Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1156 Ascension Palace

Three days later, when Qian Si Niang appeared in front of Mo Xun, although her appearance did not change much, her temperament was very different from before.

It seemed... a little more confident!

Mo Xun could understand this feeling, just like when he entered the Jindan stage.

"Let's go!"

He did not say much, turned his head and headed towards the palace shrouded in clouds and mist.

This made Qian Si Niang feel a little disappointed, like a child waiting for praise, but never received a word of praise from her parents.

But soon, she was relieved.

Although she had not spent much time with Mo Xun, she still had some understanding of the senior in front of her.

In terms of personality, Mo Xun was somewhat similar to her adoptive father who raised her.

On the surface, he looked very indifferent, but in fact, he was a man of great righteousness.

Although Qian Si Niang entered the Jindan stage, she still could not protect herself in this place full of space cracks.

So she still needed Mo Xun's protection while walking.

But perhaps due to the improvement of his realm, Mo Xun has become more relaxed in sensing space cracks.

Along the way, except for encountering some monsters, the two did not encounter any other accidents.

In fact, to be honest, their trip was worthwhile.

Especially Mo Xun, who not only broke through the long-standing bottleneck, but also harvested so many spiritual herbs.

So it is said that a horse cannot grow fat without night grass, and sometimes opportunities really need to be fought for with life.

As they get closer and closer to those palaces, the space cracks become more and more dense.

Sometimes just after avoiding a crisis, another wave will appear.

The mountains and forests that should have been dense were also devastated in this spatial disorder.

Trees that were cut in half and torn monster remains can be seen everywhere.

Three days later, when the two came to the majestic palace, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The first thing that caught their eyes was a white jade staircase that was wide enough to accommodate thousands of people at the same time.

The horizontal width of the left and right sides is three or four hundred feet.

The stone steps are soaring into the clouds that you can't see the end at a glance.

Standing under the stone steps, you feel extremely small, as if you are in front of a heavenly palace.

Mo Xun secretly sighed in his heart, what a big deal.

I'm afraid that the Nine Star Sect in Xihezhou is just this style.

If it can be moved and placed in front of the Tianjian Sect's mountain gate, the specifications of the entire sect can at least be upgraded by one level.

Mo Xun was surprised by more than that.

These thousands of stone steps and the high palace are all intact and have not been destroyed by any space cracks.

It can be seen that this place is probably the same as the previous medicine gardens, which are isolated from this space.

This is indeed the case. Mo Xun can't even enter it with his consciousness.

The two stepped onto the stone steps. Although the scene in front of them did not change, the feeling was different.

It seemed that the whole world suddenly became quiet.

The two looked at each other, and saw a sense of vigilance in each other's eyes.

However, Mo Xun did not speak, and Qian Si Niang did not say anything.

Because there was a ban on flying here, the two could only walk up step by step.

Although it looked far away, it was nothing to those who practiced immortality.

Especially without the threat of space cracks, their speed was extremely fast.

After a while, the two came to the top of the stone steps.

In front of them was a spacious and flat square.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can find that the texture of the square paved with bricks and stones is clear, and when combined, it is actually a big Qiankun Bagua.

In addition, there are many strange cloud carvings and stone carvings.

This surprised Mo Xun a little!

Taoist totems in the realm of demons are not very common!

At the end of the square, there is a magnificent palace, towering and solemn.

Three big characters are engraved on the palace: "Flying Palace"!

Mo Xun trembled all over.

As a person seeking immortality, how could he not understand the weight of these words?

Could it be that this place was the last stop for the ascended monks tens of thousands of years ago?

But soon, he calmed down.

Not to mention that he had never heard of such a place, even if there was one, who built it?

Looking at the left and right of the palace, there is a huge stone sculpture of a human-shaped beast, each of which is facing the sky.

It gives people the feeling that it wants to ascend!

There is also a row of flying birds and beasts on the top of the palace, all of which are flapping their wings.

Mo Xun then understood the cloud pattern carvings on the square.

There are colorful auspicious clouds, heavenly beasts, and guides.

It turns out that all the artistic conception points to ascension.

This... seems to be too straightforward.

After the two were shocked, they took the lead in walking towards the nearest side hall under the leadership of Mo Xun.

No matter where this place is, since they are here, they always have to find out.

Perhaps this place can really solve the reason why the mortal world has not been able to ascend for tens of thousands of years.

The side hall on the left is similar to a row of side rooms, like a secret room for cultivation.

Because there is a ban to block the divine consciousness, Mo Xun didn't know what was inside before entering.

With the experience in the Wan Yao Ruins Palace, he didn't rush in this time.

Instead, he opened the palace door after checking whether there were any hidden formations around.

The first side hall was empty, with nothing but a few cushions and burnt incense tables.

Next to the second room, I found something unusual.

This was a large stone room with murals carved all around the walls.

Mo Xun looked from the first picture onwards, and the more he looked back, the stronger his heart beat.

The painting was very vivid, and even people who didn't know how to appreciate it could understand about 70% of it.

In the mural, there was a man who suddenly appeared and worshipped in a big sect called "Baiyue Sect".

Since then, he has been practicing hard and won the first place in the sect competition. Not only did he win the favor of the beauty, but he also got a pill.

With the help of the pill, his cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds.

One day, perhaps because he was not satisfied with the ordinary hard practice, he bid farewell to the mountain gate, and at the same time bid farewell to his beloved, and embarked on the road of adventure.

In the following years, he went through several secret realms.

There are scenes of fighting monsters, fighting against common enemies, and snatching elixirs and herbs in life-and-death struggles.

After a thunderstorm, he finally condensed the golden elixir.

But when he returned to the sect, the person he loved had turned into dry bones.

The man was discouraged for a while, and then he set out on the road of seeking the truth again.

This time, he went further and faced more difficult challenges.

After countless life and death, he finally encountered the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation.

Later, in a search for opportunities, he happened to find an immortal cave and obtained a token from it.

This thing is called "Ascension Token"!

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