"you go first!"

After Mo Xun said that, he flew directly towards Qian Siniang in the distance.

When Gu Qingyue reacted, the person had already left.

She was anxious, thinking that the other party was unwilling to miss the opportunity to kill Yin Enchou.

But it's now, compared to being trapped here forever, what is a little hatred?

Stomping her feet, she followed.

However, when the two came to the magic tower, they were stopped by a wave of mana.

Mo Xun raised his hand and slapped it hard, but was shocked back.

Looking at Qian Siniang high in the sky, she is already dying, but she is still struggling to support the suppression of the magic tower.

In the tower, Yin Enchou was still rushing into the tower, trying to escape from inside.

"Qian Siniang!"

Mo Xun stirred up his true energy and shouted through the sound transmission method of his spiritual consciousness, but he didn't get any response.

At this moment, his expression suddenly changed.

Perhaps it was because he was practicing the Heaven-reaching Demonic Art. After approaching the Demonic Tower, he actually felt a call that caused the magic power in his body to circulate involuntarily.

He didn't notice it much at first, but the feeling became stronger and stronger.

Just a moment ago, he actually felt a suction force, as if it was sucking him into the magic tower.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a voice also appeared intermittently, calling for him to stay.

The voice was extremely seductive, and even he, who had always been determined, felt that his body was a little out of control.

This thing is a bit evil!

When he thought of this, he didn't dare to stay any longer. He immediately picked up Gu Qingyue and flew towards the light curtain in the sky.

But who knows, just now he was not in a hurry to leave, but now, he is a little unable to leave.

In just a few breaths, the suction force became stronger and stronger.

As he flew high into the sky, he used his magical power to resist, and at the same time, he kept close to his heart, for fear of being attacked by some illusion.

But it seems that the more resistance there is, the stronger the mysterious power becomes.

It was as if there was an invisible net on his body, dragging him down so that he could not move forward.

Gu Qingyue noticed something unusual and quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

A layer of sweat was already seeping out on Mo Xun's forehead at this moment.

His movements also began to become stiff.

The mana in his body surged through his meridians uncontrollably, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

He bit the tip of his tongue hard, trying not to lose control of his body.

With a buzzing sound, the voice calling him to stay turned into a heavy hammer, hitting his mind hard.

Mo Xun was momentarily absent-minded and stopped in mid-air.

Gu Qingyue finally realized something was wrong.

"What happened to you?"

When the light curtain above his head shrank to only ten feet, Mo Xun finally came back to his senses.

He wanted to continue moving forward, but found that he seemed to be stuck in a swamp, and every step he took became extremely difficult.

He pushed Gu Qingyue next to him.

"you go first!"

"What happened to you?"

Gu Qingyue said, going to Lamo Xun.

But how could she, with her golden elixir, be able to pull off the Nascent Soul cultivator?

"Listen to me, I must be under the influence of the Heaven-Bearing Demonic Tower. I must dissipate my power, otherwise I will not be able to leave this place. You go out and wait for me. After I get rid of the entanglement of this demonic power, I will find you!"

Mo Xun finished speaking hastily, and without waiting for Gu Qingyue to react, he used all his strength to push Gu Qingyue towards the light curtain that was about to close.


Amidst the roar, Gu Qingyue's figure gradually disappeared into the light curtain.

"Mo, I hate you!"

Mo Xun couldn't care less about a woman's resentment at this moment. He quickly used his magic power to disperse all the magic skills that he had cultivated for several years.

But before he could take action, there was a sudden sound behind him.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Siniang was shocked and flew away, and the Demonic Tower reaching the sky flew towards Mo Xun.

Mo Xun was startled, his body glowed with golden light, and he struck out with a palm.

The golden palm shadow met the magic tower in mid-air, and a burst of bright rays of light erupted.

The powerful residual power of mana makes the world tremble!

In the rumbling sound, Mo Xun was knocked back dozens of feet and spurted out a mouthful of thick blood.

He was greatly surprised. Could it be that this thing really became a spirit?

Fortunately, at the same time, the force that restrained the body suddenly disappeared.

Seeing that the light curtain above his head was about to dissipate, Mo Xun quickly summoned the red beetle, and his whole body was immediately covered with a layer of flame armor. At his feet, he displayed the Six Changes of Spiritual Wind. In an instant, he came to Qian Siniang and knocked her out. Grab it and fly straight into the sky.

Just when he was about to break out of the light curtain, a voice sounded again in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This time, unlike the blur before, it was extremely clear!

"Younger generation, since you have practiced the Heaven-Towering Demonic Art, you should know that this technique goes against the heavens. But if there is merit but no tower, it will be like a mirror, a flower in the water, and the moon. What you see now is the only treasure in the world, the first divine tower of the Demonic Way. , if you miss it, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life, but if you can integrate this tower with your body, I will definitely guarantee that you will become the first person in the devil's path, even if you want to become a god in the future, it is not impossible!"

These words were very deceptive, but to Mo Xun's ears, they were full of loopholes.

If it weren't for these words, it's unlikely that he would still have some interest in the magic tower.

But now, he is almost 90% sure that this is a conspiracy!

The person who spoke was either the spirit of the Tongtian Demon Tower or an old monster trapped in it.

If it was the latter, his intention was self-evident.

Qian Siniang, who was in his arms at the moment, was the best example.

Qian Siniang had fainted at this moment, her breath was faint, and most of her blood and energy had been lost.

After getting closer, Mo Xun was sure that this woman, like him, had practiced the Tongtian Demon Art.

What made him feel strange was how Qian Siniang, as a hidden spiritual root, practiced.

He had heard of the heaven-defying degree of practice after the hidden spiritual root was activated.

Could it be that Qian Siniang had another opportunity after entering the secret realm?

Seeing that the light curtain was close at hand, Mo Xun suddenly exerted his strength and was about to rush out from here, but who knew that at this time, a strong wind suddenly hit him from behind.

A sledgehammer fell from above his head!

Mo Xun hurriedly dodged, cursing in his heart. He almost forgot about the man surnamed Yin.

The bloodthirsty sword in his hand was sacrificed the next moment, and several sword beams were drawn in the air.

When he turned back, even though he was used to big scenes, his face changed slightly.

Only half of Yin Enchou's body was left, and the area below the waist was a bloody mess. A large piece of his head was missing, and it was bloody and looked extremely creepy.

The most important thing was the other party's eyes and hair.

With red eyes and a head full of silver hair, the whole person seemed to be crazy, stretching out his hands and rushing towards Mo Xun.

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