Mo Xun's figure also appeared above the head of the Phantom Crocodile in the next moment.

The huge red sword light fell, as if it was going to shatter the world.

The sword light fell on the Phantom Crocodile, and the turtle shell was cut in half on the spot.

But Mo Xun's eyebrows also wrinkled at the same time.

He believed that his sword was powerful, but he was not blindly confident.

The Phantom Crocodile, a monster beast, relies on two things: one is illusion, and the other is a hard shell.

When this beast reaches level seven, its turtle shell can easily resist ordinary magic weapons.

At level eight, it can withstand a blow from a Yuanying cultivator.

Although this beast has forcibly improved its cultivation, its original strength should not be weak. How could its defense be broken so easily?

Sure enough, when he was puzzled, the Phantom Crocodile, which was split into two, suddenly disintegrated and turned into a ball of black mist.

Then, water splashed in the pond in the distance, and a huge figure disappeared in the water.

Well, this guy is somewhat aware. Seeing that he can't win, he immediately slipped away.

Mo Xun slapped out with his palm, and the powerful palm wind raised huge waves in the pool.

But where is the trace of the alligator turtle inside?

After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that there was a hole at the bottom of the pool, and he didn't know where it led to.

Mo Xun didn't chase, but put Qian Si Niang down and fed her a pill.

After a while, Qian Si Niang woke up slowly.

"Senior Mo, what happened to me?"

"You were just trapped in an illusion, but now it's okay. Follow me closely later. If you find something wrong, don't act rashly. Also, don't leave my body protection range!"

As he spoke, a circle of light golden light suddenly condensed around the two of them.

This place is really a bit weird!

Mo Xun has been wandering around the outside world for so long, and at most he only found an eighth-level monster.

But when he got here, it was a ninth-level monster!

"I know!"

Although Qian Si Niang didn't remember what happened just now, she felt that Senior Mo should have saved her again.

The two walked quietly without saying anything.

The vegetation here is similar to that in the outside world, and it grows very lush and thick.

However, the actual age of many ancient trees is really long. Mo Xun cut down two trees, both of which are more than tens of thousands of years old.

Their destination is the palace complex on the distant mountains.

Since he came here, Mo Xun's mind is not just as simple as looking for Lan Xin and the incarnation, but to see if he can find the immortal order mentioned by Fairy Yuehua.

Just when they were about to speed up, Mo Xun suddenly pulled Qian Si Niang up without any warning and quickly dodged to the side.

Qian Si Niang was startled. Just when she was about to speak, she found that there was a long cut on Mo Xun's arm, and the blood instantly dyed most of his arm red.

"Senior Mo..."

Mo Xun waved his hand, his eyebrows full of vigilance.

His consciousness was also released quickly at the same time.

The powerful divine consciousness formed an almost impenetrable divine consciousness net around him.

Even an ant that broke into it appeared clearly in his perception.

Seeing Mo Xun's solemn expression, Qian Si Niang also knew what to do and didn't speak in a hurry.

After about a dozen breaths, Mo Xun gently stroked his wound and swallowed a pill at the same time.

"It's a space crack!"


Qian Si Niang seemed not to have heard clearly, and her face was full of surprise.

Although she couldn't practice before, she had heard the basic common sense of cultivation.

In this world, there is something that even Yuanying cultivators are afraid of, which can kill people invisibly, that is, space cracks.

This kind of crack is caused by spatial disorder and is accompanied by spatial storms.

Once hit by a crack, the powerful spatial force between the two planes can tear anything to pieces.

"If I am not mistaken, it is indeed a space crack, this kind of spatial turbulence..."

Mo Xun wanted to say that he had crossed the space before and was most familiar with this kind of thing.

But he stopped in the end!

Now is obviously not the time to talk about these things.

Space cracks also have levels, mainly depending on the difference between the two interfaces.

The intensity of the turbulence just now gave Mo Xun the same feeling as when he came back from Xihezhou.

This kind of space crack is difficult to predict with spiritual sense alone.

It is not because of the speed or good concealment, but because it appears too suddenly.

It almost appears out of thin air, making it hard to guard against!

But after that experience, the reason why Mo Xun was able to survive was, on the one hand, relying on his strong body, and on the other hand, mastering some rules.

Whenever a space crack is about to appear, a tiny ripple will be generated in the surrounding space.

This kind of fluctuation is very weak. Even a foundation-building cultivator can generate space ripples in the battle, so many people rarely pay attention to it.

Of course, the range of the crack can only be roughly judged by the fluctuation alone.

To determine the specific location, other means and experience are needed.

It is precisely in this regard that Mo Xun has already figured out his own set of methods.

So other people may be afraid of this kind of space disorder, but for Mo Xun, it is not enough to kill him.

In the interface space, he could even avoid the space storm, let alone the turbulence.

After Mo Xun simply treated the injury, he directly grabbed Qian Si Niang's hand.

"Don't worry, if there is an accident, I will take you away at any time!"

Even if he could sense the appearance of space cracks in advance, he didn't have much time left.

Sometimes, he didn't even have half a breath.

So in order to ensure the safety of the two, he needed to take Qian Si Niang to hide at any time.

Fortunately, for this seemingly ambiguous contact between men and women, Qian Si Niang also knew the current situation and didn't think too much.

Mo Xun had planned to fly over from the air after confirming that there was no danger, but now, he had to slow down.

Facing this invisible crisis, he didn't dare to be arrogant.

Along the way, Mo Xun found that the number of space cracks was gradually increasing.

Several times, he just avoided it and even got some new injuries.

As for monsters, they also encountered some.

The two saw two level 7 monsters with their own eyes. They were extremely ferocious the moment before, but they were torn into pieces by the space cracks in an instant.

Even the soul didn't have time to escape.

When passing by a valley with the fragrance of medicine, the two encountered a level 9 monster.

This is a fire-patterned leopard.

Its entire body was fiery red, its hair seemed to be dyed by flames, and its body was covered with red cloud patterns. On its tail, there was even a ball of blazing flames.

Thinking that this might be a relic of an ancient medicinal garden, Mo Xun became interested.

He said to Qian Si Niang, "Come on my back, let's go and take a look!"

For such a place, the only way Mo Xun could think of was to take Qian Si Niang and kill her. If he left her alone, it would be better for her to take the risk with him.

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