The first level is for getting started, and the second level is for refining magic tower magic weapons.

Mo Xun had already completed these two levels in the previous level!

For any martial arts, the later it is, the more difficult it is to practice.

This magic skill is also true!

It took Mo Xun nearly a year to practice to the third level, and until now, he has just completed the fifth level!

The five whirlpools below him are in line with this!

In fact, his progress is not slow, but it still exceeds his psychological expectations.

In his previous opinion, he would be able to practice the martial arts to perfection in a few decades.

The progress of practice here is at least ten times faster than that in the outside world, which means that these five years are almost equivalent to fifty years in the outside world, and he has only reached the fifth level!

As for the fact that he was able to practice so quickly in the previous level, the main credit should be attributed to the elixir.

You know, in order to practice the first two levels, he used up all the advanced elixirs he had stored for many years!

What made him happy was that his cultivation was also increasing rapidly with the progress of the technique.

He noticed this at the beginning of practicing Tongtian Magic Technique!

In comparison, this was the biggest surprise that the entire technique brought him!

He hadn't experienced this kind of refreshing realm improvement for a long time.

Since he formed the infant, he has been troubled by the problem of cultivation, which is why he searched for the formula of the infant pill everywhere.

But the cultivation of the Nascent Soul stage is not so easy to improve.

He felt that if he continued to practice like this, it would not take long for him to reach the peak of the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

Then the next step is to find a breakthrough opportunity!

There are many ways to find a breakthrough opportunity.

Most people often choose pills or natural treasures, while others choose when their state of mind is improved or when they are facing a life-and-death test.

In fact, Mo Xun has experienced all of these!

In comparison, he still prefers pills, at least he can have a direction and know how to find it.

As for the state of mind or life and death, it is a bit mysterious.

After calming down, he returned to cultivation.

In this way, two or three years passed. Just when he had just completed the sixth level and entered the seventh level of cultivation, he felt something was wrong.

This level of cultivation was slightly different from the previous one, and it was necessary to reverse the meridians in certain places.

Mo Xun had seen the practice of reversing the meridians before, so he hesitated for a moment and didn't think much about it.

This was also because he was skilled and daring. If it were an ordinary cultivator, he would never take such a risk.

Who knew that after a few cycles, he almost lost his life!

After just half an hour, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then the mana in his body was like a flood that had lost control, running around in the meridians all over his body.

Mo Xun was shocked and began to disperse his power forcibly!

But for some reason, the messy mana in the meridians could not find an outlet at all. No matter how he tried, he could not disperse the violent demonic energy.

As the uncontrolled magic power collided, blood began to seep out of his body.

The meridians in his body were gradually breaking!

Could it be that the two auras of magic and spirit were incompatible and conflicting?

This was not right. Before he practiced magic, he had bound all the spiritual energy in his body in his dantian, and the two could not touch each other at all.

But now it was different. Due to the riot of magic energy, the spiritual energy also began to become disordered.

He hurriedly swallowed several pills to repair the meridians!

Fortunately, he was well prepared. Soon, the broken meridians began to repair again.

However, the riotous magic energy still collided in his body, constantly tearing the meridians. For a while, the repair of the pills and this tearing formed a delicate balance.

It was like a wooden barrel full of water, but now there were cracks, and he could only try his best to repair it.

Every time he repaired one place, another one broke!

Because he couldn't disperse the power, he could only try his best to maintain this situation, but he couldn't effectively stop it!

The intense pain caused beads of sweat to ooze out of his forehead!

Sweat and blood mixed together and flowed down his cheeks.

Compared to the severe injuries suffered by his body, the decline in his cultivation was what worried him the most.

His realm seemed to be falling bit by bit!

Mo Xun spit out a mouthful of thick blood again, and his chest was already a deep red.

If there were people around, they would certainly be surprised to find that at this moment, Mo Xun was surrounded by two different mists, red and black. For a while, the red mist had the upper hand, and for a while, the black mist wrapped him up.

His face was also changing with extremely weird colors!

The whole person's state was like a beast about to go crazy. The blood oozing from his body began to dye his clothes red, as if the next moment, the whole person would explode and die!

In this state, Mo Xun's eight-level body refining cultivation was finally put to good use!

Few ordinary cultivators, even Yuanying cultivators, can endure such pain.

The cultivator's body is like a reservoir, and the demon spirit is the water in the pool.

As the cultivation level increases, the pool will become larger and larger, and the water stored in it will also increase.

But Mo Xun is now like a closed reservoir.

The water in the pool keeps surging, and it wants to flow out, but it can't find any place to vent.

The turbulent pool water can only rush around randomly.

Every time he collided, Mo Xun felt that his body was about to be torn apart.

The terrible thing was that as his cultivation level decreased, the pool became smaller and smaller, but the water in the pool remained unchanged.

If this continued, he would be blown up even without the pool water!

While Mo Xun stabilized his own realm, he kept trying to find a place to vent his magic power. What he could do now was to hold on and keep clear-headed. If he fainted at this critical moment, he might not wake up.

The meridian damage was okay, but he was afraid that his Dantian Yuanying would be damaged!

Fortunately, in the end, he found a way to vent his magic power, which was to spit blood.

Every time he spit out a mouthful of blood, a lot of magic energy would be taken out of his body, and at the same time, he would feel a little more relaxed.

I don’t know how many mouthfuls of blood he spit out until his face was completely pale, and the violent magic energy was finally under control.

However, his realm has completely dropped to the peak of the Jindan stage!

Yes, he fell below the Yuanying stage.

Even so, Mo Xun was not too worried. As long as the Nascent Soul was still in his body, these were only temporary!

When his realm fell to the late stage of Jindan, the riot in his body completely disappeared.

After feeling that he no longer had to struggle on the edge of life and death, Mo Xun exhaled a long breath, and at the same time, he collapsed to the ground.

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