Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1170 Soul-Catching Rope

The next moment, the world suddenly darkened.

Looking carefully, it turned out that the thick iron chains sealed Mo Xun's front, back, left and right tightly, forming an airtight iron chain wall.

Before he could react, a strong gust of wind hit him, and an iron chain struck directly at the protective golden light around Mo Xun like a whip.

There was a clang, a harsh metal collision sound.

The dazzling golden light behind Mo Xun also dimmed a lot under this iron whip.

Before Mo Xun could take a breath, countless whip shadows flashed around him, heading towards the golden light.

As for Mo Xun, naturally he would not sit back and wait for death.

I saw that he had already summoned the Nebula Sword, and the stream of light flickered, creating a circle of silver light.

The bloodthirsty sword in his hand swung rapidly, emitting streaks of bright sword light.

I don’t know what the iron chain is made of. After encountering Qian Huan Sword and Nebula Sword, apart from a slight slowdown in speed, there was no trace left on its surface.

At this time, the sound of the green dragon's gnashing teeth echoed in his ears again.

"I advise you to save some effort. Although my Soul-Seducing Rope is of mediocre power, it is taken from an incredible spiritual weapon. In terms of its hardness, even a cultivator who transforms into gods will be unable to use it if he sees it. ..... Hahaha... But this is just an appetizer, the fun is yet to come. You are the person who asked me to use that secret technique for the second time since I escaped and ascended to heaven. As a You should feel lucky to be in the middle stage of Nascent Soul!"

Mo Xun didn't take that "second time" seriously, but at the moment, he felt a little unsure of what to do.

But to say panic is not enough.

He was already used to being trapped.

Since neither the Nebula Sword nor the Bloodthirsty Sword worked, he immediately used the Xuantian True Fire.

The moment the white red beetle rushed out of his body, the surrounding temperature immediately rose rapidly.

The searing heat seemed to melt even the space.

The dark ice chains looked increasingly cold and gloomy in the white fire.

In just a dozen breaths, those iron chains were burned red, but even so, there was still no sign of melting and fading.

The Xuantian fire burns everything!

This sentence is, after all, just an exaggerated rumor.

If there really is such a sharp divine thing in this world, then why bother practicing? You just hold the torch and burn it wherever you go!

But he saw Xuan Tianhuo in front of him, constantly changing forms.

For a moment it turned into a white flame sword, and for a moment it turned into a silver giant axe, chopping down on the iron chain with a rumble.

But the final result was just causing tremors in the surrounding area.

"Huh? There is actually Xuantian Heavenly Fire, and it has reached the level of White Flame Heavenly Fire. It seems that you, a human monk, have a lot of opportunities. Not only have you almost reached the pinnacle of this world in just over two hundred years, but you also have treasures on your body. There are more and more. I originally thought that wasting thousands of years of cultivation was not worth the gain, but looking at it now, I might get unexpected surprises from you. "

After finishing speaking, the wild laughter of the green dragon came to my ears.

At this moment, Lan Xin, who was protected by Mo Xun behind her, fluttered her eyelashes.

Mo Xun noticed the movement immediately, and he couldn't help but feel happy, and he quickly communicated with his mind about the situation of the incarnation.

Sure enough, he finally sensed the spiritual consciousness that had remained in his incarnation.

With the help of the incarnation, although it may not have much positive effect, it is still an additional method.

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