No matter how Mo Xun shouted, Xiao Qian just kept howling in pain and rolled on the ground, as if he had a hysterical attack.

With a "plop", Xiao Qian suddenly fell into the river because he was too close to the river bank. After a large wave of waves, he disappeared.

Mo Xun was anxious and wanted to go into the water to save him, but just as he ran to the shore, a figure with disheveled hair and a wet body emerged from the river. It was Xiao Qian.

"Brother Xiao..."

Xiao Qian raised his head and looked at Mo Xun coldly. The moment the two looked at each other, Mo Xun suddenly felt strange.

Xiao Qian slowly walked up to the river bank, looked at his hands woodenly for a while, and suddenly laughed without any warning.

"Brother Xiao..."

Mo Xun opened his mouth in confusion. He didn't know why Xiao Qian in front of him gave him a strange feeling.

After Xiao Qian laughed, he really looked at Mo Xun, and the corner of his mouth raised a meaningful arc.

"What's your name?"

Mo Xun's expression froze on his face. Although the man in front of him looked and sounded the same as Xiao Qian, his eyes and the tone of his voice were clearly someone else's.

What is this?

Possessed by an evil spirit?

For a moment, countless question marks appeared in Mo Xun's mind, making him so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

"This looks good!" Xiao Qian touched his cheek and showed a satisfied smile.

A moment later, Mo Xun suddenly had a small red flag in his hand, which was the tattered Fire Spirit Flag. He stared at the "Xiao Qian" in front of him with full vigilance.

"You are not Xiao Qian, who are you?"

"Hahaha... I am indeed not the person you know!"

"What did you do to Brother Xiao?" Mo Xun's face suddenly darkened, and he took a few steps back. Everything in front of him was really beyond his cognition.

Unexpectedly, the two of them were still discussing the reincarnation of souls, and now they encountered evil spirits.

"Xiao Qian" looked at him with interest, and said with interest: "Although the ninth level of Qi Refining is not high, it is interesting to know how to take over another body and be reborn!"

Possession... Rebirth...

Mo Xun frowned. Although he didn't know what possession was, he still understood the word rebirth.

"Who are you, and why do you want to occupy Brother Xiao's body?"

"Xiao Qian" smiled and casually pinched a Taoist formula. He didn't see how to cast a spell, and suddenly a thick mist came out of his body.

Seeing this, Mo Xun thought that the other party was going to take action, and then he sacrificed the Fire Spirit Flag, and a column of fire sprayed out, heading straight for Xiao Qian on the opposite side.

Seeing the flames like a long snake about to burn in front of him, "Xiao Qian" just waved his sleeves, and the fire snake was instantly annihilated.

With awe in his heart, Mo Xun hurriedly cast a spell again, but the Fire Spirit Flag in his hand suddenly disappeared out of thin air. When he looked for it again, it was already in the hands of "Xiao Qian".

Mo Xun was shocked. He didn't feel sorry for this magic weapon. It was just that in the moment just now, he didn't know how the other party took it from him.

Before he could react, "Xiao Qian" on the opposite side moved again. After a "plop", Mo Xun didn't even have time to scream in pain, and the whole person was hit into the river by a palm.

After choking on the water several times in the river, Mo Xun covered his chest, a trace of blood hung at the corner of his mouth, and a head of wet hair, and stood up with difficulty.

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