Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1118 Numbers disappear

But even so, the other party still took her with him when he escaped.

Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, she was just a bargaining chip for exchange, but no matter what, this was also a kind of rescue.

In fact, it was not the first time that Mo Xun saved her!

The previous level of obsession, and the previous time when he was almost injured by the poisonous snakes here.

In addition to this time...

Even Gu Qingyue herself did not realize that she had unconsciously developed an unreasonable dependence on the man under her.

Gu Qingyue lay on Mo Xun's back and watched him perform the escape technique again and again.

It seemed that every time he performed it, Mo Xun's aura would weaken a little, and the distance of the escape was getting shorter and shorter.

The two did not know how long they had been running until they could no longer feel the people chasing behind them, and then they found a cave and stopped.

As soon as he put Gu Qingyue down, Mo Xun immediately set up a circle of hidden formations outside the cave.

Then he kept waving his robe sleeves to shoot out light blades, and dug down the cave for dozens of feet, leaving a way out before stopping.

Mo Xun pointed weakly at the newly dug secret room next to him.

"Go inside to recover first, and let me know if you have anything to say!"

As he spoke, he threw out a storage bag at the same time.

Gu Qingyue only scanned it with his spiritual sense and found that in addition to the healing pills, there was also his own life magic weapon.

"By the way, you'd better change your clothes. Although I didn't find any spiritual mark on you, I can't guarantee that the man will have other means!"

After that, Mo Xun went to another secret room by himself.

As soon as he entered it, he almost fell to the ground because he couldn't support himself for a while.

That full-strength attack consumed most of his true energy, and then a series of escape techniques almost consumed all his mana.

The door of the secret room was closed for half a year.

During this period, he not only had to recover from his injuries, but also had to find the reason for the decline in his cultivation.

Fortunately, as he expected, the realm drop caused by "Tongtian Magic Art" was not permanent, but a normal phenomenon.

In other words, he was not possessed by the devil at all, but a disaster that every practitioner of this magic art must go through.

If this disaster is not overcome, it is very likely that the body will die.

But if it is survived, it will be a different scene!

The previous realm drop was a kind of true essence compression. Although it seems that the cultivation level has fallen, the demon spirit true essence in the body is more condensed and thick than before.

He believed that as long as he cultivated back to the original realm, then both the mana and the true essence would be raised to a higher level on the original basis!

Just as he had guessed before, the amount of water in the pool did not change, but after compression, it had undergone a qualitative change.

Once the injury recovered, he was less worried about the crisis.

As the secret realm of Tianmo Valley is opened for a long time, more and more people will come here, and the chance of encountering high-level cultivators will also increase.

As long as his horizontal training realm is still there, at least there won't be too much trouble!

Calculating this way, he has been here for seven or eight years.

According to his plan, once he has mastered the "Tongtian Magic Art", he will immediately find a way out.

With a relaxed mood, he entered the green gourd again.

In the past few years, due to the continuous practice, some things have not been taken care of.

For example, the red worm is still a white cocoon, and no movement can be heard from the outside world.

What makes him happy is that as early as the last battle with the Gu Taoist, all his purple domain green flies have begun to lay eggs!

This is the second time that the purple worm has laid eggs!

The first time was in Xihezhou, when it swallowed a lot of white insects and eventually bred one or two hundred spirit insects.

This time, all the remaining purple worms have eggs. Roughly estimated, at least seven or eight thousand spirit insects can be hatched.

The only thing that bothers him is that the hatched spirit insects have not increased in power.

That is to say, every time after swallowing a large number of insects, it can only reproduce more purple snakes, but it cannot advance.

But generally speaking, it is good news!

At that time, he can directly control nearly ten thousand spirit insects to attack in groups.

Thinking of the feeling of being so dense that it is suffocating, Mo Xun feels excited!

When he has free time, he can study the spirit insect classics left by Gu Dao Ren. Maybe he can find a way to make the purple snake really advance.

In the green gourd, what he is most looking forward to is the growth of the Zhengyang Lei Jiaomu.

After several years of cultivation, this sacred tree has completely turned into a big tree flashing with lightning arcs.

Mo Xun roughly calculated that it has been almost ten years since he planted the arrow in the black soil.

According to the growth time conversion between the black soil and the outside world, this Zhengyang Lei Jiaomu is at least five hundred years old.

For Mo Xun, it is enough!

After leaving this place, he can start practicing "Five Thunders Law".

After staying in the green gourd for three days, he not only observed the growth of some precious spiritual medicines, but also refined some pills.

This place was not dangerous at first, but as more and more people came in, it was uncertain.

Perhaps at some point, he would run into the group of the Four Demons of Hidden North again.

Of course, Mo Xun was not afraid of them now, but he could not guarantee that a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage would enter this place.

Outside the secret room, when Mo Xun came out, Gu Qingyue seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"are you OK?"

"You're fine!" Mo Xun replied lightly, and then he noticed Gu Qingyue's cultivation level, and he showed a rare smile.

"Congratulations, I think it won't take long to advance to the stage of fake baby!"

Gu Qingyue also gave a rare smile.

"I would like to thank you for this. If you hadn't brought me here, I wouldn't have encountered such an opportunity. By the way, have you noticed that the numbers behind us are missing?"

Speaking of this, Mo Xun hurriedly checked with his spiritual consciousness, and the numbers on the back had indeed disappeared.

"It should be related to this barrier..."

Before Mo Xun finished speaking, Gu Qingyue interrupted him.

"I don't think so, but you may not have noticed that the numbers disappeared months ago, and suddenly!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"what do you mean?"

Gu Qingyue replied solemnly: "It's probably because something happened in the third level!"

"An accident? What accident?"

To be honest, Mo Xun is worse at analyzing this kind of problem.

Although this woman Gu Qingyue is not very outstanding in terms of magical power, she is very rare in terms of insight and intelligence.

I just heard her murmuring and saying: "It is very likely that someone is refining this place, and maybe it is almost successful!"

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