Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 114 The Underworld

Xiao Qian smiled mysteriously: "Brother Mo, have you heard that the soul will separate after death?"

Mo Xun nodded doubtfully. There have always been many ghost legends among the people.

"The soul can also be called the primordial spirit. Once the primordial spirit leaves the body, it is said that it will go to the rumored underworld, reincarnate, and fall into reincarnation. If it does not go to the underworld, it will be what we often call a lonely ghost, and sooner or later it will dissipate between heaven and earth."

Mo Xun's mouth moved. He didn't quite understand why Xiao Qian suddenly mentioned such a mysterious rumor.

Is there really a underworld in the world?

Xiao Qian suddenly lowered his voice and said with emotion: "The main purpose of this thing is to make a soul-raising lock. It is said that it can cut off the passage between the human world and the underworld, so that the primordial spirit can stay in the world forever."

Hearing this, not to mention Xiao Qian, even Mo Xun's face became unusually wonderful.

Let the primordial spirit stay in the world forever?

Isn't that a disguised form of immortality?

With this in mind, Mo Xun looked at the soul-nourishing tree with the same flame as Xiao Qian.

"Brother Xiao, it seems that you and I are really lucky. People often say that a blessing in disguise is indeed true!"

For a moment, the two of them were all excited about getting a treasure. Xiao Qian was even more eloquent, introducing the value of this thing to Mo Xun, and even looking forward to how many foundation-building pills he could get once he sold it.

Whatever the Gu Yue Sect and the like were immediately thrown behind his mind.

But it's true, since you have such a treasure tree, why bother to take risks to complete those tasks!

Listening to Xiao Qian's talk, Mo Xun suddenly asked: "Brother Xiao, can you tell the age of this thing?"

Xiao Qian waved his hand indifferently: "I know what Brother Mo means, but this kind of sacred tree, even if it is a seedling, must be worth a lot."

Mo Xun nodded in agreement, which was true.

Although Xiao Qian was excited, he took out a jade box quite solemnly. The box was only the size of his arm, but Mo Xun knew that Xiao Qian knew how to shrink things, so he was not afraid that it would not fit.

Mo Xun then took two steps back and watched him carefully dig up the soil.

He was very careful, just like treating a baby!

But at the moment when Xiao Qian pulled out the soul-raising tree, something strange happened. The whole tree suddenly flashed a layer of faint green light.

The green light seemed to be alive. It climbed up Xiao Qian's arm, circled around him at a very fast speed, and then flew towards Mo Xun.

Mo Xun was startled and wanted to retreat quickly, but the speed of the green light was too fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, it also circled around his body and quickly rotated.

At that moment, Mo Xun felt as if there was a pair of eyes that saw his body, limbs, meridians and dantian clearly. It seemed that he was transparent in front of this green light.

However, the green light did not stay near Mo Xun for a moment, and returned to Xiao Qian's surroundings again, flashing and sinking into Xiao Qian's body.

Xiao Qian's face changed immediately, but before he could take any action, he suddenly covered his head and knelt on the ground, his eyes red and roared, as if he was crazy, his face became extremely hideous and painful.

For a while, the whole underground cave was filled with Xiao Qian's shrill screams.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun immediately distanced himself from him, and in shock, he kept shouting the other party's name.

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