Mo Xun was about to speak when he heard a series of metal collision sounds.

He frowned and condensed the blood and energy around him even more. The six-zhang golden light on his body looked like a golden Buddha from a distance.

He suddenly realized that he only had a Buddhist body, but seemed to lack the Buddhist skills to match it.

Otherwise, the Arhat golden body plus the Buddhist magic power would definitely achieve unexpected results.

He sneered.

"Hehe, Green Dragon, your little tricks are not enough to make me afraid to stop. Do you know that the battle in Xihezhou almost destroyed my foundation? It would be fine if I didn't look for you all these years, but you were so aggressive. Even if I found your trace before, I just wanted to rescue these two people, and never thought of planning any of your treasures..."

Mo Xun said as he released Lan Xin and the incarnation from his sleeves.

Generally speaking, he rarely talks nonsense during a fight.

Unless you want to delay time without confidence!

This is his plan now.

Although he is somewhat confident in his own strength, he thinks that even if he continues to fight, the opponent may not be able to really do anything to him.

But even so, he still wants to play it safe.

After all, he doesn't want to see him get seriously injured.

As he spoke, he took out the string of bells.

"How about this, you remove this illusion first, and when I am sure I can leave safely, I will return this thing to you, but if you act rashly again, don't blame me for destroying it."

In just a few breaths, he condensed a circle of wave-like spiritual consciousness barriers in the invisible places around him.

This kind of barrier can not only detect the sudden crisis in time, but also has a simple defensive effect.

That is, Mo Xun's spiritual consciousness is not strong enough now, otherwise he can transform into a formation flag and arrange the spiritual consciousness formation invisibly.

If the green dragon observes carefully, he will probably be surprised again.

In the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, he was already able to use his spiritual consciousness to this extent. Even many late-stage great cultivators might not be able to do this.

At the same time, Mo Xun quietly released his clone and sank into the void.

However, after hearing these words, the green dragon became even more angry.

The reason for this anger was not because Mo Xun threatened him with his treasure, but because of that name.

Although it was originally a member of the Mo Jiao clan, it usually hated being called a Jiao.

This was also the biggest pain it had experienced since its cultivation for thousands of years.

It was only one claw away from the dragon clan, but it was given the name of "Jiao" and was excluded from the divine beasts.

There are countless people who worship "dragons" in the world, but I have never heard of anyone worshipping the Mo Jiao clan.

It is also a pity!

The green dragon snorted coldly, and the sound shook the four directions.

"It seems that you want to fight to the death with me!"

As for the threat from Mo Xun, it was not worried at all.

The purple-gold bell is said to be a spiritual treasure from the Chaos Period. If it can be easily destroyed, it would be a miracle.

"Well, I will kill you here today even if I have practiced for a thousand years."

After that, the sound of metal collision became stronger and stronger, rumbling, as if the sky and the earth were rubbing against each other.

Then, iron chains as thick as bowls flew from all directions.

There were dozens or even hundreds of them!

The harsh sound of the iron chains almost shattered the eardrums.

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