Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1159 Trembling all over

But then, he frowned again.

If we follow this line of thought, the previous murals should not be carved in that way.

Instead, try to show the importance of the Ascension Order, so that those who see it will rush into the palace regardless of everything.

If the later comers know that even if they get the Ascension Order, they will eventually be unable to ascend like the people in the murals, then what is the point of coming?

What is the attraction of the Ascension Order in the palace as bait?

Qian Si Niang noticed that Mo Xun's eyebrows were jumping back and forth between stretching and frowning, and asked: "Senior Mo, is there something wrong?"

Mo Xun looked into the distance, and after a long silence, he spoke his thoughts.

Qian Si Niang nodded secretly while listening.

She thought that if it was her, she would not be able to associate so much.

She wanted to persuade the other party to leave this place again, but she finally shut up.

The senior Mo in front of her was too similar to her adoptive father Luo Qian in some aspects.

Often, once you have made up your mind, it is difficult to give up before you get a definite result.

Fortunately, her personality is more easy-going, and she doesn't take life and death matters lightly.

Since Senior Mo is obsessed with this, she wants to do her best to help.

Especially after receiving Mo Xun's life-saving grace many times, she has already regarded this life as his.

With this change of mentality, she immediately followed Mo Xun's thoughts and thought about it.

Not to mention, it really made her think of a possibility.

"Senior Mo, you said before that before we came here, someone else had been here, so could the changes here be caused by the later intruders?"

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

This idea seems to explain some problems.

Perhaps according to the original owner's original arrangement, this place should be closed.

For example, the entire palace area was originally hidden in the formation, like a mausoleum buried underground.

But later someone discovered this place and broke the outer formation, so it was revealed.

It's like a tomb robber exposed the location!

This possibility is not non-existent, but very large.

Just like the hidden medicine garden that Mo Xun opened before, isn't it the same?

And the abnormality in the Ascension Hall at this moment can be attributed to the anti-theft measures left by the original owner.

After being visited by later visitors, a special defense was opened.

This explanation... seems a bit far-fetched!

At least it can't explain why the Ascension Hall uses the "Ascension Order" as bait.

Anyone who has seen the murals has actually greatly reduced their interest in it.

It can even be said that if nothing is put in it, the effect may be better.

This is like trying to cover up the truth, childish and clumsy.

In any case, Mo Xun still plans to dig out the conspiracy here first.

"Si Niang, wait for me here, I'll be back soon!"

He arranged Qian Si Niang in a square far away from the palace, and rushed down the mountain all the way to the place full of space storms again.

As soon as he left the barrier that separated the two spaces, a space crack came.

Mo Xun hurriedly dodged, and then two black crystals fell out of thin air.

He raised his hand and took them all into his sleeves.

It turned out to be the "Demon Crystal"!

I don't know if it was good luck, or the closer to the palace area, the greater the chance of the Demon Crystal appearing, I didn't expect to get two at once.

Then, several figures rushed in from all directions.

After a few breaths, a purple-winged bird suddenly swooped down from the sky and headed straight for Mo Xun.

Mo Xun secretly shouted that it was just right. He came here to hunt a few monsters.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, and suddenly a huge golden palm condensed in the void.

When the purple-winged beast was about to fall, he pressed its throat steadily and accurately.

Amid the wailing sound, Mo Xun successively cast dozens of prohibitions on it and threw it into the spirit beast bag.

This was obviously also a demon beast that had been forcibly improved by the Heavenly Demon Crystal. It looked intimidating, but in the face of true strength, it could not even resist a single move.

Then, another blood-marked spider half a person's height also quickly crawled over.

Mo Xun flew out a spiritual knife, which stunned it on the spot.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he also put it into the spirit beast bag.

And from other directions, there was also a spotted lion and an armored lizard.

The two guys were obviously intelligent. After seeing Mo Xun so neatly solve the demon beasts of the same level as them, they immediately stopped.

Then they turned around and fled!

Mo Xun was too lazy to chase him. The two beasts just now were enough.

Back to the palace square, Qian Si Niang stood there quietly.

Although she was worried, she did not move around casually.

The two came to the Ascension Palace again. The gap of the door that was originally opened was still open.

Mo Xun first took out the purple-winged bird and threw it in directly.

The bird was pitch black. Its original cultivation should be at level seven, but it was forcibly raised to level nine by the Sky Demon Crystal.

At this level, it should be able to transform.

But perhaps because it absorbed the turbid demonic energy inside the Sky Demon Crystal, the original ability to transform disappeared.

As soon as the bird entered the palace, it struggled in panic and showed extreme panic.

It seemed that it was facing some kind of terrifying existence.

Mo Xun noticed this detail immediately.

He had been thinking that the entire palace area was not blocked from the outside world, but no ferocious beasts appeared here.

This was obviously abnormal!

The only explanation was that there was danger here, and even the ninth-level monsters did not dare to approach easily.

After struggling fiercely for a few times, the bird suddenly became quiet.

Then, it slowly crawled and bowed to the light circle in the air.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun and Qian Si Niang were both stunned.

Especially Mo Xun, even if he now thought that his cultivation was not low, it was not a big problem to control a monster in a short time, but it was a bit troublesome to control it to bow its head and kneel.

At least Mo Xun felt that he could not do it.

Not long after, the bird disappeared in front of the two of them little by little, as if it was teleported to another place.

Qian Si Niang had never seen such a strange thing, and the more she looked, the more frightened she was, and she hid behind Mo Xun unconsciously.

Then, Mo Xun took out the spotted spider and threw it in as well.

The process presented was similar to that of the previous bird. After struggling for a few times, it showed an extremely quiet and pious state.

In less than a cup of tea, it disappeared.

"Senior Mo, I think we should leave!"

Qian Si Niang was really a little scared. Even she, who was not afraid of death, felt trembling all over.

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