Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1112: Boundary Aperture

"You are... a body cultivator!"

This sentence came from the mouth of the male cultivator surnamed Ma.

Although they were only strangled by the neck, the magic power of the two seemed to be sealed, and they could not mobilize the slightest strength to resist.

The man surnamed Zhang blushed and squeezed out a few words from his mouth.

"Senior...Senior...spare my life!"

The two were also flexible. When they saw that the situation was not right, they immediately changed their faces.

Mo Xun's hand loosened a little. While restraining the two, he took the opportunity to put several restrictions on the other party.

"What are your names?"

"Zhang...Daoyan, Ma...Wusan!" The two panted and stammered.

The moment they were captured by Mo Xun, they knew that in this place, they were definitely not the opponent of the person in front of them.

Although they killed people like butchering dogs before, facing someone who could subdue them with one move, they couldn't even think of escaping.

Mo Xun then asked: "How do we get out of here?"

The two men were on Mo Xun's left and right sides, as if hanging on Mo Xun's left and right hands. They looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

The man surnamed Ma replied: "Senior, we don't know how to get out. We just guess that the more people we kill here, the greater the chance of survival!"

"That's right. The numbers behind us represent the people we killed!"

The two men rushed to answer, fearing that Mo Xun would be unhappy and break their necks directly.

But such worries are obviously a bit redundant.

Because the next moment, two crisp bone sounds came, and the two men tilted their heads at the same time, and their pupils gradually became dilated.

Gu Qingyue saw this scene, although she had expected it, she still frowned slightly.

Walking with Mo Xun all the way, she thought she had understood the other party's character well enough, but from what she saw, she still underestimated his murderous nature!

It's not that he kills innocent people indiscriminately, but he is definitely a decisive person!

In fact, who can cultivate to the Nascent Soul is a kind-hearted person?

To put it bluntly, the path to advancement for any cultivator is built with bones!

Mo Xun rolled up his sleeves, collected the things on the two people, and threw them back to the battlefield. A flame shot up into the sky, swallowing all the bodies.

The two continued on their way!

And the number behind Mo Xun became forty-five after killing two people!

"Are you going to keep killing like this?" After a long while, Gu Qingyue broke the dullness.

Mo Xun did not look back, and walked slowly.

"What good ideas do you have?"

Gu Qingyue was asked for a moment, yes, if he didn't kill like this, what good ideas would he have?

Two days passed peacefully, and they didn't meet anyone else.

Until the third day, they met a lone female cultivator.

This female cultivator was also not simple, and the number behind her was marked with twelve!

But when she saw the forty-five behind Mo Xun, she directly used a flight talisman to escape.

A month later, the number behind Mo Xun rose to sixty.

This speed is much slower than the first day.

There are several reasons. First, just like the woman before, after seeing the number behind Mo Xun, they all chose to retreat!

In this case, although the cultivation level cannot be seen on the surface, the number represents strength.

Second, Mo Xun has his own bottom line when killing people.

Most of the people he killed were those who attacked him first.

This point made Gu Qingyue change his mind a lot.

Although this woman was born in the magic way, she is different from many crazy magic cultivators. She still has some compassion for the world.

During this period, Mo Xun was thinking about a question.

That is the real intention of this level!

The sect selection is aimed at killing. What is this to test?

The strength of the enemy, the test of life and death, or a person's killing intention?

No wonder such a sect will eventually be destroyed. There is reincarnation in the way of heaven. Such a trial method that destroys humanity is tantamount to digging one's own grave!

The disciples trained in this way are just killing machines.

"You said..."

At this time, Gu Qingyue spoke!

Mo Xun paused and waited for the other party to continue.

Gu Qingyue pondered for a while, then said: "I think even if you kill more people, you may not be able to get out."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and turned his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe a long time ago, the way of this trial was to kill a certain number of trial participants, but the number should not be too many. No one would set up such a perverted and unreasonable killing trial. It's just that no one is controlling this place now, so I can't get out."

Gu Qingyue meant that the original requirement for passing the level might be just to kill a few people. Once the goal is achieved, someone from the outside world will teleport the trial participants out.

But now it's different. Even if you kill more people, it's useless!

Mo Xun took a deep breath. Yes, this possibility is not impossible!

But then again, even if this is the case, what good solution does he have?

"What do you mean?"

"I have no way. Aren't you a formation master? Can't you find the way out?"

Mo Xun thought, if he could find it, would he have to wander around for a month?

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook without any warning, like a dragon turning over.

This shaking lasted for several breaths before it gradually calmed down. There were also rumbling noises coming from the horizon.

The two looked at each other, and Mo Xun spoke.

"Let's go and take a look!"

After that, he directly put his arm around Gu Qingyue's shoulders and ran towards the source of the sound.

The speed of the eighth level of body refining, if it is fully exerted, is not as slow as flying.

I saw a black shadow jumping on the horizon. Every time it jumped, it was several feet high. When it fell, it was already dozens of feet away, like a clever monkey. After a few breaths, it became a black dot and disappeared at the end of the field of vision.

About an incense stick later, the two came to a canyon. In the air, there appeared a barrier that was opened by the attack.

The barrier revealed a circular light circle several feet wide, like a teleportation light gate, with obvious formation fluctuations at the edge.

It seems that someone discovered the secret here and opened it by accident!

While Mo Xun was hesitating, another man and a woman came over.

The two of them just glanced at Mo Xun and went straight into the cave.

"Are you staying here or going in with me?"

Hearing Mo Xun's question, Gu Qingyue hurriedly said, "Of course, we'll go in together!"

In such a place where the weak are the prey of the strong, even if she is a Jindan cultivator, she can't help but feel insecure.

Although she is now a captive, it is safer to stay with Mo Xun!

"Then follow me closely!"

After saying that, Mo Xun went in first.

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