Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1142: Towering Trees

After leaving the cave, Mo Xun cast an invisibility spell and used the chaotic turbid air to hide his breath.

After confirming that this was the interior of Yinjia Mountain, he had been sensing the whereabouts of the incarnation.

Although the connection between his mind and spirit had been cut off, he always had a feeling that Lan Xin and the incarnation should be inside.

He flew over at low altitude and carefully examined this strange place along the way.

With the previous discovery, he gradually noticed more unreasonable places.

For example, the demon and spirit aura seemed very uneven, especially the demon aura. Sometimes, there was a big difference in the concentration of the two sides separated by a mountain.

It felt as if these demon auras suddenly appeared.

Because of the short time, they had not had time to spread to the world.

As for the level of the monsters, they were not weak.

Among these monsters, some cultivated spirits, and some cultivated demons!

Along the way, Mo Xun found several waves of demon beasts fighting each other, many of which had reached level six.

This level would have been transformed long ago in the boundless sea of ​​monsters.

Mo Xun killed two of them, but he also did not find any inner elixir in their bodies.

In addition, the combat power of these level 6 and 7 monsters was also very different from what he knew.

It seemed to him that these beasts had been forcibly improved in a short period of time by some special means.

This time must not be long!

Combined with the changes that have taken place in the outside world in recent years, he is more and more certain that this place should have a huge connection with the ancient teleportation array.

In fact, what Mo Xun did not know was that many similar situations had also occurred in the outside world.

The entire Dongsheng Continent seemed to have suddenly increased in number overnight.

And their realms were improved very quickly!

It was hard not to associate it with the demon clan.

Under an unusually thick tree, Mo Xun was surprised to find a man-made formation.

Probably because of the long time, the periphery had been damaged a lot, and the originally hidden place was also exposed to the outside world.

However, even with Mo Xun's attainments, he admired the person who set up the formation.

Because he only saw the location of the formation, but did not understand the principle.

In other words, if you want to break it, there seems to be no better way except brute force.

Fortunately, he noticed that the strength of this formation seemed to change regularly, and the gate of the formation would disappear every once in a while and then reappear in another direction.

It's just that it takes some time to observe how this pattern works.

He tried to break the formation by force, but failed, or it would take a lot of time and mana.

He also noticed that there were signs of human activities outside the formation.

For example, the big tree that carries the formation has traces of being chopped by an axe on its branches.

Of course, things are not so absolute, after all, some high-level monsters can cast spells similar to wind blades.

This tree is really too big!

Mo Xun dare not say that this is the thickest he has ever seen, but it is definitely in the forefront.

The size of the tree trunk is at least four or five feet.

It stretches across the ground like a wall.

The trunk stretches straight to the clouds, and the dense branches extend to hundreds of feet away, with countless vines intertwined.

The lush branches and leaves cover the sky.

The whole tree seemed to carry a piece of heaven and earth.

The flowers and plants under the tree seemed to have absorbed all the nutrients in the soil, and were much thinner than other places.

Mo Xun's spiritual sense swept into the tree and found that this tree was somewhat different from other trees. Although the outer rings were sparse, the inner rings were densely packed, and it was obvious that it had a very long age.

Moreover, the heart of the tree was completely dry, with a large hollow area.

Then, he turned around again, and after no other gains, he returned to the formation.

He stayed there for two full days.

The purpose was naturally to observe the changing rules of the formation.

This kind of incomplete formation must have weak points. Although these weak points have been changing all the time, and the time of appearance is uncertain, there should always be traces to follow.

Since the formation appeared in the world of immortal cultivation, various means of breaking the formation have also emerged.

Most methods either start from the formation base or the formation eye, cleverly apply the formation principle, slightly change the original formation structure, and then find a breakthrough.

This method requires a certain level of attainment in formation.

Or break the formation by force!

Attack with mana or magic weapon to directly destroy the formation structure.

Most people often do this.

For the more mysterious and regular high-level formations, you can find out the change rules through long-term observation and then start.

Mo Xun now plans to use this method.

But after observing for two days, he is ready to go back first.

The rules of the formation in front of him do exist, but perhaps because the change time cycle is too long, there is no way to start in the short term.

When he was about to return to the previous cave, his eyebrows were frowned.

In the divine consciousness, the cave entrance that was originally hidden in the formation has been completely exposed.

In front of the cave, there is a centipede that is frantically attacking the cave.

With the destruction of the defensive formation, Qian Si Niang also showed up.

This woman is hiding in the cave at the moment. Because she doesn't know how to repair the formation, she can only drag her injuries and occasionally fight back with mana.

There were no new injuries on his body, but he looked quite anxious.

Mo Xun immediately increased his speed. When he came to the sky above the cave, he raised his hand and shot out several sword beams.

The centipede was immediately broken into seven or eight pieces. After struggling on the ground for a few times, it was covered by the flames thrown by Mo Xun.

With his current magic power, even if it was burned by ordinary infant fire, it was not something that ordinary monsters could bear.

"Are you okay?"

Qian Si Niang felt relieved when she saw Mo Xun's figure.

As for death, she was not worried, but she didn't want to die in a place where she didn't even know the name.

"It's okay!"

The two did not say much. After a simple cleanup, Mo Xun took the other person into the air.

Back in front of the big tree, they dug out a simple cave again.

Qian Si Niang recovered from her injuries in it, while Mo Xun came to the formation and sat down cross-legged, continuing to observe the law of the formation's changes.

It was not until more than a month later that he suddenly jumped up.

After spending so much time, he felt a little impatient, but he finally found a way to break the formation.

Qian Si Niang, with the help of many healing pills, finally stabilized her injuries.

Mo Xun also taught her a breathing method, and the rest needed Qian Si Niang to recover by herself.

He sacrificed the Xuantian True Fire on the spot, and then began to slowly refine the formation-breaking tools.

The research on the formation in front of him during this period seemed to have improved his formation skills.

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