Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1151 Si Niang enters meditation

It took Mo Xun a long time to recover this time.

He sat cross-legged for nearly two months without moving.

However, during this period, he found an unexpected surprise.

During the healing process, one can also practice.

Of course, this kind of practice does not refer to realm, but to the improvement of magical powers.

Last time, in order to deal with the mysterious soul body, he blew up the Tongtian Magic Tower where he had practiced for several years.

Now that he has passed the crisis, he plans to condense this magical power again.

And take advantage of this time to practice Tongtian Magic to the last level.

Therefore, two months may seem long, but in the circulation of the Zhoutian, it seems to be just a blink of an eye for him.

When he recovered again, he took out the green gourd without hesitation.

With the experience of the previous few times, he was obviously more comfortable in dealing with those sword beams.

But when he came back, he was still seriously injured.

He began to gradually adapt to this cycle of constantly shuttling through thousands of cuts and then returning to the battle after recovering from his injuries.

If this kind of experience had happened to someone else, they would have gone crazy long ago.

But he, however, regarded it as a kind of training.

Because he found that after each serious injury, his understanding of cultivation seemed to have been raised to a higher level.

For example, the realm bottleneck he was currently facing.

He had a new understanding that those cultivators who were stuck at the bottleneck might have encountered false shackles in many cases.

It was not that they could not break through, but that their cultivation had not really reached the perfection of the current realm.

The so-called touching the bottleneck was just an illusion.

It was like climbing, thinking that you had reached the highest peak, but in fact, you were still halfway up the mountain.

The real top of the mountain might just be covered by clouds and mist.

Once you reach the real peak, then taking the next step is a matter of course.

This is what Mo Xun realized!

Because in the process of being injured and recovering, he found that his cultivation seemed to be still rising.

Of course, this is just his personal opinion, or a new realization.

The process of cultivation is not just about the improvement of mana, but also about the state of mind.

In addition, he felt that repeatedly withstanding those sharp sword beams was also a kind of tempering for the body.

Although so far, he has not found that his horizontal training realm has loosened.

But it always takes a process to change from quantitative change to qualitative change.

In addition to the benefits of cultivation, his biggest gain is that every time he goes out, he can get some rare spiritual medicines more or less.

Or three or two plants, sometimes seven or eight plants.

Anyway, if he doesn't pick them, they will eventually be destroyed by the puppet.

Such days have passed in a flash for seven years.

Until this day, he finally condensed the Tongtian Magic Tower again, and even cultivated the Tongtian Magic Art to perfection.

Compared with the time spent on the first six levels, this last level really took a little longer.

But there is no way. He was practicing on the Tongtian River before, and he made rapid progress.

At present, he can only rely on pills to improve!

Fortunately, the magic tower he has condensed now has been completely solidified.

From the outside, it looks like a real golden magic weapon.

He is sure that even if this thing is not as good as the original treasure Yutian Sword in terms of level, it should be not much different in power.

If you can master the refining of the real Tongtian Magic Tower, let alone treasures, even spiritual weapons may not be inferior.

He even has a feeling that the level of that magic tower may be higher than that of spiritual weapons.

Not only is the interior a world of its own, but it can also collect Tongtian River water.

This is not something that ordinary space treasures can do.

At least the Tianyu Tower in Gu Yutian's hands was not at the same level at all.

Qian Si Niang has gone from being shocked at first to being almost numb now.

All she can do is to take care of Mo Xun every time he is injured, if he is seriously injured.

She really wants to persuade Senior Mo to forget it, but she knows that she can't persuade him, and there is no way to persuade him.

Otherwise, the two will be trapped in this place forever.

Fortunately, Qian Si Niang has not stopped practicing in these years.

Mo Xun gave her a lot of practice resources, and she used almost all of them to improve her practice in her spare time.

Because she knew that only if her strength was a little stronger, the burden on Senior Mo would be reduced a little.

After the hidden spiritual root was activated, the speed of practice was really very fast.

As early as half a year ago, Qian Si Niang had entered into a state of meditation without knowing it.

This is the rhythm of forming a golden pill!

When Mo Xun found this, he wanted to remind her, but it was too late.

As a person who has experienced it, he knows very well what consequences will be caused if this state of meditation is interrupted.

In severe cases, the meridians will be reversed and the practice will be lost, and in mild cases, the opportunity to form a golden pill will be lost forever.

In addition to her qualifications, Qian Si Niang's comprehension is much higher than that of ordinary people.

It took Mo Xun a total of forty years to form a golden pill, but it took nearly ten years just to calm down and enter a state of meditation.

In other words, the process of his condensing the golden pill, if calculated normally, is only thirty years.

Looking at Qian Si Niang again, it seems that the transition from foundation building to meditation is a natural thing.

The key is that no one has ever guided her!

It's like some people with natural spiritual roots don't need foundation building pills at all when they build their foundation.

The difference between people in talent and understanding is really huge.

But this is not something to be envious of. There is a threshold to becoming an immortal.

This threshold may be aptitude, luck, or hard work.

Mo Xun believes that he has the latter two, which makes him luckier than most people.

Qian Si Niang's meditation has put pressure on Mo Xun.

He has not tried the green gourd, but it seems that it is impossible to pass the tribulation.

In other words, if he cannot leave this place soon, then even if Qian Si Niang condenses the golden elixir, she will not be able to attract the thunder tribulation.

Is a Jindan cultivator without thunder tribulation still considered a Jindan?

Mo Xun really doesn't know this.

So he must consume all the energy in the puppet before Qian Si Niang completely condenses the golden elixir.

But to his disappointment, he has fought with the puppet at least hundreds of times over the years, and the sword wounds he has suffered alone are probably nearly tens of thousands, but the opponent still has no signs of a decline in spiritual power.

This makes him doubt whether his judgment is accurate.

Even so, he has no better way to deal with it.

Fortunately, after hundreds of fights, he was less injured each time when enduring those sword beams.

The healing time in between was also gradually shortened.

This meant that within a limited time, he could enter and exit the green gourd more frequently.

Next, Mo Xun continued to struggle in the thousands of cuts while paying attention to Qian Si Niang's movements.

Time passed in a flash, and another three or four years passed!

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