, and most of them were blocked and disappeared.

At the same time, the black mist gradually became thinner.

At this time, Gu Daoren suddenly bit his tongue and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

After being nourished by the blood essence, the black fog became active again. With countless light blades, it lifted the Gu Taoist from the ground and flew out of the barrier.

The Gu Taoist seemed to be wrapped in a black cloud in the air.

Whenever the light blades tore the black fog thin, the Gu Taoist would spit out new supplements from his mouth.

I don’t know how many insects this guy has in his body.

Although separated by the black fog, Mo Xun noticed that the other party’s body was gradually becoming thinner.

This guy is simply a bug man!

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