Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1138 Real Tower Fake Tower

If you don’t know, you might think this is a monster!

Mo Xun waved his sleeves, and a powerful palm wind was pushed out. It condensed into a huge palm print in the air and slammed into the body of Yin Enchou, who was neither human nor ghost, and immediately beat him into a ball of meat.

Then a Yuanying flew out!

But this Yuanying looked extremely strange. Not only was it red all over, but it was also hideous and terrifying.

The Yuanying held a pagoda in his hand, which was the Tongtian Demon Pagoda!

“Boy, I am the 72nd Venerable of the Tongtian Demon Pagoda, and I have supreme magic power. If you know what’s good for you, you’d better stay. This pagoda will belong to you, and the power it contains can also be used by you. What’s the Yuanying, and what about the transformation of the spirit? With this tower, immortality is just a step on the road... Otherwise, I will have to drag you to be buried with me!”

Mo Xun snorted coldly. He has been practicing for so many years, and he has never been threatened by others!

Although his practice is complicated, he always follows his heart!

Rather than becoming a puppet of a treasure, it's better not to have this great way!

"It's better to keep this immortality for yourself!"

As soon as Mo Xun finished speaking, the bloodthirsty sword in his hand shone with dozens of sword lights, covering the sky and the earth, and instantly enveloped the Yuanying.

"Hahaha... what a sword!"

The Yuanying threw the pagoda fiercely, and those sword lights slashed on the pagoda, bursting with dazzling flames, but could not hurt the pagoda at all.

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis struck Mo Xun's heart.

The Tongtian Pagoda suddenly burst into brilliant golden light.

Each golden light was like a substance, like thousands of golden feather arrows, flying towards him.

Mo Xun quickly sacrificed the Wulu Nebula Plate and blocked it in front of him.

The golden arrow whistled and pierced directly through the chessboard, passing through Mo Xun's shoulders and abdomen, bringing up several handfuls of blood.

What kind of attack was this? Even his 8th level horizontal training body, plus the True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor, could not resist it.

It was even as fragile as paper!

It could be said that in just a short moment, Mo Xun almost encountered the biggest crisis since he started practicing Taoism.

Countless golden lights shot at the white light curtain, shaking the heaven and earth.

Mo Xun also spit out a mouthful of blood. This Black Heron Nebula Disk was his life treasure. Once it was damaged, it would inevitably affect his mind and hurt.

He hurriedly performed the escape technique to avoid the golden light attack.

At the same time, he sacrificed the Tongtian Magic Tower in his body, which quickly grew larger in the air.

As for suppression, he also knew this trick.

The translucent magic tower appeared above the Yuanying's head, and instantly covered it, trapping the red Yuanying in it.

In fact, he didn't want to perform this technique unless it was absolutely necessary.

The main concern was that if he encountered the real Tongtian Magic Tower, he would be further controlled by the soul body in the tower.

But after finding that there was no better way to deal with that golden light, he decided to go all out.

Use the fake magic tower to fight the real magic tower!

Perhaps it was a lucky coincidence that made him win the bet.

After offering the magic tower magic weapon, he immediately had some strange telepathy with the real magic tower.

He seemed to be able to control this tower to a certain extent!

Before the golden tower released the golden light again, he had already noticed it and fled thousands of feet away at the first time, just avoiding the killing force of the golden arrow.

Maybe even the soul in the tower did not expect such a thing to happen.

"Boy, even if you can sense the magic tower, what's the matter? I have already practiced the Tongtian magic skill to the extreme. Even with my eyes closed, I can strangle you here."

After suppressing the Nascent Soul, the translucent magic tower flew directly into the sky and headed towards the real tower.

With a loud bang, the two identical pagodas collided with each other.

The real tower was unscathed, but the magic weapon of the magic tower condensed by Mo Xun was knocked far away and became more transparent.

Mo Xun spurted out another mouthful of blood, and he hurriedly swallowed several pills.

Fake is fake after all, and it can't shake the real tower at all.

Another golden light shot over, and Mo Xun, who foresaw the danger in advance, dodged it again.

After a short period of adaptation, although he had a way to avoid this killing move, there was no joy on his face, but he became more anxious.

Because the light curtain in the sky was getting smaller and smaller.

It seemed that it would disappear completely in the next moment.

In desperation, Mo Xun had to throw Qian Si Niang in his arms into the green gourd first.

At the same time, he moved his mind and controlled the looming magic tower magic weapon to fly above the real tower again.

Then, he gritted his teeth.

With a loud bang, accompanied by a huge impact of mana, he actually directly detonated the magic tower magic weapon.

The residual power of the explosion formed a magic barrier between him and the Zhenta, completely isolating the two.

Under the connection of mind and spirit, he felt that his sea of ​​consciousness almost exploded.

The magic power in his body was uncontrollably rushing towards Dantian, shaking the meridians inch by inch.

He endured the pain, seized this momentary opportunity, and desperately fled towards the light curtain.

"Boy, you forced me to do it!"

A furious roar suddenly came to Mo Xun's ears.

Then, a more palpitating sense of crisis spread throughout his body.

This feeling was as if he would be shattered to pieces if he hesitated for a little while.

He hurriedly grasped the green gourd, and it was about to disappear in the flash of green light.

But before he could completely enter the gourd, his ears were temporarily deafened because of the huge rumble.

It was as if the whole world suddenly exploded!

The world in front of him turned dark in an instant.

The huge air wave impact made him like a lone boat in a tsunami, completely losing control of his body.

In the green light, his figure finally disappeared.

At the moment before disappearing, the white light curtain in his vision also turned into a light spot, and then bloomed into a dazzling red, like a giant beast that swallowed the sky, opened its bloody mouth and swallowed everything into its stomach.

This was the last ray of light that Mo Xun saw before he fell into a coma.

The soul body actually blew up the Tongtian Demon Tower when he was about to leave.

The reason why he thought so was that in his opinion, there seemed to be no better explanation for the power that could destroy the world except self-destruction.

I don’t know how long it took, Mo Xun woke up slowly.

When he saw the familiar green world, his heart was immediately relieved, and he almost fell asleep again.

He struggled to get up, but it affected his injuries.

He hurriedly looked inside himself.

Fortunately, his spiritual consciousness was usable, and his Nascent Soul was fine, except that some of his tendons were broken, and the physical injuries looked a bit miserable.

Then, he noticed Qian Si Niang beside him.

When he sensed the other party's faint breath, his heart sank.

If it was just an ordinary injury, it would be fine.

Even if the Dantian was damaged, he had a way to heal it.

But this woman gave him the feeling that her life was coming to an end.

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