Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1119 Heavenly Demon Crystal

Mo Xun grabbed a flag in the air casually.

This was the hidden formation he had arranged in the outside world!

Without the formation blocking him, his consciousness could shuttle out from the ground without any obstacles. When he felt the changes in the outside world, Mo Xun and Gu Qingyue's faces changed at the same time. They looked at each other, then dodged at the same time and left the place together.

As soon as they stepped on the ground, the scene in front of them made them frown.

Originally, the ground where they were was a shallow beach composed of rocks, and not far away was the Tongtian River flowing by.

But now, the shallow beach disappeared, and the Tongtian River water also changed from nearly a hundred feet wide to dozens of feet wide!

The thick demonic energy between the whole world seemed to be slowly being drawn away by something.

This was not the most important thing. Originally, in this place, one could not feel the suppression of cultivation and realm, but now, the power of imprisoning magic power and restricting consciousness reappeared again, and the cultivation of the two was also affected a little.

The disappearance of Tongtian River water was obviously not consumed by the cultivators who entered here.

Think about how much he, an early Nascent Soul cultivator, absorbed during his cultivation?

Even if most of the cultivators of the Demonic Path entered the river, the consumption rate would not be so fast.

Could it be that someone really found a way to refine this place, and the river water was taken away bit by bit?

"Let's go, find a way to leave this place first!"

Mo Xun waved his hand and was about to take Gu Qingyue away.

But before they had gone far, they were stopped by three figures!

These three people were the two men and one woman left among the Four Demons of Hidden North!

"You two really made it difficult for us brothers to find you, but since we have met, we should settle the accounts!"

The person who spoke was the eldest brother Yinhun!

Yinhun had a gloomy face, his complexion was not very good, and the aura on his body was also a bit disordered, as if he had just fought with someone.

As for the two people on the side, the second and fourth of the Four Demons of Hidden North, they were also a little depressed.

It seems that these guys must have encountered some trouble!

Mo Xun's cultivation level is still the late Jindan stage.

Therefore, when several people saw Mo Xun and Gu Qingyue appear, they immediately surrounded them.

The three of them were divided into three positions, trapping Mo Xun and Gu Qingyue in the middle.

Yinhun slowly stepped forward a few steps, and the momentum on his body gushed out. Under the Yuanying Spirit Realm, Gu Qingyue felt the strong spatial restraint, as if it became extremely difficult to move his fingers.

However, the strength of this spirit realm is very limited, which is far worse than that of his father!

The late-stage great cultivator can almost touch the Yuanqi, and the spirit realm constructed is the real realm!

Yinhun grinned and said, "How are you going to repay the hatred of our third brother?"

As for Gu Qingyue, this person didn't even look at him.

In the last fight, he already knew that although the realms of the two people in front of him looked similar, Mo Xun's strength was far beyond that of ordinary Jindan cultivators.

In this case, either the other party has hidden his strength, or has other means to defy the heavens!

Ever since he saw Mo Xun use the Xuantian True Fire last time, he has been frantically looking for the two people's traces.

Although he has had other opportunities during this period of time, compared with the Xuantian True Fire, it is still far behind!

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

Although the mana aura on the other party is a bit messy, this person's cultivation seems to have improved a lot compared to a few months ago.

The scarred man and the charming woman next to him have also improved significantly.

The scarred man is even close to the perfect Dan!

How long has it been?

His own cultivation has improved quickly, on the one hand because of a large number of elixirs, and on the other hand, he has obtained such a great opportunity as "Tongtian Magic Art", so he has effectively used the Tongtian River water!

But what about the people in front of him?

Mo Xun suddenly slapped his palm, and a ball of fire rose in his palm.

"Xuantian True Fire!"

The faces of Yinhun and the others were all delighted at the same time, and even Gu Qingyue beside them was very moved.

Although they had known for a long time that Mo Xun had Xuantian True Fire, seeing it with their own eyes was another matter.

"You want this?"

Mo Xun smiled faintly and continued, "I have already refined this Nanming Fire. If you want to take it by force, I don't mind directly controlling it to self-destruct before I die... How about this, how about we have a deal?"

"What to discuss?"

The moment he saw the Nanming Fire, Yinhun was somewhat distracted, and even seemed to have not noticed that Mo Xun could move under his Nascent Soul Spirit Realm.

"Tell me what happened here in the past few months, why the river water has decreased so much, and what opportunities you have encountered here, and I may give it to you to touch it!"

Yinhun resisted the urge to go up and take it by force.

Mo Xun said that he had refined the Nanming Fire, which must be true, otherwise he would not be able to perform such a strange escape technique.

As for the self-destruction of Xuantian True Fire, Yinhun also believed that the other party might really do it if he had no choice.

He sneered.

"It's okay to tell you. Since a few months ago, something has happened here. The river water has begun to decrease. At the same time, every once in a while, the river water will fly out of the river..."

"Demon Crystal!"

Before Mo Xun spoke, Gu Qingyue behind him suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

After a while, Gu Qingyue transmitted the message: "The Heavenly Demon Crystal is only born in places with extremely strong demonic energy. It is a natural crystal stone that can quickly improve cultivation. I have only seen this thing in ancient books. Not to mention the entire demon path, few people have even heard of it."

After saying this, Mo Xun probably understood.

No wonder these demons' cultivation levels improved so quickly, it turned out that the opportunity was here!

It's just a pity that he has been healing for half a year and knows nothing about the outside world. He missed a good thing without knowing it!

"So that's it..."

After Mo Xun whispered, he moved his palm and put away the flame again.

When Yinhun saw this scene, he almost jumped up from the spot, and his face immediately became gloomy.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean... That's it!"

After the voice fell, Mo Xun stretched out his palm suddenly, and the whole person disappeared from the spot in an instant.

When he appeared again, he was in front of the other party!

"You are not afraid of my Nascent Soul Realm!"

At this time, Yinhun noticed the point that shocked him.

Mo Xun was covered in golden light, and his fingers, like those of an arhat, had already pinched the other person's neck.

Yinhun was a Nascent Soul cultivator after all, so his reaction was naturally not slow.

Although it was a bit unexpected, he still retreated in the first place.

Just after taking two steps back, he found that he was like sinking into a swamp.

" are also a Nascent Soul cultivator!"

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