Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1113 Tongtian River

As soon as he stepped into the barrier aperture, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The originally green world became a little illusory and blurry in the next moment.

At the same time, an extremely pure aura of demonic spirits rushed towards the face, making all demon cultivators feel their cultivation loosen even if they took a single breath.

What appeared next was a big river.

The river is rushing and the waves are rolling!

The roaring sound of water rang in my ears, one wave after another!

"This is......"

Mo Xun looked at the rushing river in front of him in surprise, and for a moment he didn't know where he was.

"It's the Tongtian River... No, it's just the Tongtian River water!"

At this time, Gu Qingyue suddenly spoke.

The surprise and doubt on Gu Qingyue's face was no less than that of Mo Xunlai.

Hearing the words "Tongtian River", Mo Xun's heart skipped a beat. He had heard this name before, and he had heard it for a long time.

It is said that the origin of magic is related to this river.

But it has been so long that it is impossible to verify what exactly happened.

Hearing what Gu Qingyue meant, the magnificent river in front of him was the Tongtian River?

If so, that’s a great opportunity!

"It is rumored that the Tongtian River is an ancient demonic river, and the Tongtian Demonic Tower was born from the Tongtian River. The demonic aura contained in the river is incomparable to even the top demonic veins, but the river in front of us , should only be taken from the Tongtian River water, it seems that my previous guess is true, maybe only the treasures of the universe such as the Tongtian Demon Tower can collect the Tongtian River water..."

Gu Qingyue seemed to be mumbling to herself, and seemed to be answering Mo Xun's doubts.

The river in front of us is only a hundred feet wide. Although the river is stretching and it is unknown where it leads, it is indeed not consistent with the width of the legendary Tongtian River.

While the two were surprised, the monks who came in earlier were already overjoyed.

Looking up, there were more than a dozen figures gathered on the river bank.

Some people were still in a daze in wonder, while others were already sitting cross-legged on the shore and began to meditate to absorb the evil energy.

What's more, a small boat was taken out from nowhere and floated directly into the river.

Mo Xun and Gu Qingyue looked at each other and murmured to themselves at the same time, thinking that this opportunity came too easily!

Soon, they discovered another strange thing.

The power within the two of them that suppressed their cultivation was slowly disappearing little by little, which meant that their realm was gradually improving.

"Let's go downstream first and take a look!"

Gu Qingyue wanted to say no. Given the opportunity, she couldn't wait to start practicing immediately.

Absorbing demonic energy by the Tongtian River is like sitting on the demonic veins. Even if it is not as good as the elixir, it is not much different.

But in the end, she followed Mo Xun's footsteps.

Who allows himself to still have the restrictions imposed by others in his body?

In the entire space, except for this meandering river, there is fog that permeates everywhere.

So they didn't go far before disappearing into the white mist.

During this period, Mo Xun also observed near the river bank and did not feel any danger.

Then, he planned to collect some river water to take a look, but he didn't know that he couldn't collect it at all.

Under the pull of mana, the river water completely dissipated as soon as it flowed into his hands.

Gu Qingyue spoke immediately.

"You don't have to waste your efforts. If the Tongtian River water was so easy to collect, it wouldn't be called the First Demonic River. Only ancient treasures like the Tongtian Demon Tower can collect this water!"

Mo Xun didn't believe it, so he tried several methods, but all failed in the end!

After walking for about a long time, the two finally stopped.

It seems that there is indeed only one big river with no end in this place!

Mo Xun suddenly turned his head and said: "I will practice here for a while, and then I will unlock the seal on you. You can practice on your own, but it is best not to leave me too far. You are a smart person and should understand what I am doing. Meaning!"

With a flick of Mo Xun's fingers, Gu Qingyue felt that the bound mana around her body was under her control again.

Then she saw Mo Xun start to get busy, throwing down several formation flags on the river bank.

After a dozen breaths, a small formation barrier was formed.

The formation was blurry, and the inside could not be seen from the outside. Mo Xun's figure was also completely covered.

Facing this sudden change, Gu Qingyue was stunned for a moment, as if she had not yet recovered from the surprise of recovering her mana.

She hesitated whether to take advantage of this opportunity to escape, but after thinking about it, she gave up the idea.

Mo Xun's methods really frightened her!

In the barrier, Mo Xun didn't really want to practice cultivation, but took out the green gourd. Now that the opportunity had come, he had to do something.

Although he doesn't practice magic skills, he will not let go of the divine water in front of him.

I saw him holding a green gourd in one hand, jumping up and stepping on the river.

The river was turbulent, but as his mana gradually recovered, the surroundings immediately calmed down after stepping into the river.

He knelt down, and as the blue light in his hand flashed, a smile appeared on his lips.

It really works!

Although he didn't know the level of this green gourd, he thought it was definitely no worse than the Tongtian Demon Tower.

Since the Tongtian Magic Tower can collect water from the Tongtian River, why not the green gourd?

Is it just the charging's really a bit slow!

Mo Xun frowned slightly and released his palm. The green gourd was suspended about half a foot above the river water under the maintenance of his magic power. As the green light kept flashing, the water in the river was sucked into the gourd little by little like a trickle.

He wanted to collect it faster, but over the years, he could not achieve the unity of mind and spirit with this treasure at all, and could only use it passively.

"It seems that I have to stay here for a while!"

Since he came to Tianmo Valley and entered this mysterious deep pit, he has gradually forgotten the purpose of his trip.

This is also a matter of course. Even if he is anxious, he has to find a way out.

Fortunately, he made sufficient arrangements before leaving Qiu Tiancheng.

With Sun Ku sitting in the wine shop, he has given the recipe for brewing half a cup of wine to this disciple. Even if he goes back a few years later, it will not be a big deal!

For a cultivator, what is three to five years?

The only worry is the situation over there with Lan Xin!

However, the incarnation was somewhat tied to him, at least from the current situation, nothing should have happened.

He suddenly remembered the jade slip that he had thrown into the gourd before, which recorded the complete Tongtian Demonic Art!

The secret room in the previous level was also strange. After leaving, it was just as Gu Qingyue said, whether it was the engraved text or the information of the art in the mind, all disappeared, as if someone had deliberately erased this memory.

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