Speaking of this magical power, we have to mention Lu Wushen.

This partner who only had a brief transaction with Mo Xun, now it is unknown whether he is alive or dead.

If Gu Qingyue still remembers the old friendship, after returning to Tuoluomen, maybe she will help him rescue that guy!

Recalling the people or things he has come into contact with since he started practicing Taoism, Mo Xun needs to be grateful to many people.

Without Mr. He, he would not be able to take this path.

Without the Su family, he would not know that there is a quick way to practice with elixirs.

Without Li Qingying, he would have turned into a dead soul under Qishan's pursuit, and he could not escape the calculations of the Liu family.

Without the old woman who sells elixirs in Lantian City, he would not even have the opportunity to build a foundation.

Without Sun Lu, he might have become a useless person without cultivation as soon as he set foot in Xihezhou.

Without Luoxi, he might have died in the hands of the cultivator surnamed Han.

Without Gongyang, he would not know about Wuhuan Dan.

Without Gu Qingqing, he might have sunk into the second illusion, unable to extricate himself.

Without Sanqing, even if he traveled all over the mortal world, he would not understand what chaotic turbid air is.

Without Yunniang, he would have been the food of a blood beast in the Tiankui world.

Without Qi Ruyan, he would have been unable to move forward in the Tiankui world without spiritual energy.

Without Gu Yutian, the Secret Realm of the God's Tomb would be his final destination.

Without Lu Wushen, there would be no Tongtian Bloodthirsty Sword and this technique.

And Xia Muyao, that stubborn stupid woman, where is she now?

Everyone has accompanied him for a while.

But in the end, they are all like guests who have already bowed out before the show has ended, and they are left behind somewhere.

There will always be too many regrets in a person's life.

Thinking back on these, Mo Xun understood a truth.

Cherish the people in front of you, don't let them become the next passerby.

"Five Thunders Law", also known as "Great Five Elements Divine Thunder", is a heaven-defying method specifically designed to restrain the demons.

When he knew that the demons were about to invade, Mo Xun resolutely chose to practice this magical power.

Especially after obtaining the wooden arrow made of the Zhengyang Thunderwood.

This sacred wood has grown in his green gourd for decades and is now mature.

Next, he needs to refine a set of magic weapons that match the Five Thunders Law.

Although he hasn't refined weapons for a long time, he still has the foundation of the past.

Mo Xun's last battle lasted for half an incense stick.

Until the end, under the sword light of the bloodthirsty sword, the white puppet finally couldn't move anymore.

Looking at the dead thing that cost him eighteen years, Mo Xun really wanted to destroy it.

But he finally held back.

Because this thing now belongs to him.

This is the reward for countless life and death experiences!

Mo Xun slowly walked towards the white puppet lying on the ground. Because of the exhaustion of spiritual power, its special material could no longer block the surge of his spiritual consciousness due to the improvement of his realm.

When his spiritual consciousness swept into it, he was surprised to find that there was a large hollow area in its body.

Connecting the four sides, there are six small grooves.

The size of these grooves is just enough to embed a spiritual stone.

Mo Xun does not think that other spiritual stones have the ability to drive such a level of puppet except for the top-grade spiritual stones.

In other words, this puppet needs at least six top-grade spiritual stones to move.

And the hollow part is obviously a reserve.

According to the size estimation, it can hold at least hundreds of top-grade spiritual stones.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun was really speechless.

He spent more than ten years, but only consumed the spiritual power of more than a hundred top-grade spiritual stones.

Of course, most of his time was actually spent in recuperation.

Mo Xun continued to explore the puppet's body, and then found many restrictions inside.

This kind of restriction is very similar to the iron chain in the gourd space, which is layered.

If I guess correctly, only after refining all the restrictions can you truly master this puppet.

Then, he noticed the long sword in the puppet's hand.

Over the years, he has suffered a lot under this sword.

As soon as he got the long sword, he was shocked.

This thing is actually a treasure.

And in terms of grade, it seems to be no less than the original Yutian Sword.

It's just that the spirit inside seems to have fallen long ago, and the power is probably greatly reduced.

Mo Xun casually swept the long sword in the air, and the white sword light was like a silver scimitar, flying out with the momentum of breaking through the air.

The sword light slashed in the mud, and countless smoke and dust were splashed, leaving a long gully.

"What a treasure!"

He whispered in his mouth, and then suddenly thought of whether Gu Yutian could live in this sword.

He clearly remembered that before Gu Yuetian fell asleep, he told him about something called "Heavenly Heart Stone".

Only by obtaining this thing can the sword be recast and the weapon spirit awakened.

But for so long, he has never found out the whereabouts of this material.

In addition, there are so many things to do that he forgot about it.

After Mo Xun put away the white puppet, it took another half a day to finally walk out of the medicine garden formation.

After coming out, he first transferred Qian Si Niang to the outside world.

In Qian Si Niang's current state, it is not suitable for her to travel with him again.

Of course, he will not abandon her.

After simply building a cave in the valley, the two of them stayed there temporarily.

Mo Xun first refined a set of robes that could resist thunder tribulation for Qian Si Niang, as well as elixirs, formations and treasures that could assist in overcoming the tribulation.

He had experienced two thunder tribulations and knew the dangers.

After doing all this, he began to refine thunder magic weapons.

The first thing he thought of was the long sword or spear he was used to.

Whether it was the Bloodthirsty Sword or the Tongbao Spear, he had obtained the corresponding magic skills from Lu Wushen.

If he used a thunder sword or a thunder spear, he could just copy it in.

This would be a one-time solution!

But after some consideration, he gave up this plan.

The two treasures had some overlap in attack methods.

He had not repaired the Wulu Nebula Disk since it was destroyed last time.

On the one hand, it was too troublesome, and on the other hand, the level of the Nebula Disk could no longer meet his current needs.

Therefore, he planned to recast this life magic weapon and refine something similar.

His first thought was the set of sword formations he had obtained at the beginning.

But flying knives are not suitable for combination into a complete set of magic weapons.

Instead of forming a knife formation, it is better to use a sword formation.

So his idea is to melt the chess pieces, add the Zhengyang Lei Jiaomu into it, and combine the strengths of Tongtian Jianmu and the thunder attribute tree.

It’s just that the specific details and the difficulty of refining need to be considered again.

In addition, he also wants to imitate the original thunder arrow and refine a set of bows and arrows.

Thunder bows and arrows!

In this way, he can make up for his many shortcomings.

When attacking in groups, there is a sword formation.

When facing the enemy at a long distance, the bow and arrow can play a role.

In close combat, it is the world of bloodthirsty swords and Tongbao guns.

The more Mo Xun thought about it, the more he felt that his genius idea was very feasible.

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