First, there were indeed monks who transformed themselves into gods in ancient times.

Secondly, if you want to ascend, in addition to the Ascension Platform and the Ascension Order, the Fusang Sacred Tree is still indispensable.

After visiting all the side halls, the two came to the most eye-catching main hall, which was in front of Feisheng Hall.

The crimson palace door is extremely majestic. Standing outside, it seems like you are facing a hill.

The sculptures on both sides are also towering and spectacular.

Coming here is like entering the land of giants.

Just when they thought it was not easy to enter the palace, no one expected that with just a slight push, a gap appeared in the huge door panel with a creak.

Then the gap got bigger and bigger.

A beam of light shines into it, gradually illuminating the dim world inside.

Mo Xun's first feeling was that it was empty.

This was indeed the case. There was nothing in the huge palace. It was not until the light completely illuminated the inside that he noticed that there was a ball of golden light in the innermost place.

The scope of the golden light was not large, only about a foot, and it was just floating quietly in the darkness. It seems particularly dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, the two people's eyes locked.

I could vaguely see a token wrapped in golden light that was exactly the same as the one in the previous mural.

It’s the Immortal Ascension Order!

After a long time, seeing that Mo Xun didn't say a word, Qian Siniang asked: "Senior Mo, what's wrong?"

Mo Xun frowned. Instead of intending to enter, he pulled Qian Siniang back two steps.

"Don't you think it's weird?"

"What's weird?"

Mo Xun sneered.

"I told you before that I was able to come here only because someone told me, and that person had been here thousands of years ago. If could there be anything here? remain?"

Qian Siniang reacted immediately.

Yes, even someone like her who is not interested in many foreign objects would not let it go easily if she saw a treasure.

"You mean there's danger here?"

Mo Xun nodded solemnly, but then shook his head.

"It's also possible that it's just an illusion that deceives us. This place is too special and cannot be explored with spiritual consciousness, so what we see with our eyes may not be true."

Qian Siniang had no adventure experience in this area, so she only felt like she was being taught.

What she doesn't know is that there are too many people in this world who fall into eternal disaster just because they cannot control themselves in the face of temptation.

After many years of adventure, Mo Xun would still hesitate for a moment even if he encountered a world-shattering treasure.

Maybe if you do this, you may miss the opportunity, but at least you won't lose your life.

In this regard, he has suffered a lot.

He waved his sleeves and a wind blade flew out of his palm.

The next moment, both of them were a little shocked.

Because after the wind blade shot into the palace, it suddenly disappeared like a mud cow into the sea, without even causing the slightest ripple in space.

The two looked at each other, and Qian Siniang's eyes finally showed solemnity.

There is indeed something strange here.

Mo Xun then palmed his hands, and there were multiple ropes in his palms.

He flicked it gently, and one end of the rope penetrated into the palace and flew towards the light ball floating in the distance.

But just after entering about ten feet, the rope stopped in mid-air, making it difficult to make any progress.

Then, a huge force came along the rope and was about to drag Mo Xun directly into the palace.

Fortunately, he reacted promptly and let go quickly.

After entering the palace, the rope miraculously disappeared.

The scene in front of him made Mo Xun break into a cold sweat.

Because at that moment, even though he was not prepared, the power coming from the rope made him feel palpitations.

He hurriedly took Qian Siniang back a few feet.

There seemed to be a powerful monster hidden here, fangs bared, waiting for them to jump in.

"Senior Mo, I think it's better to forget it..."

Under such circumstances, Qian Siniang immediately backed down.

People are always full of instinctive fear of the unknown.

Looking from a distance now, the huge red palace gate seems like a bloody mouth.

Mo Xun did not speak.

Although he looks cautious, he also has great courage.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to accumulate so many treasures over the years.

When you encounter an opportunity, you need to be cautious, but you can’t fight for it!

It's not his character to give up before trying hard enough.

Of course, how to fight is a technical matter.

Next, Mo Xun first walked around the palace, trying to find any traces of formation restrictions.

The first thing he thought of was the trap in this regard.

That mysterious power is probably some kind of defensive formation.

However, the spiritual consciousness is restricted here, and the entire palace is made of unknown materials, so it is impossible to find out what is going on.

Mo Xun asked Qian Siniang to step aside first, while he directly used the Tongbao Spear.

Since there is no way to start, we can only demolish this place.

After the rumble, the whole earth began to tremble.

The powerful spear hit the palace wall, and the mana was bounced back instantly.

The entire palace seemed to be wrapped in a hard formation barrier, with not even a single stone broken.

He tried several times in different places, but the result was the same.

In desperation, Mo Xun could only stop.

The owner of this palace has a much higher cultivation level than him.

When the other party built the palace, he must have expected to encounter an unruly destroyer like Mo Xun, so he made a perfect arrangement.

Mo Xun fell into deep thought for a while!

Since neither soft nor hard methods worked, he could only start with the original intention of this person to build the palace.

The other party was obviously a cultivator with a high level of cultivation, but in the end he was stuck at the step of ascension.

The biggest vision of this person after advancing to the God of Transformation was to leave this world.

He even spent so much effort to build the palace in front of him for the ceremony.

This is a bit like the mausoleum built by the emperor of the mortal world for his own death after his death, hoping to influence the world in some form and achieve the guidance of ascension.

So it is not an exaggeration to define this place as the mausoleum of that powerful cultivator.

According to this logic, who would want their place of ascension to be disturbed by others?

The key to the problem is here!

From discovering the entire palace area to entering it, he and Qian Si Niang were not blocked at all.

Even the magnificent palace gate in front of him seemed to have no defense at all.

It gave people the feeling that anyone could enter if they wanted to.

It could even be said that the owner of this place was eager for someone to find this place!

All these together showed that there was something strange inside.

In addition, the several attempts just now also confirmed this point.

When thinking of this, Mo Xun suddenly had a flash of lightning in his mind and thought of a possibility!

"Buried with him!"

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