Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1152: Mid-stage Nascent Soul

Until this day, after Mo Xun received a sword attack, although he was injured, he found that he could still fight again.

I don’t know what he was thinking at this moment, he didn’t rush back to the green gourd.

After harvesting several spiritual herbs, he gritted his teeth and received another sword.

After being swept by two waves of swords in a row, he was seriously injured again.

After more than a month of recovery, he stood in front of the white puppet again.

But since then, it has become more and more uncontrollable.

Every time he fought, he took two sword moves hard before escaping into the green gourd on the verge of life and death.

In the third year, he started to connect three moves frantically.

In the fourth year, he could even take four or five waves of sword attacks and still have spare energy.

Once, when he felt that he was about to reach his limit, he was surprised to find that he seemed to have touched an unprecedented barrier.

This barrier was completely different from the bottleneck he had sensed before.

He had a strong premonition that once he broke this barrier, he would usher in a new realm.

He resisted the urge to escape into the green gourd, risking his life to take the sixth sword.

This sword almost tore him to pieces.

Even the Nascent Soul in his body suffered a severe blow that he had never suffered before.

When he escaped into the gourd, he was in a coma for half a month before waking up.

But it was this time that made him discover a new opportunity for breakthrough.

That is fighting!

Well... this, to be precise, should be beaten!

Because so far, he has been in passive defense in his fight with the white puppet.

From beginning to end, he seemed to have no chance to attack.

Although he did not achieve a substantial breakthrough, he also found a direction.

Then, he began to struggle more desperately on the verge of death.

That is, in the tenth year of Qian Si Niang's formal meditation, he finally took the ninth sword move with all his strength.

At that moment, his brain exploded with a buzzing sound.

It was as if a huge wave formed in his body, constantly colliding in his meridians and dantian.

Despite the serious injuries, even though he was at the end of his strength, he still maintained the last bit of clarity in his sea of ​​consciousness and hid in the green gourd.

He waved his scarred robe sleeves, and dozens of porcelain bottles suddenly appeared in front of him.

Then he poured all the pills in the bottle into his mouth without any order.

As the pills entered his body, the huge waves formed in his body became more and more turbulent.

It seemed that his body would be smashed into pieces in the next moment.

With a bang, a huge explosion exploded in his body.

Then, he felt that the whole world was quiet.

The huge wave seemed to break through a gate, and the originally blocked river suddenly became smooth.

His cultivation also soared rapidly at this moment.

The momentum on his body was like a rainbow piercing the sun.

He finally reached the dream of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

Mo Xun suddenly jumped up and let out a long roar.

The sound waves that could shake the heaven and earth formed a circle of space ripples around him, which echoed for a long time.

Feeling the rapid changes in his cultivation, he felt as if he was in another world.

Eighteen years, thousands of tortures, countless heart-pounding sword wounds, finally exchanged for today's achievements.

Mo Xun looked at the horrible wounds on his body, and it was not an exaggeration to describe it with a word of deep emotion at this moment.

It has been more than thirty years since the formation of the infant.

Is this period of time long?

Compared with those Yuanying cultivators who have been famous for a long time, it is not long at all.

It can be said that it took thirty years to reach the middle stage of the Yuanying. Considering his qualifications, it is simply unprecedented.

But Mo Xun thinks that he deserves such an unprecedented.

From ancient times to the present, how many people have exchanged thousands of lives and deaths for the improvement of a realm?

No one!

But he, Mo Xun, did it!

He deserves the current realm!

The road of cultivation is long, and countless people have been on this road.

There are those with mediocre qualifications and those with extraordinary talents, and their cultivation experiences are different.

Some people easily get the favor of God, while others fight for their lives and are just a scenery along the way for others.

But as long as they can stand at the end, they deserve this honor.

It turns out that when quantitative change reaches a certain level, it can really achieve qualitative change!

Mo Xun took a long breath. The experience of these eighteen years can be said to be the most painful journey since he started cultivating.

There is no strangeness, no opportunity, just endless fighting.

Fortunately, he persisted.

Back in the isolation restriction, Qian Si Niang is still in meditation.

With the current realm, he is confident that he can break the attack of the white puppet in a short time.

I just hope that nothing will go wrong with Qian Si Niang.

He suddenly thought that with Qian Si Niang's cultivation qualifications, if she adds the Wuhuan Pill, what kind of cultivation speed will it be.

After recovering from his injuries, he reappeared in front of the white-clothed puppet.

With the cultivation of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul and the physical training of the Eight Realms, he is now almost not afraid of ordinary late stage Nascent Souls.

Sure enough, the improvement in realm not only allowed him to withstand more than ten attacks from the white-clothed puppet this time, but also launched a counterattack for the first time.

As Mo Xun's coping skills improved, the balance of victory was slowly tilting towards him when fighting against the white-clothed puppet.

Half a year later, the turning point that excited him and had been waiting for for a long time finally appeared.

The attack strength of the puppet became obviously slow and weakened.

Another three months passed, and Mo Xun could barely fight it to a draw.

After finding that he was not at a disadvantage, he finally chose not to escape, but to fight to the death.

And in the process of fighting with it, he occasionally had time to harvest some spiritual herbs.

In the past ten years, he has transplanted nearly two thousand rare spiritual herbs into the gourd intermittently.

Unfortunately, when his cultivation was weak in the early stage, he could still harvest several plants each time.

But as the area of ​​the medicine garden was destroyed larger and larger, he often returned empty-handed in the end.

Now, there are only a few left.

But these must be enough to help him cultivate to the late stage of Yuanying.

When he gets out, it's nothing more than looking for the corresponding pill recipe.

Among these more than 2,000 plants, there are many that he doesn't know the names of at all, and they may bring him unexpected gains.

Just like the Wuhuan Flower and the Jiangzhu Fairy Fruit.

One gave him more than a hundred years of cultivation experience.

The other greatly increased his chances of forming a baby.

In this world, there are always some special spiritual medicines that are incomparable to the countless other spiritual herbs combined.

Over the years, he has not only improved his realm.

In addition to the Tongtian Demon Tower, he has also cultivated another magical power to perfection.

That is "Five Thunders Law"!

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