Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1157: Encountering the Immortal Ascension Order Again

Mo Xun's eyes fixed, it turns out that this thing really exists in the world! !

The main reason why he came to Yinjia Mountain was that he heard rumors about the Ascension Order from Fairy Yuehua.

He originally thought it was just a lie by the old witch, but it turned out to be true.

He hurriedly continued to look down, until he fixed his eyes on one of the murals, and his heart was shocked.

The third thunder tribulation!

The cultivator in the painting was actually going through the third thunder tribulation!

Its meaning is self-evident.

This person actually achieved the level of transformation!

This scene was too shocking.

Although Mo Xun had heard that in ancient times, the vitality of this world had not collapsed, and there were cultivators who had transformed into gods.

But rumors are just rumors after all!

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, the meaning is completely different.

But when he continued to look down, he found that the mural ended.

There was no ascension as rumored, and no channel connecting to the upper world appeared, just like that.

Mo Xun stepped into the secret room, trying to find out if there was any hidden formation or something like that.

He really wanted to know what happened to that person next and where he went.

But in the end, he found nothing!

"Senior Mo, maybe you can go to other side halls to have a look!"

Qian Si Niang's sudden reminder called Mo Xun out of his slightly anxious mood.

It's no wonder that he, who has always regarded himself as steady, would be so rude. No matter which cultivator of the One Heart Dao this matter is placed on, it will be difficult to restrain himself.

Isn't it for the last thunder tribulation that he has been running around for hundreds of years?

Now it's right in front of him, how can he be calm!

After a long time, he let out a long sigh.

Sometimes, the inner demon is born like this.

Anyone, even a saint who sees through everything in the world, always has a "stupid" word that they can't escape.

This is a "demon" and also a "barrier"!

This is impossible to get rid of!

If someone can say that he has no karma, then he is not a life, but a grain of dust wandering in the world.

"Let's go and have a look!"

After Mo Xun calmed down, he took Qian Si Niang away.

Next, he walked through the remaining two side halls on the left, but found nothing inside.

When he came to the majestic main gate of the main hall, Mo Xun did not stop, but went straight to another row of side halls on the right.

He had a hunch that the answer he wanted to know might be there.

Compared to exploring opportunities in the main hall, he was more concerned about the content behind the murals.

Pushing open a door, the layout inside was completely different from before.

First, there were two rows of stone sculptures of people kneeling on the ground, all in the same posture, worshiping devoutly towards an incense table at the farthest end.

On the incense table was a small wooden frame, a bit like it was used to hold treasures.

But now the wooden frame was empty, with nothing in it.

On the wall behind the incense table was a stone carving with two large characters engraved on it.

"Heaven and earth!"

The meaning of worshipping heaven and earth is obvious.

On both sides of the stone carving, there are two rows of maids standing, each holding a palace lantern in their hands, also carved with jade.

It is not lifelike, but it is quite solemn.

It gives people the feeling that this should be a ritual in the process of ascension.

But then again, how can there be a ritual for the ascension of a cultivator?

Mo Xun's heart moved. Could it be that the treasure originally placed on the incense table is the Ascension Order?

This is very likely!

According to Fairy Yuehua, the ancestor of the clan left this place because of this order, and he had a murderous intention against him.

With doubts, the two pushed open the door of the second side hall.

There are also kneeling stone carvings inside, but this time the object has been replaced by a vague man's back on the stone carving.

I think this person is the previous incarnation cultivator.

Mo Xun explored inside, but still did not find anything else.

It's normal to think about it. This place has been visited by countless cultivators for thousands of years. How could there be any left?

The third side hall was a little different.

The mural that Mo Xun had been thinking about appeared inside, but it had no connection with the previous one.

There was only one mural, and it was very large.

There was only one thing carved inside, which was a tree that looked extremely ancient.

The tree trunk was thick, and compared with the reference next to it, it looked like a small mountain.

The tree crown was lush, and countless vines and branches filled the entire wall, covering the sky and the sun, as if covering a piece of heaven and earth.

Mo Xun recognized this thing at first sight!

Fusang tree!

This made his thoughts return to the secret realm of the God's Tomb in Xihezhou.

In that secret realm, there was also such a divine tree. He was under this tree at the beginning, and he almost fell into the way of Zisheng Tianjun.

It is rumored that the Fusang tree connects the three realms!

From this, it can be seen that this tree is indeed inextricably linked to ascension.

Unfortunately, the situation was critical at that time, and the Fusang tree was connected to the netherworld, and the Yin Qi was attached to it, so it was impossible to take it out, otherwise he really wanted to break off a branch.

Pushing open the fourth secret room, Mo Xun's eyes immediately lit up.

Finally, the rest of the mural appeared.

But the more he looked down, the colder his heart became. At the end, he wanted to curse.

The first mural showed a man who had advanced to the state of transformation. Except for the falling of colorful spiritual clouds, there was no other strange phenomenon.

Then the other party took out the Ascension Order, and under his feet was a huge stone platform.

Mo Xun recognized it again at a glance. Isn't that the Ascension Platform?

Now, there is a piece of it in his green gourd.

In the mural, the man stands on the Ascension Platform, holding the Ascension Order in his hand, and there is the Fusang sacred tree behind him. He stands there quietly, as if waiting for a call.

But in the end, he returned empty-handed.

In anger, the man directly sacrificed his long sword and smashed the Ascension Platform.

Seeing this, Mo Xun probably understood that this so-called Ascension Platform was probably fake.

Because with his current ability, it was difficult to shake the stone platform.

It took a lot of effort to move it into the green gourd.

The man then traveled to many places, trying to find an opportunity to ascend, but there was no clue.

In the end, he had no choice but to build a Taoist temple here.

That is the origin of this Ascension Palace!

As for the stone men and beasts in the palace, as well as all the ritual objects related to ascension, they were all imagined by him.

This is just like a person who can't be an emperor, and he found a group of people at home to play house with him.

The key is, it was so realistic!

It almost made people believe it!

Even with Mo Xun's calm and indifferent personality, he couldn't help but get angry when he saw this.

Mo Xun took a deep breath again. The reason why he was teased like this was ultimately due to his own reasons.

On the other hand, Qian Si Niang, who was standing aside, did not show any emotional fluctuations from beginning to end.

However, after this experience, he did not gain nothing.

At least two rumors were verified again.

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