Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1110 Seven Changes

This thing was naturally his backup, Xuantian was really angry!

Since Chili swallowed a large amount of Baihuan Tianjing last time, he turned into a white cocoon, so this kind of heavenly fire was Nanming Lihuo.

Mo Xun raised his sleeves and collected Nanming Lihuo again.

Then, floating in front of him was a dull black Yuanying.

It was Gu Dao Ren!

But at this time, Gu Dao Ren not only had no Dharma body, but also looked more shriveled and charred under the burning of the true fire.

Mo Xun raised his hand at the first time and slapped the other party's top of the head.

The other hand was on his chest, and he quickly made several Dharma seals in succession.

As a wisp of spiritual consciousness entered Gu Dao Ren's body, it soon formed a series of mysterious and complex restrictions.

Mo Xun's current means of setting restrictions are not something that ordinary people can solve!

In most cases, those who have a higher attainment in formation than him are often not as good as him in cultivation, and those who are stronger than him in realm do not understand the formation.

Although he had just put away the Xuantian True Fire very quickly, the sharp-eyed Gu Qingyue still noticed the strange heat!

But Gu Qingyue didn't think much about it. After all, Xuantian True Fire was too precious no matter where it was placed.

Even the Tuoluo Gate had never had one!

In his opinion, it might be a hot and exotic treasure.

Fortunately, Gu Qingyue's attention was soon focused on the black Nascent Soul.

She had seen the Nascent Soul of a cultivator before!

Her father was one of the most powerful cultivators in the Demonic Path, and her senior brother was also in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, so for her, these were not uncommon.

But if it came to capturing a Nascent Soul on the spot, this kind of scene was not in her impression.

Gu Qingyue took a deep breath. Mo Xun's strength had far exceeded her expectations.

A Gu Taoist in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, who had been in the Demonic Path for hundreds of years and enjoyed killing people all his life, was caught by someone like this?

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?

Speaking of the life of this Gu Daoist, one can almost write a biography of a celebrity!

His deeds that frightened people were too numerous to list!

Even if her father Gu Jianshan personally went out to capture this person, it would probably not be so easy.

Of course, there is a reason for suppressing the realm.

It should be noted that for the magic cultivators, many methods cannot be used by the Qi Refining Cultivation.

But Mo Xun's side is also like this?

Mo Xun took out a large jade box, put away the black Yuanying, and put on several restrictions again.

He now has two complete Yuanying in his hands!

In comparison, although the Yuanying of Gu Daoist is at a high level, its quality is much worse.

The main reason is that due to the battle, too much blood and essence were lost, and it looked dry and thin, extremely dull. After being burned by the Nanming Lihuo, it can be said that eight or nine out of ten essences have been lost.

Mo Xun held the jade box in one hand, and the other hand was attached to the top of the Yuanying's head.

He wanted to search the soul!

But just a moment later, he opened his eyes again.

It seems that searching the soul with Qi training is not feasible!

Putting away the jade box, Mo Xun set his eyes on the countless insect poisons in the forbidden net.

Originally densely packed, there were countless spirit insects and magic poisons, but now there were less than half.

Some of them disappeared in the previous explosion, and some were eaten by Zixun Qingfu.

Fortunately, he acted in time and left a lot.

In the forbidden net, Zixun was still madly devouring various insect poisons that were fleeing randomly.

Because they lost the control of the spiritual consciousness, although those spirit insects were still powerful, they had no resistance.

Mo Xun just stood quietly aside, waiting for Zixun to devour them all.

Eight-winged blood bees, black devil insects, flying centipedes, centipede poisonous insects, crystal silver ants...

Before, Mo Xun's main focus was on fighting, and he didn't count how many kinds of insects there were. Now, with just a casual glance, he recognized 20 to 30 kinds.

As for the number, it can only be described as densely packed!

This Gu Taoist is really worthy of his name!

In order to prevent those insects from escaping, Mo Xun added a circle of siege restrictions on the periphery.

After half an hour, there were only 60 to 70 purple snakes left, and then the battlefield was cleaned up.

Looking at the purple little bugs that were staggering and seemed to be full, Mo Xun roughly guessed that these little guys would probably sleep and advance.

Spirit insects are similar to beasts, and they all advance through sleep.

Mo Xun's mind moved, and all the purple green flies flew into his spirit insect bag.

At the same time, he also checked the two bags left by the Gu Taoist.

One is a storage bag, which contains a lot of things, including spirit stones, magic weapons, magic tools, various elixirs, etc., which can be said to be varied.

There are at least a dozen magic weapons. Although the divine consciousness on them has been wiped out, it can still be seen that these should belong to different people.

It is obvious that they must be the spoils of that guy!

There are not many magic tools. At the level of Yuanying, they are no longer useful!

And most of them are very new, and many of them still have the marks of the original owner. I think this person got them by killing and robbing after coming here.

As for spirit stones, there are quite a few, which can be regarded as a windfall!

And what Mo Xun values ​​most is the many jade slips inside.

This Gu Taoist does have his own set of experience in raising insects.

In addition to various secret techniques for raising insects, there are also ways to refine spirit insect liquids and the uses of some special spirit insects.

For example, it is recorded above that there is a kind of heavenly glutton, whose eggs can be used to refine armor.

In addition, there are many introductions on how to cultivate Gu worms with the body as a dish.

In general, this storage bag is the one with the most jade slips among the spoils obtained by Mo Xun.

From the habits of spiritual insects, to raising them, to specific control, etc., it is simply a sect of insect cultivation.

There are also Gu Taoist's experience in raising insects over the years!

It can be seen that this insect demon is a very careful person. Almost all of his accumulation over hundreds of years has been recorded on it.

Let's not talk about other things first. These hundreds of jade slips alone are a fortune.

Mo Xun also found a good thing in his storage.

A mask that can change appearance, seven changes!

To be honest, this thing is a rare treasure. Although Mo Xun can't see the grade, it should not be worse than a treasure!

The fact that Mo Xun can make such a conclusion shows that this thing is extraordinary.

He tried it, and after wearing it on his face, he could not only hide his cultivation, but also completely change his appearance without any flaws.

Anyway, with Mo Xun's cultivation, he didn't see the flaws.

In fact, he can no longer use this thing.

On the one hand, he is now almost at the top of this world, and he doesn't need to hide his head and show his tail.

On the other hand, he has chaotic turbidity in his body. There is nothing in the world that can hide his breath better than this thing.

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