Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1139 Soul Cleansing Liquid

Life span is something that even gods can’t save!

Fortunately, Mo Xun still has some blood dragon fish that he got in the Tiankui Realm.

It seems that Qian Si Niang’s previous blood sacrifice should have been at the cost of life span.

I don’t know what this woman has experienced, and she was actually controlled by the Tongtian Demon Tower.

Mo Xun simply recovered some of his magic power, and hurriedly took out the blood dragon fish, sucked out the blood, and fed it to Qian Si Niang.

This thing is almost priceless in the world of immortal cultivation.

Especially for cultivators whose life span is coming to an end, even if they spend all their wealth to exchange for it, they will fight for it.

But in order to save her life, Mo Xun used three of them.

He is a stingy person, and sometimes he is really fussy.

But if you say he is generous, he is never vague when it comes to treating his own people, especially women.

Qian Si Niang’s loss of life span is really too serious.

In addition to life span, the consumption of blood essence and the meridians of the body have all been greatly damaged.

Even though Mo Xun used a lot of precious spiritual medicine, he could only save her life temporarily.

During the period of healing for the other party, Mo Xun finally figured out that this woman not only activated her hidden spiritual roots, but also reached the late stage of foundation building.

It feels a bit unbelievable!

In less than ten years, Qian Si Niang went from a horizontal training cultivator who could not practice to directly crossing the threshold of foundation building and was about to form a pill.

If she was given dozens or hundreds of years, it might not be known whether she could form a baby.

Of course, some special means should be used here, otherwise, even if it was against the sky, Mo Xun would not believe that there would be such an appalling qualification.

Another point is that a foundation building cultivator, relying on a magic tower alone, can cross several realms in a row, tie with a strong man in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and even almost kill the opponent.

This kind of thing, I am afraid no one will believe it if it is told out!

No wonder the Heavenly Demon Sect was able to dominate for a time. With such a heaven-defying treasure, even a pig can unify the magic.

The two stayed in the green gourd for more than ten days.

When Mo Xun felt that he had recovered, he brought the still unconscious Gu Qingyue to the outside world in a burst of green light.

Suddenly, water splashed and two figures flew out of the water.

After landing, Mo Xun noticed that they were now in a dense forest with bushes.

The place where the green gourd fell before was a pool of water in the forest.

It was just that the world in front of him gave people a very strange feeling.

There was a faint light in the vision, but this light was an abnormal green.

Like... like the dusk of the end of the world!

The next moment, Mo Xun's face suddenly changed.

I saw that his clothes and hair seemed to be corroded and began to melt little by little.

The green light shone on his body, and there was a burning feeling.

Even if it was mana to protect the body, it could be corroded!

In addition, the consciousness he released could not spread far under the green light, and even after a long time, the sea of ​​consciousness would feel stinging.

Qian Si Niang was the same, and red spots appeared on her fair skin in an instant!

"The light of the soul!"

In an instant, Mo Xun understood what was going on.

They were inexplicably teleported to Yinjia Mountain!

And judging from the intensity of the soul light, it should still be inside the mountain.

After figuring this out, Mo Xun quickly took out a jade bottle, and then with two fingers, a wisp of light red liquid flew out of the jade bottle.

The liquid fell from the top of the two people's heads, turning into starlight, and at the same time, a light red light shield condensed on the surface of the two people.

This thing was the soul-clearing liquid that Mo Xun had prepared for the trip to Yinjia Mountain.

This thing was made of the saliva star flower and the inner elixir of the unicorn beast, and the prescription was obtained from the classics left by the clan.

Originally, I was going to prepare for the passage through the Light of the Nether Soul, but by some strange coincidence, I ended up in the secret realm of the Tongtian Demon Tower.

This delay lasted for eight or nine years!

I didn't expect that it would be useful one day.

If it were someone else, they would definitely find a way out and leave here first.

It's not without reason that this place is listed as one of the evil places of the demon path.

The power of the Light of the Nether Soul is so great that even a Yuanying cultivator has to retreat.

If ordinary cultivators do not have special means, they will only die if they break into it!

But Mo Xun is different. He originally wanted to enter Yinjia Mountain.

And he was so well prepared back then, so he would not give up at this moment.

He first explored the surroundings, then took out the secondary map, and after simply identifying the direction, he carried Gu Qingyue forward.

There is a natural ban on the sky here, and because of the influence of the Light of the Nether Soul, there are many suppressions on cultivation and consciousness.

The map in his hand is just a simple square dot map.

Because most of the people who came here didn't survive to get out, there are not many people who know the specific terrain in the entire Demonic Path.

But he also has a way, that is to follow the direction of the strengthening of the soul light, which is definitely correct.

He has been popular with women during this period.

First he carried Gu Qingyue on his back, and now he carries Qian Si Niang on his back!

It's just that the environment he was in both times was dangerous.

Therefore, although there is a beauty on his back, he can't have the slightest romantic thoughts.

After taking the blood dragon fish and healing pills, Qian Si Niang's body is gradually recovering, and her originally white hair is slowly fading from silver.

The soul light shines on the soul-clearing liquid on the body surface, making a faint hissing sound.

It seemed to be corroding and burning!

Fortunately, this liquid medicine was very effective, forming a protective film between them and the green light.

Every time Mo Xun walked a distance, he had to consume a bottle of soul-clearing liquid.

Fortunately, he was well prepared at the beginning, otherwise he would not dare to go deep into the mountain so arrogantly.

During this period, he also tried to resist with his physical body or the True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor. Although it could play a little role, the consumption of blood and mana was really amazing.

Even his mana foundation far exceeded that of the same realm, he could not hold on for long.

The two walked and rested in the jungle. As the intensity of the soul light became stronger and stronger, several days had passed.

Because they had to judge the direction frequently, their speed was not fast.

There were even a few times when they lost their way, resulting in a circle in the end.

Mo Xun did try to leave a spiritual mark to locate, but when the green light shone on it, all the marks would disappear in an instant.

What surprised him was that the vegetation here could actually grow.

There was only one living thing!

Not even an insect was seen.

Mo Xun entered Yinjia Mountain for two main purposes.

First, to find the whereabouts of Lan Xin and the incarnation.

The two suddenly disappeared that year, and it is very likely that they entered Yinjia Mountain.

However, so much time has passed, whether Lan Xin is dead or alive, he really doesn't dare to have too much hope.

As for the incarnation, there is no telepathy between him and her.

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