Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1140 A lone boat drifting with the current

As for the second goal, it is the Ascension Order!

This thing is too attractive to him.

He has already obtained the Ascension Platform. If he has the Ascension Order, he may be able to solve the secret of the immortal world that has been unable to ascend for thousands of years.

Becoming an immortal has always been his greatest pursuit.

"Senior Mo, where are we?"

After Qian Si Niang woke up, she almost thought she was dreaming.

The strange green light, the quiet world, and Mo Xun under her.

None of these things matched what she saw and heard before she became conscious.

She remembered that after she was forced to jump into the deep pit, she entered a very strange world, and then she got a ring by chance.

But then, a red light flew out of the ring and entered her body.

Then, she was completely unconscious.

She even thought that only a few days had passed since she fell into a coma.

Well, ten years of the same day is also a rare experience in life.

Mo Xun wanted to conceal what happened in the secret realm, but how could such a thing be concealed?

Let alone the huge changes that Qian Si Niang had seen in her body, if the two of them returned to Qiu Tian City one day, they would naturally know everything.

Of course, Mo Xun only told what he saw.

As for what the other party had experienced before discovering the ruins, it would probably remain a mystery forever.

Fortunately, overall, this experience was not necessarily a bad thing!

Although Qian Si Niang had lost ten years of time, and even almost lost her life, she had activated her hidden spiritual roots.

This was definitely a great fortune!

You know, in the entire mortal world, the spiritual medicine that can activate hidden spiritual roots is probably extinct.

"This is Yinjia Mountain. What you see is the light of the soul!"

"The light of the soul!"

Qian Si Niang was stunned for a moment, and after muttering to herself for a while, she changed the subject and said, "Senior Mo, thank you for saving me again!"

This time, of course, refers to the last time when she and Sun Ku came back from Southern Xinjiang and were almost trapped in the cave by Gu Jianshan.

However, Mo Xun felt somewhat ashamed.

It can be said that the other party's two dangers were directly related to him.

In fact, the two of them had spent a lot of time together, but they didn't say a few words.

Except for the time when they found out that this woman came to the wine shop for other purposes, the two of them had been alone together, and there seemed to be no too deep involvement.

By the way, when Lan Xin stripped this woman's clothes, he did sneak a peek once.

He was still deeply impressed by that erotic scene!

Qian Si Niang, this woman, gave her a very strange feeling.

To sum it up in one sentence, it is a lone boat, following the waves.

After being adopted by Luo Qian, the two sisters, Qian Wei Niang and Qian Wei Niang, embarked on the path of body training because they could not practice on their own.

But Mo Xun never felt any reluctance from this woman.

Later, she was arranged by her adoptive father to go undercover in the wine shop. Although she had a body training that was not inferior to that of a Jindan cultivator, she served tea and water every day.

After Mo Xun subdued Luo's father and daughter, he sent them to southern Xinjiang.

Qian Si Niang didn't say a single extra word, and she almost died on the way back, but she didn't show any complaints.

If it were someone else, knowing that their body had been occupied by something unknown for ten years, they would at least have the appropriate emotional fluctuations, not to mention shock, but in the other person's mouth, there was only a simple "Oh".

It seemed that for her, she would execute whatever others arranged, without any thoughts of her own.

In addition, this woman always gives people a feeling of being easily ignored.

Whenever Mo Xun thought of Luo Qian, the next thing he thought of was not Qian Si Niang, who he had been with day and night, but his sister Qian Wei Niang, who he had only met a few times!

I have to say, this is also a kind of skill!

"I brought you here, so I naturally have to take you out, and you and your father are now working for me, so it is natural to save you."

When Mo Xun said this, even he felt a little reluctant.

If it weren't for the strange magic tower that gave him some kind of hallucination, he might have left with Gu Qingyue long ago.

"Senior Mo, can you tell me about the Tiankui Realm?"

Tiankui Realm?

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, then took out the soul-clearing liquid and sprinkled it on the two of them, while speaking.

"That is a place without spiritual energy, where ordinary people cannot practice. If you want to live forever, you can only practice body..."

Perhaps because he had been in the light of the ghost soul for a long time, and the surroundings were always dead silent, Mo Xun did not hold back and told his understanding of the Tiankui Realm bit by bit.

Although Luo Qian had not shown much useful value since he followed him, he still trusted Luo's father and daughter.

At least so far, he had not found any unusual behavior of the three.

So he did not refuse this request.

"Senior Mo, do you think my foster father can return to the Tiankui Realm?"

Mo Xun did not answer this time.

In fact, let alone Luo Qian, if there is a chance, he himself would like to go to the Tiankui Realm again.

On the one hand, he tasted the sweetness of the chaotic turbid air.

In Sanqing's words, this thing is unique even in the upper realm!

Speaking of the chaotic turbid air, he actually thought about trying it on Qian Si Niang to see if he could activate the hidden spiritual root.

After all, this treasure can even generate ordinary spiritual roots, and it may also have miraculous effects.

But before he could take action, the other party had already obtained another opportunity.

On the other hand, he was concerned about Yunniang.

Although he knew that even if he returned to Tiankui one day, Yunniang would probably be a handful of yellow soil, he still held a glimmer of hope!

And Sanqing, the guy taught him the Six Changes of Spiritual Wind, which also helped him a lot.

The two walked in the jungle for several days, until the soul-clearing liquid was mostly consumed, and the light of the ghost soul around them suddenly weakened.

The world in front of him also changed accordingly.

The dark green jungle that seemed lifeless at first became full of vitality in an instant.

It was as if one step out, it became two worlds.

It seemed quite mysterious!

In this world, demonic energy and spiritual energy were mixed together. Although they were mottled, the concentration was extremely amazing.

This was not the most surprising thing. What I saw was still a jungle, but all the flowers, plants and trees were several times larger than those outside.

Some are even dozens of times larger!

Vines as thick as barrels and flowers as big as millstones can be seen everywhere.

Ancient trees can grow to the point where you can't see the top, and they are covered by shrubs and connected to the sky.

After entering this strange world, you will feel very small.

In addition, there are signs of life here.

The butterflies and insects living on the flowers and plants are also a bit outrageous in size.

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