Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1162: Encountering the Green Dragon Again

The golden pagoda lingered around him, as if it had stripped the entire space from the outside world.

The pressure exerted on him was also relieved.

While taking a breath, a green light flashed in his hand, and he quickly sent Qian Si Niang into the green gourd.

But the next moment, the pressure suddenly increased, and the golden pagoda surrounding his head shattered like glass!

Pieces of golden fragments fell from the sky, and before they hit the ground, they turned into dots of golden light.

In the golden light, Mo Xun had already made a gesture with his hands, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

At that critical moment, he finally used a five-element escape technique.

At the same time, the pressure seemed to be real, and it hit the ground heavily. A huge deep pit suddenly appeared on the square that was already devastated.

As the smoke and dust on the ruins of the palace gradually dissipated, the green light that was swimming in the dust and smoke just now slowly revealed its original form.

After seeing the true face of the thing, Mo Xun, who had just stabilized his body in the distance, was shocked.

He saw a huge dark green dragon hovering in the sky.

No, to be precise, it should be a dragon!

The green dragon's body was about ten feet thick and hovering in the clouds. It was at least a hundred feet long, covering the sky and blocking the sun, which was extremely visually impactful.

With the appearance of the green dragon, the originally clear sky was also covered with dark clouds in an instant.

The green dragon's pair of red eyes as big as buckets were staring at Mo Xun, as if looking down at an ant from high in the sky.

What surprised Mo Xun was not the size of the green dragon.

It was not the unfathomable cultivation, but that he actually recognized this dragon.

To be honest, this was the third time he had met this green dragon.

The first time was when he first entered Xihezhou and entered the abandoned attic in the ancient ruins.

This thing was suppressed in it, and he almost fell into the trap of this beast.

But in the end, he cheated a copy of "Five Turns of Hunyuan Gong" from this guy.

It was with this technique that he was able to enter the golden elixir.

But later, probably because he broke the seal, he released this beast by chance.

The second time was when he came back from Xihezhou. This dragon suddenly appeared, forcing him to use the boundary-breaking talisman and enter the interface void. After experiencing countless life and death, he finally returned to Huanyunyuan.

And it was because of this incident that his golden elixir was shattered and he could only force the formation of a baby.

Perhaps it was not his fate, so he escaped from death again, and it was a blessing in disguise.

Originally thought that after breaking the space between the two realms, only he returned to Dongshengzhou, who knew that this guy also followed.

And he also came to the devil's way!

The fate in the world is really hard to explain!

He suddenly remembered a rumor he had heard in Qiu Tiancheng.

It is said that a few decades ago, a green dragon was a disaster in the Demonic Realm. At that time, many Yuanying-stage strongmen were dispatched to besiege it, and it was seriously injured.

When he heard about this, he was still confused in his heart, and he thought about this dragon.

Who would have thought that the prophecy would come true.

In a flash, he figured out a lot of causes and consequences in an instant.

This green dragon probably fled here after being injured, occupied this place, and mastered the restrictions in the palace.

Coincidentally, at this time, the ancient teleportation array was opened, and countless Sky Demon Crystals flowed into this world.

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