Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1160 Lan Xin and the Incarnation

This is so weird!

Anyone who sees the scene in front of them will feel terrified.

But Mo Xun calmed down instead, because the moment the two monsters disappeared, he felt obvious mana fluctuations.

Since it is magic power, no matter how bizarre it is, it is not impossible to explain it with common sense.

It seems that the so-called weirdness just now was probably controlled by someone inside!

Thinking of this, he quickly retreated with Qian Siniang until they reached the square.

Immediately afterwards, he was seen taking out the Tongbao Gun again and dancing wildly in the square.

Powerful mana swept out along with the force of the gun, falling like raindrops around the square.

With the roar, the huge square was instantly stirred up into smoke and dust, and countless gravels flew everywhere.

Then, he opened his mouth and vomited.

Dozens of flying swords flew out of his belly, drawing silver tracks in the air and landing on the stone sculptures around the square in disorder.

The shadows of the swords intertwined, and the sword edges swept across.

In an instant, all the sculptures were smashed to pieces by the sword energy.

The originally majestic square suddenly turned into ruins!

This was the first time Mo Xun used this set of flying swords since they were made.

Unexpectedly, it was not to kill the enemy, but just to cause some damage.

Qian Siniang hid aside, filled with surprise.

At first, she didn't understand why Senior Mo was destroying those buildings like crazy. It wasn't until wisps of blue light gradually rose from all around that she realized that the area where the entire palace was located was a huge magic circle. .

As the square was razed to the ground and the side halls collapsed one by one, the hidden formations that were originally hidden in the void were gradually revealed.

Dozens of weak light pillars soared into the sky and merged into a huge net in the sky, enveloping the Ascension Hall.

Although Qian Siniang didn't understand the formation, she reacted very well at this time.

When the smoke and dust settled, the surroundings returned to calm.

The world in front of him turned into a world supported by blue light pillars.

The Feisheng Palace is located among those light pillars!

It's just that the palaces and pavilions are obviously different from before.

First of all, the heads of the two alien beast sculptures guarding the door hung down strangely, and moved a distance to the left and right, completely opening the way to the palace gate.

Cracks appeared on the impenetrable wall.

It seems that with one shot, the palace can collapse.

Slowly, the surrounding light beams began to dim until they finally disappeared.

The palace door, which had only been opened by a crack just now, suddenly opened, exposing everything hidden inside.

I saw that the originally empty hall was now full, with monsters everywhere.

Some have already transformed, but most still maintain their animal form.

Like a flaming mole, a scaly civet cat, a giant deer with white stripes...

Birds and beasts, it can be said that there is everything.

The purple-winged beast and striped spider that disappeared not long ago are also among them!

But what surprised Mo Xun and Qian Siniang was that all those monsters were sitting or standing on the same spot, with some black crystals placed in front of them.

It's the Heavenly Demon Crystal!

Wisps of black aura emanated from the spar and entered the monster's body.

There is a transparent silk thread on the top of each monster's head, extending to an invisible place, densely packed like a spider web.

It feels like these beasts are being controlled by something.

In addition to various monsters, there are also several human monks mixed in.

Mo Xun also saw two familiar figures, it was Lan Xin and his demonic incarnation.

In an instant, his eyes narrowed.

It turns out that the two of them are really here, and judging from the situation in front of them, they have obviously been trapped for a long time.

The expressions on their faces were dull, and there was no sparkle in their pupils. They were like two puppets, mechanically absorbing the demonic energy from the crystal stones.

No need to think at this moment, Mo Xun roughly guessed what was going on.

This Ascension Hall should be occupied by a powerful being.

After occupying the magpie's nest, the opponent not only cleverly controlled the formation here, but also trapped all those who broke into the palace.

Or to be precise, it should be called manipulation.

Control them to absorb the demonic energy from the Heavenly Demonic Crystal, and then be used by it in some way.

Although Mo Xun didn't know why this happened, it was certain that the person who could set up such a situation was certainly not simple.

The only thing that worries him now is whether the other party is in the Ascension Palace right now.

He guessed that he was probably not there. After all, he made such a big noise and no one came to stop him.

To say that this situation was arranged by the master of the palace, Mo Xun denied it immediately.

It must not have been long since the appearance of the Heavenly Demon Crystal, otherwise he would have gotten some clues from Fairy Yuehua.

As well as the space cracks that were everywhere, he had never heard of them at all when he was in Qiutian City.

"Senior Mo..."

At this time, Qian Siniang also noticed the two Lan Xin in the palace.

Especially when he saw the face that was the same as Mo Xun's, he was a little stunned.

She first looked at the palace, then turned to look at Senior Mo on the side.

For a moment, she thought that Mo Xun had entered the palace without her noticing.

She knew Lan Xin, and it was this woman who took off her clothes.

The other party probably didn't know until now that she was actually awake at the time.

But because she was afraid of exposing her strength and identity, she let a woman do whatever she wanted to her.

But what she didn't know was that Mo Xun was also secretly watching at that time.

"That's one of my incarnations!"

Mo Xun briefly explained and didn't say anything else.

Now that he found Lan Xin and the incarnation, he must rescue them.

But after the previous test, he naturally wouldn't go in rashly.

Destroying the entire square and those sculptures is nothing more than destroying the formation base, revealing the hidden formation in the palace.

But the attacking power inside must still exist.

Otherwise, those monsters and Lan Xin and others would not be still awake until now.

Although Qian Si Niang has already formed a pill, she has only been in contact with cultivation for a short time. She used to follow Luo Qian to cultivate her body, so she naturally didn't know much about the law cultivation, so she didn't understand what an incarnation is.

But seeing that Mo Xun was lost in thought, he didn't ask more questions.

At this moment, the ground beneath his feet suddenly shook.

Mo Xun was startled, but he didn't care what happened, so he grabbed Qian Si Niang and retreated to the side.

A crack suddenly appeared in the center of the square that had become a ruin, and a black light shot out from it.

The shaking lasted only a few breaths, and then it fell into calm again.

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