Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1134 Nine Essence Pill

"Evil Spirit Ice Rose..."

Mo Xun pondered, looking around at the strange flower in his hand.

"How do I take this thing?"

Gu Qingyue replied: "Just take it raw!"

Facing this magical spiritual flower, Mo Xun would be lying if he said he was not tempted.

But after a brief hesitation, he put Gu Qingyue down, then took out the ice rose and broke off a branch from it.

This thing was very cold to the touch, and it was unknown how long it had been stored, and there was still frost on the surface.

"Eat it now, and I will protect you!"

As he spoke, Mo Xun directly put the ice rose in the other party's hand.

Gu Qingyue was stunned, and seemed to have no reaction.

I wondered if she didn't explain it clearly just now?

This thing, even a Yuanying cultivator may be promoted to the first level.

Feeling the coldness transmitted by the ice rose, Gu Qingyue's nose was sour again.

She has lived for hundreds of years and practiced for hundreds of years. Everyone knows that she is the daughter of Gu Jianshan.

Those people were afraid of her, dreaded her, and flattered her, but no one could think of her like this in the face of huge temptation.

If it was Gu Jianshan, the nominal father, under such an opportunity, I'm afraid the first person he would kill would be her!

"Do you really want to give it to me? Although the chance of this thing advancing to the next level is not high for you now, it does not mean that it is impossible. If you miss this opportunity, you may not be able to reach the middle stage of the Nascent Soul in your lifetime."

Gu Qingyue's words were absolutely true.

Let alone the Nascent Soul, even if a Jindan cultivator wanted to advance, it would be extremely difficult!

Who would have thought that Mo Xun said calmly: "You just need to recover as soon as possible, I have my own way of cultivation."

In fact, for Mo Xun, he really didn't think so much.

Or, he didn't think much of a demon spirit grass.

With a section of ice vine branches, he was confident that he could cultivate a second one in a short time.

He was largely responsible for Gu Qingyue's serious injury this time.

It was also a favor!

But to Gu Qingyue, these words had a completely different meaning.

She felt that the other party would give up even the Great Dao for her.

At this moment, the small spiritual flower seemed extremely heavy in her hand.

"It would be great if I could refine the Nine-Energy Pill!" After a long time, Gu Qingyue lowered her head and murmured.

"Nine-Energy Pill?"

Mo Xun was ready to leave, but when he heard this, he turned his head again.

"This is a pill made with the Magic Spirit Ice Rose as the medicine, and the other eight kinds of Magic Spirit Grass as auxiliary medicines. It will be better than simply taking the Ice Rose. Unfortunately, it is impossible to gather them together at the moment, and I don't know how to refine pills."

Mo Xun thought, you don't understand, but I do!

He hurriedly asked: "Which eight kinds of spiritual herbs, do you have a complete pill formula and refining method?"

Gu Qingyue asked in surprise: "Can you refine pills?"

Mo Xun smiled.

What do you mean by knowing? He started out by refining pills!

But then, Gu Qingyue sighed again.

"It's useless even if you know how to make pills. We don't have any magic herbs."

"Just tell me the recipe, and I'll figure out the rest."

Gu Qingyue looked at the confidence on the other person's face. Although he felt it was futile, he still reported a string of spiritual herbs.

"Wait here for a moment, I'll be back soon!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Xun had already turned and left the secret room. Gu Qingyue wanted to speak again, but it was too late.

He couldn't help but think to himself, this guy wouldn't want to go to the outside world to find other cultivators to exchange for it?

It was just a cup of tea, and Mo Xun came back again.

He saw him wave his sleeves, and a pill furnace appeared in front of him.

In the air, several kinds of spiritual herbs floated, which were the eight auxiliary medicines.

And each spiritual herb was extremely fresh, as if it had just been dug out.

Just as Gu Qingyue was surprised, Mo Xun had already sacrificed the Xuantian True Fire, and the secret room suddenly became hot.

Then, he saw spiritual herbs being thrown into the pill furnace by Mo Xun skillfully.

The magic spirit ice vine also flew out of Gu Qingyue's hand.

The secret room was quiet, with only the sound of the herbs melting in the furnace.

I don't know how long it took, Mo Xun quickly played a series of pill collection techniques.

With a bang, the furnace opened, and three light blue pills flew out of it, accurately falling into the porcelain bottle prepared in advance.

"You are really an alchemist!"

Gu Qingyue was a little numb!

The early stage of the Nascent Soul that can cross the level of the enemy, the eighth level of body refining, plus this extremely skilled alchemy technique.

It seems... He is also very proficient in formations!

What kind of person is this?

Mo Xun poured a pill from the porcelain bottle and threw it to the other party.

"The first time I refined it, the number of pills was a little less!"

Gu Qingyue was speechless. Was she being tricked?

Mo Xun dug a secret room nearby, and then went in to practice alone.

He was also looking forward to this pill that could advance to the next level.

Half a month passed in a flash, and the cave was always quiet.

Until this day, the two of them left the secret room almost at the same time, but their mental states were different.

Gu Qingyue's injuries were completely recovered, not only that, but his cultivation reached the late stage of Jindan.

As for Mo Xun, he was at the early stage of Yuanying, the only difference was that he had reached the peak of the early stage, and it seemed that he was just one step away from breaking through the bottleneck.

But it was this line that he consumed two Nine Yun Pills and still failed to cross.

At the same time, Mo Xun also found that this Nine-Energy Pill was indeed mysterious, but the first one was more effective.

When he took the first pill, he not only felt the improvement in his cultivation, but also felt the shackles between realms.

But the second pill became a normal cultivation pill.

This thing is probably the same as the Wuhuan Pill he used back then, which can only be used once in a person's life.

"Did it fail?"

Gu Qingyue did not notice the obvious changes in Mo Xun's realm, and his mood suddenly became low. Even the joy that he should have after his injuries were completely healed and his cultivation increased greatly became meaningless.

"Not entirely, I just need an opportunity now. It is extremely difficult to advance to the Nascent Soul stage, and I have only been in the Nascent Soul stage for a short time. I have already surpassed many people to be able to cultivate to this level now. Sometimes, cultivating too fast may not be a good thing."

After the initial loss, Mo Xun was more open-minded.

He is less than three hundred years old now, and there is plenty of time!

Seeing that Mo Xun's expression was not fake, Gu Qingyue smiled.

"What you said is very similar to what he said. Among those Yuanying cultivators I have seen, there are quite a few who stay in one realm for dozens or hundreds of years. You really don't need to be anxious."

Mo Xun knew who the "he" in the other party's mouth was, and the two of them tacitly did not mention it.

"Let's go, it's time to go out!"

It has been nearly ten years since he came here. Even if there is another opportunity here, he is not prepared to wait.

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