Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1117 The Four Demons of Hidden North

Mo Xun grabbed Gu Qingyue's shoulders at the first moment, and the two of them flew into the air!

Then, the ground below exploded suddenly, mud and gravel splashed up, and a head as thick as a bucket popped out from under the ground.

The head opened its bloody mouth, and its bright red tongue rolled, and its fangs bit at Mo Xun and the others.

A golden light flashed on Mo Xun's body, and a circle of golden shields formed on his and Gu Qingyue's bodies in an instant.

The fangs bit on the golden light, making a piercing sound.

At the same time, the bloodthirsty sword had been sacrificed by him!

The huge sword light with red light left a blood-colored light blade in the air, and it directly chopped on the head.

Blood mist splashed, and a hissing sound rose!

Then, a huge head fell from the sky, and a long body fell with it.

This thing turned out to be a yellowish python as thick as a bowl!

"Asshole, dare to kill my spirit pet, I'll take your life!"

As soon as the words fell, the scarred man jumped up with a ferocious look, and an iron rod also hit Mo Xun.

The bloodthirsty sword flew out of Mo Xun's hand, turned into a red light and slashed at the opponent. The sword and the rod met in the air, and suddenly shot out a dazzling fire. The powerful residual power of the magic power formed a ball of air in the air, sweeping in all directions.

Amid the rumbling sound, countless gravel on the river bank was rolled into the air, and the Tongtian River water also rolled out huge waves under this power.

The two figures retreated at the same time in the smoke and dust, but Mo Xun only retreated a few feet and landed steadily, while the scarred man spit out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards in embarrassment. If the triangular-eyed man hadn't caught him, he would probably have fallen heavily on the river beach.

"Second brother, please step back. This man has hidden his cultivation. You are no match for him!"

At the same time, the rainbow light in the sky has also arrived.

The light faded, revealing a man with red hair and even a red beard.

"Brother...Brother..." The other three shouted excitedly, and the charming woman went straight forward and put her arm around the red-haired man.

The red-haired man sneered at Mo Xun.

"You are hiding your head and showing your tail. I will fight you!"

The other party's words really wronged Mo Xun.

It's not that he wanted to hide, but because of the strange technique, his cultivation dropped sharply.

If not for this, the scarred man would not only vomit blood!

Mo Xun has been holding back for the past half day. Think about it, as a Yuanying cultivator, how can he be so frustrated when dealing with a mere Jindan cultivator?

At this time, Gu Qingyue suddenly transmitted his voice and said, "I remember, they are the Four Demons of Hidden North. The eldest is called Yin Hun, and he is in the early stage of the Nascent Soul. These four are not easy to deal with. I heard that they are good at a joint sword formation. If they fight, they can even fight against the middle stage of the Nascent Soul!"

The Four Demons of Hidden North?

Mo Xun has never heard of this name. After all, he has been in the magic world for a short time and does not know everything.

If it were normal, he might be interested in sword formations.

But now he is seriously injured. Not to mention the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, even the early stage of the Nascent Soul may not be able to do it!

"Hold me tightly later, don't let go!"

After Mo Xun said this, he showed the bloodthirsty sword again and looked at the people in the distance coldly.

"Fight if you want!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Xun had already moved.

He held the sword with both hands, and the whole person suddenly disappeared on the spot. When he appeared again, he was already slashing down with a horizontal sword in mid-air.

The red-haired man was not a man of false reputation. The moment Mo Xun made his move, he also sacrificed his magic weapon, a red wine gourd, and threw it at Mo Xun.

With a loud bang, the sword and the gourd met in mid-air, bursting out with dazzling red light.

The formation was much more powerful than the previous attack between Mo Xun and the scarred man.

But this time, it was Mo Xun who flew backwards!

Just as the red-haired man released his Nascent Soul Spirit Realm and was about to pursue the victory, he suddenly felt a pain in his sea of ​​consciousness, and the flame that was about to be ejected from the gourd was also paused.

Spiritual attack!

The moment his sea of ​​consciousness was severely damaged, the red-haired man knew what was going on!

In just one or two breaths, Mo Xun broke free from the other party's spiritual domain, and at the same time wielded the bloodthirsty sword and slashed it out with force.

But his target was not the red-haired man, but the triangular eye.

Poor Triangle Eyes was still in the excitement of robbing the boss. He thought that it would not be long before he could taste the graceful body of a female cultivator in the Jindan stage by the Tongtian River, but he never expected a sword light to suddenly attack.

Before he could scream, the red sword light fell straight from his head!


After just spitting out a word, Triangle Eyes fell backwards slowly with astonishment in his eyes. A bloody mark spread from his forehead to his body, slowly cracked, and finally his body broke into two halves with a bang.

At this time, Mo Xun had already taken advantage of the momentum of retreating, embraced Gu Qingyue, and disappeared in a flash of fire.

"Xuantian True Fire!"

The red-haired man did not seem to care about the death of his younger brother. Instead, he recognized what it was the moment the fire flashed.

This is an extremely advanced fire escape technique. The most important thing is that the fire used by the other party is actually heavenly fire!

"Fourth brother, take the third brother's body and soul first, and second brother, follow me!"

After saying that, the red-haired man turned into a red light and chased after Mo Xun where he disappeared.

On the other side, thousands of miles away, when Mo Xun appeared again, he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

Gu Qingyue, who was held in his arms, asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

If you say you are okay, it must be a lie!

When Mo Xun slashed that sword earlier, he did not leave any spare strength. He spent his energy to fight for a chance to escape.

"Hold me tight!"

Then, Mo Xun put Gu Qingyue from his arms on his back, and then quickly pinched a Taoist formula in his hand, and the figures of the two were once again covered by flames.

For his Tianhuo escape, the best flame for casting should be Chi Li.

Unfortunately, Chi Li is still in the process of advancement, so he can only use Nanming Lihuo.

At this time, Gu Qingyue finally discovered that what Mo Xun mastered was Xuantian Zhenhuo.

If it were in the past, she would definitely be very curious and try to find out, after all, that was heavenly fire. Although there were thirty-six kinds of heavenly fire in the entire mortal world, many cultivators had never seen one in their entire lives.

But now, for some reason, compared to the precious heavenly fire, she seemed to be more worried about Mo Xun's injury.

It was ironic that she was actually worried about an enemy!

She could see that Mo Xun was already seriously injured when he came out of the formation.

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