Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1154: Refining Magical Weapons

The Black Heron Nebula Disk had been destroyed in the Tongtian Demon Tower.

Now, what was left was a pile of chess pieces.

His plan was to melt the chess pieces first, and then add the Zhengyang Leijiao Wood.

These chess pieces were originally made of Tongtian Jianmu.

If you want to say it, they were also treasures.

He first spent some time to forcibly cut off the mental connection between himself and the chess pieces.

Then he sacrificed the white Xuantian True Fire, and the chess pieces floated above the true fire. After an unknown period of time, they gradually began to melt, and finally became a pool of liquid.

Next, it was to remove the impurities inside.

When the Black Heron Nebula Disk was refined, a lot of other materials were added to it.

This time, he only planned to fuse the two kinds of sacred wood.

As the impurities were removed, the original black and white chess pieces all turned into silver-gray solution.

In fact, he could have chosen the materials again, after all, there was still a complete Tongtian Jianmu in the green gourd.

But the Wulu Nebula Disk has been nurtured in his body for many years, carrying his spiritual consciousness and mana imprints. Once it is re-refined, it will be more handy to use.

He has already thought of the name of this sword formation.

It is called "Nebula Sword"!

As for the lightning bowstring, it is the Demon-Slaying Bow!

This name is quite direct.

Counting them carefully, he still has quite a lot of treasures on him now.

First is the Tongbao Spear. According to his speculation, this should be a spiritual weapon, but probably because of the lack of weapon spirit or damage, the power is greatly reduced.

Even so, it is already very powerful.

Even if he uses it at his current realm, it is not a drag at all.

Coupled with the "Four Methods Soul-Capturing Spear" obtained from Lu Wushen, the power is greatly increased.

Because of his energy, he has only mastered the second level of artistic conception of this set of spear skills.

That is, it comes with attribute attacks!

Because of the chaotic turbidity, he now has a full spiritual root, which means that he can simulate any kind of attribute magic power with this gun.

At his level, the magic weapon is not just a rough weapon, but also integrates skills.

This is also what Lu Wushen taught him.

Then, there is the bloodthirsty sword.

Since he discovered the strangeness of this sword, he has rarely used it.

Occasionally, it is also in a critical situation.

And he has discovered that every time he uses the bloodthirsty sword, the killing intent will become extremely strong.

Often, it is difficult to sheath it without bloodshed.

In general, he does not think that he is a person who likes killing, although many lives have died in his hands over the years.

If there is a choice, he would rather practice peacefully.

Every time he uses the bloodthirsty sword, he will seal it.

The purpose is to prevent the killing intent on it from affecting himself.

Now that he has obtained the long sword of the white-clothed puppet, the Tongtian Demon Tower, and the Nebula Sword and Demon-killing Bow that he is about to refine, he will have at least six treasures that he can use in the future battles.

In terms of magic weapons, it is completely enough, and he can't even use so many at all.

The height he has reached now is also extremely amazing.

He is in the middle stage of the Yuanying period and the eighth level of the body.

He has perfected the Tongtian Demon Art and the Five Thunders Law.

The Thousand Illusion Sword Art can also condense more than a dozen or even dozens of sword beams at a time.

The second level of Tianwei Famu can not only condense the magic light with his eyes, but also perform short-term illusions.

Of course, this magical power is somewhat useless and can only be regarded as auxiliary.

With his current realm, the opponents he will face in the future should be at least above the middle stage of the Yuanying period.

At this level, the hallucination effect is not as useful as the Divine Sense Knife.

With the blessing of the wind spirit root, he has almost cultivated the six changes of the spirit wind.

Maybe when he sees Sanqing in the future, he can give that guy a big shock.

A human cultivator actually mastered the wind control technique that only birds know.

He has never given up the Sky Fire Escape, Blood Escape, and Five Elements Escape for many years.

As long as it is related to life-saving techniques, he has always been more concerned.

Chi Li's advancement also made the True Fire Heavenly Spirit Armor he mastered more powerful.

There is also the "Dharma Golden Body Sutra".

He has been seriously injured countless times over the years, but it has also improved his body training.

This horizontal training technique has a total of three chapters, each with nine levels.

The first chapter is to refine the skin. After practicing it, you can have the initial Arhat supernatural power, invulnerable to swords and guns, fearless of water and fire, and your fists can collapse mountains and your strength can shake the earth.

As early as when he entered the eighth realm, he was able to condense the Golden Body Arhat.

It is precisely relying on this that he can fight against the cultivators in the middle and even late stages of the Nascent Soul with the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

The second chapter, bone refining, is immortality.

Over the past ten years, he has endured countless cuts and nearly died time and time again.

Perhaps it was because of this that he happened to step into the bone refining realm by chance.

If you investigate, you can notice that the bones covered by his skin and flesh are golden and jade-colored.

Physical cultivation is different from legal cultivation. In addition to natural materials and treasures, physical tempering is also a way to advance.

It can even be said that the latter has a better effect!

He now has a vague feeling that he should not be far from the improvement of his horizontal training realm.

Perhaps it is just like the perfection of the initial stage of the Nascent Soul, just an opportunity is missing.

However, Mo Xun is not in a hurry.

He needs to consolidate his realm of cultivation temporarily.

He has mastered two of the Nine Changes of the Sky-lifting Technique, and can condense the Golden Ape and Golden Bear Dharmakaya.

This magical power is also useless.

Many times, he would only use it occasionally when he did not want to reveal his identity and trump card.

It is also possible that he has not cultivated well enough and has not yet felt the power of it.

Apart from these, what he cares most about is the white-clothed puppet.

If he can refine the restrictions inside and completely control it, doesn't it mean that he can have an extra helper who has reached the Perfect Nascent Soul stage?

Of course, he is just thinking about it.

Not to mention when he can refine the restrictions, the consumption of spirit stones alone is not something that ordinary people can afford.

Six top-grade spirit stones at a time, even a large sect cannot afford it!

Converted into low-level spirit stones for low-level cultivators to practice, that is six million.

The quantity is still secondary, the key is that there is no place to exchange.

It is already good for an ordinary spiritual stone vein to produce a few high-level spiritual stones.

Top-quality spiritual stones often only exist in legends.

Mo Xun still remembers clearly that when he first came to Xihezhou, he fought against the stone man in the ancient ruins. Because he got a high-level spiritual stone whose spiritual power was about to be exhausted, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Later, when Xia Muyao left, she also gave him dozens of high-level spiritual stones.

Therefore, he has no shortage of high-level spiritual stones.

But top-quality spiritual stones are very rare.

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