This green dragon was also destined to die by fate, and wanted to use the Heavenly Demon Crystal to recover and heal its wounds.

The sluggish monsters and human monks in the palace were all controlled by it in some way and indirectly became its slaves!

To be more specific, it should be to extract what he needs from the Heavenly Demon Crystal.

Looking at the majestic dark green dragon high in the sky in the distance, Mo Xun only panicked for a moment and then immediately calmed down.

He could feel that this dragon seemed to be weaker than what he had seen before.

It must have been the trauma caused by those Nascent Souls of the Demonic Path, which still haven't recovered.

But in general, this green dragon is a level ten monster after all. Even if it is seriously injured, it is not something he, a monk who has just advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, can contend with.

It's definitely not possible to carry it out forcefully. The plan for now is to find an opportunity to escape.

Then, his eyes fell on Jiajia and Lan Xin below the palace.

Before leaving, he must take the two of them away.

It's a pity that at this moment, probably because of the long-term interruption of the mental connection with the incarnation, no matter how he calls, he can't get in touch with him.

As for Lan Xin, her expression was dull, like a walking corpse.

At this moment, a vigorous and powerful voice echoed between heaven and earth.

The sound was like the ringing of an ancient copper bell. Although it was not very loud, it made people feel dizzy when it reached their ears.

"It's you again, junior. It seems that I am really destined to you. When I was in Xihezhou, you escaped from the space crack. Not only did you not die in the space storm, I didn't expect that you would condense into Yuan in just a few decades. Ying, and you are cultivating so fast, I think you, a human, must have quite a secret, but it doesn't matter, I will study it in detail after I have cramped your skin."

Speaking of which, this green dragon was able to see the light of day again, thanks to Mo Xun.

But in the eyes of this beast, not only was there no gratitude, but there was also a strong murderous intention.

The reason is very simple. Ever since he has dealt with Mo Xun, no matter how high his cultivation level is, he has never taken advantage of him.

Not only that, he was teased again and again.

As the superior Mojiao clan, this is unforgivable!

Moreover, there is already a huge hatred between it and the human race.

If it weren't for human monks back then, it wouldn't have been suppressed for tens of thousands of years!

It should be noted that it was the wastage of tens of thousands of years that caused it to miss the opportunity to ascend to the upper world.

Now that the world has changed, returning to this continent is no longer the original place of cultivation.

As spiritual energy became increasingly scarce, the passage to ascension was closed an unknown number of years ago.

This mundane land seemed to have become an abandoned barren place.

Although as a dragon, it still has some longevity, but because the path to ascension is cut off, one day, it will sleep here forever.

This is unacceptable to it!

The tenth level monster is already considered the pinnacle of cultivation in this world.

No matter how many treasures it finds in the future, it will not be able to break through the shackles on its realm.

In addition, due to the oppression of heaven and earth, it has to maintain a state of penance at all times.

Otherwise, the spiritual energy in its body will gradually dissipate, its realm will gradually decrease, and its lifespan will also slowly decrease.

Perhaps it will be defeated first before this world is completely desolated and the spiritual energy dissipates completely.

Although it does not belong to the mythical beast family, it should not end up like this!

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