Over the years, he has been studying the restrictions in the space iron chain.

This iron chain is likely to be arranged with a high-level formation from the upper realm, so his attainments in formation should have risen to a higher level.

Even so, this strange formation in front of him still took him a lot of effort.

It is enough to see that the means of the person who set up the formation are extraordinary!

As the formation flags were thrown out one by one, a gap finally appeared in the originally unbreakable formation barrier.

But then, the gap quickly shrank and began to close again.

Mo Xun seized this brief opportunity, pulled Qian Si Niang, and flashed into the barrier.

As soon as the two disappeared, the formation behind them closed again.

When the two stabilized their bodies and looked closely, they were stunned for a moment.

In front of them was a world covered by clouds and mist!

In the haze, the stream flowed, lush flowers and plants surrounded the rocks, and the sound of the waterfall rumbled in the ears.

Indistinctly, pavilions and towers can be seen.

On the top of the mountains, half covered by clouds and mist, a row of looming palaces seem to be located in the sky.

In the sound of water, there seems to be the sound of bells and chimes, knocking one by one, giving people a feeling of pure heart and soul.

What a paradise, a fairy cave!

Mo Xun's heart moved, could this place really be the ancient monk ruins mentioned by Fairy Yuehua?

"Senior Mo, look there!"

Mo Xun looked in the direction pointed by Qian Si Niang, and saw two golden lotus flowers blooming in the pond in the distance, extremely beautiful.

"Double Lotus!"

Mo Xun's eyes narrowed immediately, this thing is a treasure for Yuanying monks to advance!

Nowadays, let alone those who have seen it in the outside world, even those who have heard of it are rare.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would rush over to pick it as soon as possible. After all, if this thing is used as medicine, it is very likely to refine the long-lost "Double Lotus Pill".

This kind of elixir is not only very helpful for improving cultivation, but also can help Yuanying cultivators break through bottlenecks and achieve promotion in a short time.

For Mo Xun at the moment, it is the most needed!

Since the condensation of Yuanying, Mo Xun has been collecting Yuanying stage elixir recipes through various channels.

Over the years, he has accumulated a lot of them.

But most of them are useless because the spiritual medicines used in them only exist in legends.

"Double Lotus Pill" is one of them.

Therefore, Mo Xun is quite familiar with the habits of the lotus flowers.

The growth cycle of this thing is extremely long, ranging from hundreds to ten thousand years, and the growth process is also divided into three stages.

In the early stage, it is a hundred years and red. The darker the color, the older the year.

In the middle stage, it is purple and takes a thousand years!

In the later stage, it is gold and it takes at least ten thousand years to bloom.

In theory, the thousand-year-old lotus can be used as medicine, which is also the main flavor of the double lotus pill.

And the two golden lotuses in front of you are at least ten thousand years old.

If the Twin Lotus Pill is made, not to mention the early stage of the Nascent Soul, the middle stage and even the late stage cultivators may be able to break through.

It is precisely because of his familiarity that he found something wrong!

After this kind of lotus is covered with gold, it will absorb all the water around it and become a dry lotus from then on.

If you don't know, you will really be deceived by the golden lotus in the water!

While Mo Xun was thinking, he suddenly found that Qian Si Niang had walked to the two lotus flowers without knowing when, and was about to bend over to pick them.

"Don't move!"

He shouted suddenly, but who knew that the woman seemed to be deaf to it.

The next moment, the lotus in the water suddenly moved!

Mo Xun said inwardly, as expected, without any hesitation, he flew up.

Just when he was about to catch Qian Si Niang, the water in the pool suddenly splashed, and then a huge black head emerged from the water.

On this head, there were two lotus flowers, but at this moment, the lotus flowers suddenly turned black.

The head suddenly opened its bloody mouth and bit Qian Si Niang directly.

At this critical moment, Mo Xun's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already blocking Qian Si Niang.

He saw a flash of golden light on his body, and a huge golden fist shadow directly hit the lotus.

With a loud bang, accompanied by a miserable and low roar, the head was smashed into the water again, splashing a large group of water.

Mo Xun took advantage of the situation to hold Qian Si Niang and quickly retreated.

At the same time, he waved his robe sleeves, and several light blades flew out and exploded in the water.

The two had just retreated more than ten feet when something crawled out of the water. It was a black alligator turtle that was two or three feet long.

The alligator turtle had a thick hard shell on its back, with spikes standing upside down and rough texture.

The head protruding from the shell was harder than a millstone.

There were sharp fangs in its mouth, shining coldly in the sun.

As for the two lotus flowers on the top of his head, they were severely deformed under Mo Xun's attack.

The petals split open and a lot of blood oozed out.

After seeing the realm of the beast clearly, Mo Xun took two steps back slightly.

Ninth-level Phantom Crocodile!

This was the first time he encountered a ninth-level monster since returning to Dongshengzhou.

This level is the existence of a demon king in the boundless sea of ​​monsters!

In terms of strength, it is comparable to the late Nascent Soul!

No, this thing also did not give him the feeling of being able to transform, which means that this thing is similar to the high-level monsters in the outside world, and they all quickly improved their cultivation for some reason.

When he thought of this, his originally tense heart relaxed a little.

Demon beasts that have been promoted in this way may have a high realm, but their cultivation is still far from that of real demon kings.

They may not even have the demon king's spiritual realm!

Then, Mo Xun suddenly thought of something.

The phantom crocodile is particularly good at attacking with illusions, so Qian Siniang's abnormality just now can probably be explained.

Then, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a short knife-shaped magic weapon at his waist.

This thing was given to Qian Siniang by him a few days ago.

When he turned around, he saw Qian Siniang staring at him with red eyes, her expression was full of ferocity, as if she wanted to kill the person in front of her as soon as possible.

Mo Xun stared at the other party, and two rays of light suddenly shot out of his eyes.

Qian Siniang trembled all over, and the short knife magic weapon that she had been holding tightly loosened.

The redness in her eyes also faded at a very fast speed.

Then she suddenly covered her head, screamed in pain, and fell into Mo Xun's arms.

Mo Xun put it on his back, and the bloodthirsty sword appeared in his hand at the same time.

At the same time, the phantom crocodile rushed over frantically.

Amid the roar, a faint fragrance that was extremely difficult to detect emanated from its body.

As soon as the smell entered Mo Xun's lungs, he froze in place, motionless!

But it was only a moment before he reacted.

Enter the illusion with the taste!

Mo Xun snorted in his heart, bit his tongue at the same time, and his sea of ​​consciousness immediately recovered clarity.

When the bloody mouth was about to swallow him into its stomach, the sword light exploded, blood mist flew, and the huge fangs were directly cut off in the sword light.

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