Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1111 Behind the Numbers

But it's better than nothing, maybe it will be useful someday.

As for the word "seven changes", as the name suggests, it means that one can change his appearance into seven different kinds.

What surprised Mo Xun was that the life weapon of this Gu Taoist was a sword!

This was like a scholar who was always carrying a hoe, which was a bit out of place.

According to Mo Xun's guess, this person was probably a sword cultivator at first.

But later, due to fate, he got involved in the way of insects, and then he became an evil insect cultivator.

In short, the collection of a Yuanying cultivator is still very rich.

However, with Mo Xun's current wealth, it is not enough to make him too excited.

After putting this thing away, he took out the second bag.

This is a spirit insect bag!

When Mo Xun opened it, he was surprised again!

What was inside was not any insect Gu, nor insect eggs, but a giant green egg that was one foot in size.

The whole egg was dark green with some light mottled textures, resembling a large watermelon.

Could it be a spirit beast growing inside?

Mo Xun didn't know much about spirit beasts.

If he hadn't adopted Bai Ze by chance, he would have known nothing about it!

But since Gu Dao Ren still didn't give up this thing after giving up his body, it should be a good thing.

Of course, he didn't think about insect eggs.

But what kind of spirit insect eggs would be so big?

At this time, Gu Qingyue also came over, and when he saw the giant egg in Mo Xun's hand, he was also a little confused.

At the same time, Gu Qingyue immediately noticed something.

The number on Mo Xun's back changed!


At this time, the two didn't have to guess, because the number on the back obviously represented the number of people.

Gu Dao Ren's previous seventeen indicated that the other party had killed seventeen people.

Mo Xun killed him again now, so the number was transferred to him, and one was also added.

Thinking of this, the two frowned at the same time.

This third level, it turned out to be a trial of mutual killing!

When meeting Mo Xun's gaze, Gu Qingyue subconsciously took a step back, and at the same time made a somewhat alert posture.

Obviously, if you want to get out of this level, you have to accumulate heads!

Mo Xun sneered.

"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it long ago!"

After that, he turned around and left this place.

Gu Qingyue did not blush because of this joke. She would not let others dominate her life easily.

The two walked one after the other, and they looked at each other in silence for a while.

Not long after, they heard noisy shouts and killings in the distance.

The two quickened their pace and climbed over a small earth slope. On the other side, seven or eight people were killing each other.

These people did not distinguish between enemies and friends, and killed anyone they saw.

There were more than a dozen corpses scattered around, both men and women.

The number behind each of the living people was greater than one, and the most was even seven.

These numbers represent the slaughter they caused after they came here.

"It's Cangyu Sect, Huoyan Valley, and Cangdao Wu's people..."

The two hid far behind the mound, and Gu Qingyue suddenly whispered.

Seeing Mo Xun's doubts, Gu Qingyue continued.

"These are all small sects in the Demon Dao territory, and their strength is far inferior to the nine major demon sects. It's normal that you don't recognize them!"

Mo Xun then noticed that some of the people fighting were wearing special Taoist robes. Gu Qingyue was able to recognize them, mostly based on this!

The fight didn't last long, and only two people were left in the field.

The two were covered in blood, probably because of the fight, and they were more or less out of breath.

Everyone was suppressed in one realm, so the original cultivation level could not be seen.

However, it was precisely because of this that a fair environment was created for everyone.

It is impossible to kill a Jindan in the outside world, but it is very likely to happen here.

Of course, even if high-level cultivators are suppressed, they still have more trump cards.

Maybe they can't take advantage of the mana, but they definitely have more means of saving their lives and fighting the enemy than the low-level cultivators.

The two of them were able to win in the end, perhaps because they were at the same level and had good strength, or because they were real cultivators.

The two looked at each other, and there was a bit of fear in each other's eyes.

And the numbers behind them were all over ten!

The two did not speak, but their lips moved slightly.

But this kind of voice transmission was a bit clumsy in Mo Xun's consciousness.

I only heard one of them say: "Brother Ma, how about you and I kill those two peeping bugs first, and then compete with each other?"

The male cultivator surnamed Ma nodded gently.

"Okay, you choose one!"

The other party smiled and continued to transmit the voice.

"Zhang will suffer a little, the man will be mine, and the woman will be yours!"

The male cultivator surnamed Ma immediately raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Of course it's to help Brother Ma. That female cultivator is not that strong. Maybe Brother Ma can capture her. After the lovemaking, Zhang will still be fighting hard!"

The man surnamed Ma snorted coldly.

"Do you think I can't see what you're thinking? Among these two people, only the pretty boy has a storage bag..."

The man didn't continue to say anything, but the implication was clear.

After hearing this, Mo Xun touched his chin secretly.

They were still arguing about who was fighting with them.

Gu Qingyue couldn't hear these things.

If she knew, she would probably be speechless.

She was a great beauty, but in the eyes of the two people on the opposite side, she became a target of shirking.

At this moment, the two people in the distance suddenly disappeared.

It's not entirely correct to say that they disappeared, but they were very fast and left a residual image at the original place.

This is a very clever body movement. From this, it can be seen that the real cultivators of these two people should not be low, at least above the Jindan stage.

The next moment, two cold lights appeared on both sides of Mo Xun at the same time.

The two of them obviously reached a tacit understanding at the same time, that is, whoever can kill Mo Xun first will get what he has.

Gu Qingyue's perception of danger is still very quick. Although her reaction is limited, she still found the two people who were killing Mo Xun in the first time.

"Be careful!"

I don't know if it was caused by ghosts or I was afraid that after Mo Xun was killed, I would inevitably have a bad end, but I subconsciously reminded him.

Just when the two cold lights were about to pierce Mo Xun, they were blocked by a golden light!

The cold light paused in mid-air, and two strange magic weapons appeared on the left and right.

One was a half-moon scimitar, and the other was a sickle-shaped weapon.

The figures of the two people also became clear, but their faces showed a look of surprise at the same time.

Before the two could react, Mo Xun stretched out his hands and directly strangled their throats.

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