Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1116: Incidents outside the formation

He gasped for air, letting the blood and dirt on his body flow.

Although he could not say that he had escaped death, the danger level was definitely not low!

I really did not expect that he would go astray at this level.

At this moment, he did not care about his injuries, but began to think about where the problem was.

Either it was because of the dual cultivation of Taoism and magic, the spiritual energy and the magic energy mixed in the body caused disorder, or there was a problem with the seventh level of this set of exercises!

But how could this be possible?

Obviously, the first six levels were normal. During the practice, he could also clearly feel that this "Tongtian Magic Art" was an extremely great magical power. Why did it have problems at the end?

He had just swallowed a pill to restore his mana, and he suddenly jumped up.

Then he flashed and went out of the hidden formation directly.

Passing through the gray mist, a fierce fighting sound immediately rang in his ears, and then a figure flew towards him.

Mo Xun waved his sleeves and held him in his arms.

This person was Gu Qingyue!

But at this time, Gu Qingyue was really embarrassed. Not only was her hair messy, there were blood stains on the corners of her mouth, but her clothes were also torn in several places.

After several years of practice, Gu Qingyue's cultivation has reached the late stage of Jindan!

As soon as Mo Xun touched him, he knew that he was injured!

Gu Qingyue was also startled when she was suddenly held in someone's arms. After seeing that it was Mo Xun, she was a little calmer.

"You finally came out!"

Gu Qingyue did not notice the abnormality of Mo Xun at the first time, and even did not notice the decrease in Mo Xun's cultivation.

After all, Mo Xun often likes to hide his cultivation, so she did not think much about it.

Putting Gu Qingyue down, Mo Xun raised his head and happened to meet three pairs of slightly playful eyes.

"You are the senior who is practicing, right? You are only in the late Jindan stage. It's a pity that the three of us have waited for so long!"

Not far from here, there were three cultivators standing, two men and one woman, all of whom were in the late Jindan stage or above.

One of them was even close to reaching the perfection of the Jindan stage. The speaker was the one who injured Gu Qingyue.

This person's cultivation level, as revealed on the surface, was similar to Gu Qingyue.

She looked a little thin, but had a pair of triangular eyes, which looked quite sinister.

There was another woman, who was wearing revealing clothes and had a very hot body. Her eyes were full of charm, and she never moved away from Mo Xun. She had a meaningful smile on her lips, and she just stood quietly aside, licking her lips from time to time.

"What's going on?" Mo Xun asked in a low voice.

Gu Qingyue wiped the blood stains from the corner of her mouth and said depressedly: "Your cultivation made too much noise. They thought there was some treasure in the formation and wanted to force their way in. I stopped them and we ended up fighting."

Mo Xun looked at her strangely, thinking, this is called fighting?

You were the one being beaten, right?

But this time, he looked at this woman differently!

The relationship between the two is really subtle. During his retreat, the other party not only did not escape, but also helped him to protect the formation outside, which was really unexpected.

In fact, with Gu Qingyue's strength, she should not have suffered such a big loss.

On the one hand, it may be because she had just advanced not long ago. On the other hand, Mo Xun confiscated all her magic weapons and treasures. It was reasonable for her to be inferior to others in a fight with bare hands.

"Okay, since you are out, these people are left to you!"

Gu Qingyue took a few steps back and was surprised to find that Mo Xun seemed to be injured.

And judging from the injury, it seemed to be more serious than hers.

At this time, Mo Xun's situation was indeed not very good. The clothes stained with blood were still on his body, and he was extremely thin and his face was frighteningly pale. The most important thing was his aura.

The disordered aura on his body could be felt by anyone who saw him!

"Hey, I'm talking to you. What's in this formation?"

The triangular-eyed man raised his eyebrows and showed a bit of impatience on his face.

"Who are you? How dare you act wild in front of me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Xun turned into a golden light and came directly in front of the other party, and then slapped him.

"Be careful!"

Among the three people, the man with the highest cultivation level changed his face and hurriedly warned him, but he was a step too late!

With a snap, the slap landed firmly on the triangular-eyed face, blowing him away.

Under this scene, the two people behind were shocked at the same time, and each of them immediately sacrificed a protective magic weapon to block in front of them.

The woman who was originally charming immediately lost any frivolity and looked at Mo Xun with a wary face.

Triangle Eyes flew five or six feet away under this slap, and half of his face was swollen immediately.

Although Mo Xun's realm fell and his internal organs were seriously injured, he was a person of horizontal training and not everyone could challenge him!

Of course, he didn't dare to make a big move, otherwise the other party would not only be slapped away, but also turned into blood mist!

After all, the previous obsession not only injured the meridians, but also the body!

Although he could ensure that these people were killed by all means, his current state did not allow any complications.

"Get lost!"

Now, Mo Xun just wanted to find a place to heal his wounds quickly. He just wanted to scare the three people in front of him. There was no need to kill them at the cost of being seriously injured again!

This move did scare the three people in the distance.

But they clearly felt that Mo Xun's cultivation was only in the late stage of Jindan!

The man with the highest cultivation frowned, but did not retreat, nor did he step forward, but just signaled to both sides.

The charming woman understood and immediately moved closer to him.

As for the man with triangular eyes, he jumped up, not caring about the embarrassment on his face, and also stood together.

This man with the highest cultivation looked the oldest in terms of appearance, and his cold eyes were not any kinder than those of triangular eyes.

There was also a shallow scar on this man's forehead!

The scarred man was silent for a while, and suddenly arched his hands.

"Fellow Daoist, you are polite. The three of us are just passing by here. Because we saw the novel formation arranged by fellow Daoist, we wanted to make friends. If we have offended you, please forgive us!"

These words were very polite. If ordinary people heard them, they would probably believe them.

But even though Mo Xun was injured, his sea of ​​consciousness was fine!

The other party's every move is within the monitoring range of his spiritual sense!

While he was talking, he secretly made a hand gesture with his fingers in his sleeves, and not only that, he also threw out a sound transmission talisman.

The next moment, a beam of light flew over the horizon.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

The mana fluctuations contained in this beam of light were clearly that of the early Nascent Soul!

Before Mo Xun could take these into consideration, a slight tremor suddenly came from under the ground where he and Gu Qingyue were standing!

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