Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1150 The Pain of Lingchi

But he was half a beat late. Where his figure disappeared, not only was there a green light shining, but also a blood mist.

Countless silver sword beams also whistled and slashed on the green gourd, making a dense and crisp sound.

The gourd fell to the ground immediately, but there was no mark left on its surface.

A breeze blew by, and the whole world fell into a dead silence again.

It was as if the fierce murderous aura just now had never appeared.

As soon as Mo Xun entered the green gourd, he fell directly to the ground.

The torn clothes were already stained red with blood.

The exposed skin was covered with shocking sword wounds, and the flesh turned outward, revealing the white bones inside.

He quickly swallowed a pill and stumbled into the isolation formation.

Such a miserable appearance once again shocked Qian Si Niang.

You know, it has only been a dozen breaths since Mo Xun left.

It felt to her like a perfectly healthy person was slashed dozens of times in a blink of an eye.

Qian Si Niang was about to step forward to help, but was stopped by Mo Xun.

Although he was still in a mess this time, he was much better than last time because he was on guard.

Those horrible skin and flesh torn apart did not affect his foundation.

Next, Mo Xun began a long healing process.

This time, it took nearly a month to get rid of all the injuries and return to peak condition.

"Senior Mo, were those previous injuries caused by the man in white?"

Seeing Mo Xun recover as before, Qian Si Niang finally put her mind at ease.


Mo Xun did not hide it and immediately told her his plan.

After all, he would frequently fight with the white puppets in the future, and injuries were inevitable, and he could not hide it even if he wanted to.

After hearing this, Qian Si Niang was shocked again.

In her opinion, what kind of method is this?

At the cost of countless serious injuries, just to consume the spiritual power inside a puppet.

The key is that what Mo Xun suffered was not an ordinary injury.

Almost every time, he had to endure dozens or hundreds of knives slashing his body.

In the long run, it is not an exaggeration to compare it to the pain of slow slicing.

At the same time, she was secretly surprised at the realm of the white-clothed puppet.

She knew the strength of Senior Mo.

Her adoptive father had such a high level of cultivation, but he couldn't even take a move in front of Senior Mo.

And there is also Gu Jianshan, the supreme elder of Tuoluomen!

At the beginning, she and Sun Ku were stopped by the magic cultivators. Even such a person who stood at the top of the magic cultivation had never left Senior Mo in the battle.

But now, a lifeless puppet can easily injure him seriously.

It can be seen how terrifying the cultivation of that puppet has reached!

"Senior Mo, is this really okay?"

Mo Xun changed his clothes again. After the embarrassing scene last time, he didn't have too much psychological burden for the sincere meeting again.

Qian Si Niang didn't seem to notice this deliberately!

"This is the only way for now, but even so, we probably won't be able to get out for a while."

"But you always do this..."

Mo Xun smiled indifferently.

"It doesn't matter, this injury is nothing to me!"

To be honest, he didn't really take it to heart.

Back then in the interface space, he had endured a lot of pain, and even broke his golden elixir because of resisting the space storm.

That kind of pain is torture!

After feeling that he had recovered almost, Mo Xun left again.

This time, he used the Dharma Golden Body in advance and put on the True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor at the same time.

And secretly warned himself that once he felt the danger coming, he would enter the green gourd as soon as possible.

In fact, in his heart, he hoped to hold on a little longer.

After all, every time he takes an additional attack, he can consume a little more of the puppet's energy.

Otherwise, who knows how long it will take to leave this place if it continues like this.

Of course, he can't be too greedy and reckless.

Because once he is seriously injured, he will need to spend more time recuperating, which will delay the progress.

There is a degree here, and he has to grasp it just right.

In the corner of the medicine garden, with the flashing green light, Mo Xun, wearing white flame armor and emitting golden light, appeared again.

He released his consciousness at the first time.

It's just that the speed at which the white-clothed puppet appeared was too fast.

So fast that before his consciousness spread far, countless sword beams had already shot over.

Fortunately, Mo Xun had been on guard and quickly held the green gourd in his hand and was about to hide in it.

In theory, this time, his reaction should be considered fast enough.

If nothing unexpected happens, he should be able to retreat before most of the sword beams arrive.

Even if he is injured, it won't be too serious.

But just before he was about to enter the gourd, he glanced over and saw several spiritual medicines at his feet.

Inside, there was a purple heart vine that was tens of thousands of years old, a flying star bamboo, and a blooming extremely beautiful Namo Huanhua!

In addition, there were three rare spiritual medicines that he couldn't even name.

It can be said that each of these is a priceless treasure in the outside world, and it can even be said that it has long been lost in this world.

At this moment, perhaps because of greed, his movements slowed down a little.

At the same time, his robe sleeves swept over, and he dug out all the spiritual medicines.

But because of this delay, hundreds of sword beams that came at a rapid speed once again pierced through all his body defenses.

Blood mist flew across the sky, and blood splashed everywhere.

When Mo Xun reappeared, he returned to the green gourd with scars all over his body.

This time, the injuries he suffered seemed to be more serious than the previous two times.

The whole person was completely unrecognizable, and even the fire armor on his body was chopped into pieces by the sword.

Mo Xun staggered and fled to the isolation restriction. Because the Xuantian True Fire was damaged and the Golden Body Dharma Body was severely injured, he suffered a certain amount of mana backlash.

In addition to the exposed wounds, the meridians and dantian were also affected.

Ever since she saw Mo Xun's miserable state last time, Qian Si Niang had been uneasy since she left the other party.

When she saw Mo Xun stumbling in, and his injuries were no longer human, Qian Si Niang was so anxious that she almost cried.

Mo Xun really took a risk this time.

He held on to his last breath and threw out a jade bottle.

"Apply this thing on me!"

After saying this, he fainted.

Qian Si Niang came to her senses and quickly picked up the jade bottle. She called out a few times, but got no response.

But this time, Qian Si Niang was a little embarrassed.

Mo Xun only said to apply this thing on him, but didn't say where to apply it.


Forget it, since he's covered in wounds, just apply it everywhere!

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