Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1133 Demonic Ice Rose

When everything was gone, Mo Xun reappeared with Gu Qingyue on his back.

The originally dark world was now full of fire.

The ground was in a mess, with a huge deep pit that was thousands of feet square.

The pit was full of sand, gravel and soil, and the air was filled with extremely dense demonic energy.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. He had never encountered a Yuanying who would release demonic energy after self-destruction.

Then, he saw a lot of broken crystals buried in a pile of gravel.

"It's the Sky Demon Crystal!"

A white light flashed in his hand, and he summoned the Tongbao Gun. He casually picked up the surrounding rocks and found that the ground was full of broken Sky Demon Crystals.

In terms of quantity alone, there were tens of thousands!

Looking at the devastation on the ground, Mo Xun's heart moved. Could it be that this was a Sky Demon Crystal vein?

It's a pity that all of them were destroyed in the explosion, and none of them were intact.

No, didn't the Sky Demon Crystal come from Tongtian River? How could there be any vein?

At this moment, Gu Qingyue woke up slowly.

"What happened?"

"Just now that guy self-destructed his Nascent Soul, and you were knocked unconscious."

"Self-destruction of Nascent Soul?" Gu Qingyue was shocked. As a high-level cultivator, he knew the power of this kind of self-destruction.

But seeing that Mo Xun under him was safe and sound, she let go of the worry she had just raised.

But then, she was a little confused.

Since she could be knocked unconscious, it means that the two of them must have been affected, but why was Mo Xun fine?

She shook her head, still unable to remember what had just happened.

"Are you okay?"

"No problem, look at these things under your feet!"

When Gu Qingyue saw the fragments of the Sky Demon Crystal all over the ground, she was also stunned.

"These Sky Demon Crystals should have been collected by someone, look around and see if there are any other discoveries."

Mo Xun agreed with this analysis.

He carried Gu Qingyue on his back, clearing the rubble around and looking for a way out, while releasing his spiritual sense, trying not to miss any corner, whether it was above his head or underground.

Gu Qingyue coughed violently, and Mo Xun quickly fed her a pill.

After passing through the explosion area, a maze-like cave appeared. Every time you reach the end, there will be several forks.

"Be careful, I feel this is the nest of some kind of monster."

Mo Xun nodded, and he naturally saw it.

But it should be fine. This secret place has existed for many years. Even if there are monsters trapped here, it is difficult to survive until now.

In addition, the violent explosion just now did not alarm anything.

Every time Mo Xun walked a distance, he would leave a spiritual mark, and the terrain of this maze cave was slowly outlined into a map in his mind.

It was quiet all around, and only the rustling of footsteps could be heard.

"Mo Xun, can I call you like this?"

"The name was given to be called by others."

Gu Qingyue smiled sweetly.

"If I can return to the sect, I will definitely find a way to rescue your friend, but can you promise me one thing?"

Mo Xun frowned.

"What is it?"

Gu Qingyue was silent for a long time before answering.

"If one day you have to be an enemy of Gu Jianshan, I hope that it is not you who kills him in the end!"

Mo Xun sneered.

"What do you mean? Do you only allow your father to kill me?"

"Don't get me wrong, I actually want him dead more than you do, but I don't want him to die in your hands, after all..."

Gu Qingyue didn't continue, but Mo Xun still heard the contradiction in his words.

No matter what, they are father and daughter after all!

"I can't guarantee this. Once my friend is rescued, as long as he doesn't come to trouble me, I'm too lazy to find trouble with him."

To be honest, with Mo Xun's current strength, he will not take risks easily if he can avoid facing a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage.

The last duel with Yin Enchou also reminded him.

Don't underestimate any Nascent Soul!

"Your words are enough!"

Gu Qingyue pressed her face against Mo Xun's back. The time they spent together made her more and more obsessed with the current state.

Mo Xun suddenly said "Huh" and walked to a rock wall. The Tongbao gun flew out of his hand and stabbed into the stone.

With a bang, a large piece of stone fell off the rock wall, revealing a stone door.

There was obviously a ban on the stone door that isolated the consciousness, and he almost didn't notice it.

He raised his hand and pushed it first. The stone door was very heavy. After circulating the blood and qi, a bright golden light bloomed on his arm.

With a rumble, the stone door was finally pushed open.

An unpleasant and pungent smell suddenly floated out from inside. Mo Xun was startled and quickly stepped back. At the same time, his robe sleeves brushed past and blew away the stench.

Fortunately, this smell was not poisonous, and it was a bit like the smell of something corroded.

It was probably caused by being isolated for a long time and the air was not circulating.

After the breath dissipated, Mo Xun slowly walked in.

It was very dark inside, so he lit up a magic tool and threw it out.

Following the light, the space inside was not large, only a few feet square.

In the corner, a corpse lying on the ground immediately attracted the attention of the two.

This corpse did not look like a human, and the surface of the body was covered with white hair, a bit like an ape.

Mo Xun took out another magic tool, and the stone room became brighter.

But then, he saw that the hair on the white ape began to turn black, and then fell off from the body surface, and as soon as it fell to the ground, it dissipated into dust.

The white ape's body also dried up and shrank rapidly.

In a few breaths, it became a shrunken corpse.

Gu Qingyue hurriedly said: "This is Tong Gu Yuan, a demon beast with high intelligence!"

"Tong Gu Yuan?"

"Yes, it is said that this demon beast lives in cold places and does not have much attack power. In addition to its super high intelligence, it is also very fast and extremely difficult to catch. It is normal that you have not heard of it. Tong Gu Yuan originally only exists in the realm of the demons, and it has been extinct thousands of years ago. Look at what is in the box next to it!"

Mo Xun immediately noticed that there was a black jade box under the white ape.

He raised his hand and summoned the jade box from the air.

There was no restriction on the jade box, and it was easily opened.

When they saw what was inside, they were both surprised.

It turned out to be a half-white and half-blue flower emitting cold air.

I don't know how long this flower has been picked, but it still gives people a very delicate feeling.

Especially the blue petals, which are like burning ice and fire, about to jump out of the flower bones.

This kind of flower is the first time Mo Xun has seen it.

"I know, this is the Demon Spirit Ice Rose. This flower is known as the seven strange flowers in the demon world. It is not only a good healing medicine, but it is also said that after taking it, any cultivator at any stage may be promoted to a higher level. Of course, the higher the cultivation level, the lower the success rate of promotion!"

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