Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1141 A strange place

At this moment, a strong wind came from behind.

Mo Xun flicked his sleeves without looking back, and the strong wind passed by, and there was a bang, and a ball of fire burst out in the air.

He and Qian Si Niang also disappeared from the original place.

When they reappeared, they had landed on the branches of a big tree.

The branches under their feet were thicker than the trunks of ordinary ancient trees in the outside world, carrying the weight of two people without even shaking.

As far as the eye could see, behind where they had just stood, there was a lizard beast spitting out snake-like tongues.

This beast had a colorful appearance and was lurking around them, but it was integrated with the outside environment and was extremely difficult to find.

The lizard beast was not big, about four or five feet long, with a black tumor on the top of its head, which was quite conspicuous.

The next moment, the flat mouth opened, and a dark red wind blade spit out from its mouth, at an extremely fast speed!

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and chopped out the palm wind.

The strong wind swept across and met the wind blade in mid-air, and there was another bang.

However, this time the palm wind was not offset by the wind blade, but the residual force did not decrease, and it directly chopped the lizard beast.

Then blood splashed everywhere, and with a low roar, the lizard beast's body was cut in two.

This little thing has actually reached the level of a third-level monster.

Mo Xun thought it was just a small monster, but he directly poked a hornet's nest, and suddenly heard a few roars in his ears.

In the distant jungle, bushes were flying and surging, and wild grass taller than people were like waves, one after another, quickly attacking him.

In just a few breaths, three huge lizard beasts surrounded the two people in the middle.

These three giant lizards, each one is one or two feet long, with a bloody mouth open, like a whale swallowing.

It is a sixth-level... No, there is also a seventh-level monster!

This kind of scene might not be a big deal in the boundless sea of ​​monsters back then, but it was definitely a big scene in Dongshengzhou where monsters were rare.

Feeling the powerful mana fluctuations released by the lizard beast, Qian Si Niang's heart trembled, and her originally bloodless face turned pale again.

Because she couldn't practice before, she didn't have a clear understanding of the realm of magic cultivation.

Many times when fighting with others, she judged the opponent's strength by intuition.

But now it's different, she can clearly feel the power of these three monsters.

The sixth-level monster is probably as strong as the early to middle stage of Jindan.

The seventh-level monster is not weaker than the late stage of Jindan!

What makes Mo Xun feel strange is that theoretically, monsters can transform when they reach the seventh level.

There will also be a big improvement in intelligence.

But these beasts gave him the feeling that only the strength had increased sharply, and the other things didn't change much.

As soon as this idea came up, he was slapped in the face.

The three huge lizard beasts roared angrily, as if they had received an order at the same time. They sprayed out red silk threads from their mouths, interweaving in the air, and instantly formed a large net, covering a range of dozens of feet, and fell from the heads of Mo Xun and the others.

The mana pressure emitted by the red net seemed to have some kind of imprisonment effect. Even Mo Xun felt the temporary slowdown of the mana in his body.

All the vines and branches that the big net touched withered and turned black in an instant.

"They have already understood group cooperation, but this kind of spiritual intelligence improvement is still not matched with the realm!"

While Mo Xun was puzzled, he did not think about what was going on. He immediately released his Nascent Soul pressure.

The terrifying mana impact spread quickly around like a hurricane, sweeping and destroying everything along the way.

When the red net encountered this pressure, it was like a flame encountering sea water. Before it could resist, it was shattered.

The powerful Nascent Soul Spirit Realm followed closely behind.

The three giant lizards had originally wanted to rush to the two people in one go after building a big net, but the next moment they seemed to be trapped in a muddy swamp and could not move forward at all.

Perhaps because they had just awakened their spiritual wisdom, the three beasts suddenly showed a trace of panic in their eyes.

But the time left for them was obviously not much.

Mo Xun summoned the bloodthirsty sword in his hand, and the green jungle was instantly filled with brilliant sword light and bloody color.

Within a hundred feet, it was like a layer of red fog.

After dealing with these three beasts, Mo Xun was worried that the blood would attract other monsters, so he was about to put away the three monster pills and prepare to leave this place first.

"Senior Mo, this place is so dangerous!"

Mo Xun wanted to say that this place had been closed for who knows how many years, and the demon spirit energy was much more concentrated than the outside world, so it was normal to give birth to some powerful monsters, but soon, he found something wrong.

There was no inner pill in these monsters!

But how is this possible?

The monster leaped from level five to level six, just like building a foundation and forming an elixir, and it must condense the inner elixir!

With this discovery, Mo Xun immediately noticed other things.

The various vegetation growing here is too new!

In any jungle, not every tree is green, there will always be dead trees.

But here, abnormally, there is no exception!

Thinking of this, he flew out with a wind blade and cut off a tree next to him that was difficult for several people to hug.

With a rumble, the towering tree fell down.

He immediately looked at the gap of the cut tree.

"Senior Mo, look at the annual rings on the tree!"

In fact, without Qian Si Niang's reminder, Mo Xun had already noticed the unusualness.

On the stout tree, the circles of textures were arranged in a very strange way.

In the center, the rings were about one foot in diameter, and the annual rings were even and normal, just like those of the big trees outside. But then, they became very sparse, and there were only a dozen rings.

In other words, more than half of the space on the tree, which was about half a foot long, was covered by only a dozen annual rings.

In other words, such a stout tree trunk only grew in more than ten years!

This is too contrary to common sense!

Then he cut down a few more big trees, and the results were similar.

At the same time, he also noticed that the ground under his feet was full of potholes and unevenness!

Near the tree trunk, because of the sudden growth of the big tree, a circle of soil was squeezed into small mounds.

Just as he was wondering, the sound of a rapid attack came from the jungle.

When his spiritual sense swept over, a large number of monsters of various sizes were running from all directions.

Among these monsters, the low-level ones are level three or four, and the high-level ones are level six or seven.

Although Mo Xun is not afraid of those beasts, he does not want to waste his magic power in vain, so he immediately carries Qian Si Niang on his back and disappears on the spot.

In a hidden cave, Mo Xun set up a defensive formation outside and added a hidden restriction.

"You rest here first, I'll go outside to find out the situation!"

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