Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1161: The Gate of Heaven Opens

After waiting for a long time, the two finally came to the crack.

Looking down, Mo Xun's heart skipped a beat.

Under the shallow crack in the ground, a ball of black fog was floating.

There was not much black fog, and it could be penetrated at a glance.

Inside, a black spiritual tablet was quietly suspended in the air.

It was easy to guess that this thing was the real immortal order!

Mo Xun jumped down and held it in his hand.

The token felt very cold and heavy. It looked small, about a little longer than the palm.

There was a cloud pattern on the front, and four small characters were engraved on the back.

The gate of heaven was open!

As soon as he got the thing, Mo Xun felt his heartbeat speed up a bit.

He could easily agree to let the Holy Spirit hide in the devil's way, on the one hand to gain benefits for the newly established Tianjian Sect, and on the other hand, it was this token.

Ever since he got the Ascension Platform, he has been thinking about ascending to the upper realm.

There is no other thing in the world that can make him so excited.

Although it is known from the murals that the Ascension Order may only hide the secret of ascending to the upper realm, getting this thing does not mean that he can really ascend.

But no matter what, these decades of magic journey have been considered complete.

"It turns out that there is such a thing in the world..." He murmured to himself, as if asking about the token.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent shaking under his feet.

He turned around suddenly and saw that the originally magnificent palace behind him began to collapse little by little. The whole barrier seemed to be experiencing a ground dragon turning over.

This is indeed the case!

In the crumbling Ascension Palace, a dragon roar was faintly heard.

Mo Xun frowned, took a step forward, and came to Qian Si Niang's side.

Without saying much, he dragged her back thousands of feet.

For some reason, he actually heard a familiar sound in the dragon's roar.

He couldn't help but have a bad premonition in his heart.

As the earth shook, the first to collapse were the dozen white jade pillars in front of the palace.

Amid the rumbling, two huge sculptures also fell down.

The majestic palace dome could not bear the support, and after a few breaths, it finally fell down with a bang, stirring up thick smoke and dust, covering a range of thousands of feet.

In the smoke and dust, a green light was looming, like a green ribbon, shuttling back and forth in the thick smoke.

Another dragon roar sounded, this time, it actually brought a frightening fluctuation of mana.

Mo Xun was surprised and confused at the same time.

How could there be a dragon in this place?

Could it be that this ascension dojo was not built by ancient monks at all, but a real dragon?

Before he could think more, an unprecedented strong pressure surged from all directions like the sea, shocking Mo Xun's face.

This pressure made him suddenly change from a land immortal who dominated the fate of the world to a lonely boat in the sea.

As his face changed, Mo Xun quickly displayed a six-foot golden light, surrounding himself and Qian Si Niang with a circle of solid golden shield.

Even so, it seemed to be a step slow.

He suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body seemed to be tightly grasped by an invisible big hand.

Qian Si Niang fainted at the first moment because of the pressure.

Mo Xun opened his mouth and summoned the Tongtian Demon Tower, holding on to the huge pressure from the outside world.

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